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Everything posted by AdmiralCochrane

  1. I've built a few for less than $20 at times. It's possible to make a functional vertical antenna for even less.
  2. With a scanner or SDR receiver you can find Fixed Stations transmitting data streams in my area
  3. Sometimes you are too generous. I don't know where you find the time.
  4. Even more simplified: if you were standing out in the clear would you see the repeater antenna with a telescope? Would you see the person with the HT without a telescope?
  5. Probably more than half are using them without a license.
  6. Thank you Miss Emily Litella
  7. Knife edge refraction works best with hard surfaces, esp on UHF (GMRS is in the UHF range). Large, hard deep rocks are more likely to give knife edge than soft soils.
  8. This is probably the best one for original poster https://www.repeaterbook.com/gmrs/details.php?state_id=42&ID=84 I think the idiot was on .675
  9. But ignore that one in southern PA. He will be quick to tell you it is his personal repeater and you do not have permission to use it. I was below Cecilton one day and he was giving someone hell for keying up on it.
  10. Agreed. Changing existing frequency use to narrow band is a fantasy because there is too much existing equipment that people will not discard just because the FCC changes rules. If the FCC allows any proprietary digital protocol in GMRS I would forever suspect bribes were paid.
  11. Your brother's antenna wire length and quality might not be as good as yours. Total coax length is important on GMRS. Unless his radio is right under that 20 ft antenna height, he may need LMR400 equivalent as well.
  12. I am interested in trying NVIS, but much of what I read about it says it is DIFFICULT. That won't stop me from trying
  13. I'm sorry I don't remember the model of the Diamond antenna on my vehicle. It is a fold over, but it has a locking collar that has to turn 3 full turns to release. Basically impossible to be folded by road wind. I did have some trouble with the cheap coax end on the coax that came with it, it was slightly undersized and if I hit a tree branch the whole antenna fell off the truck. Until I replaced it with a proper end, I kept a safety string attached to the antenna so when it decoupled, it was still where I could find it.
  14. Never thought of that. Also neglected to understand capacitance load of plain open circuit paired wires until I watched a Youtube by AlphaPhoenix challenging people to predict the action of electron flow in a DC branch circuit with open and closed branches.
  15. On 2m I have heard ducting all times of the year when the approaching weather front was STRONG, from maybe 14 hours before the storm until an hour before.
  16. 65cm is damn close to 70cm. My antenna is under 1.8 swr all across both bands.
  17. Popup blocker stopped me from reading it live, but it was downloadable. My comment: New enforcement nightmare. Just because people should be licensed to be legal doesn't mean they will be. If this was approved, within 2 months a new Baofeng GMRS+ would be on Amazon and about 3% of users under the new rules would hold + licenses.
  18. I think I have the same antenna that is on the back on the back of my Wrangler. I had it on the top of my ladder rack on my big Ford van for a while.
  19. I feel the urge to ... no, never mind
  20. Me too. I'm still disappointed.
  21. About once a day a freebander drives past my house on the busy highway yelling "Audio, audio, audio!" coming in on my stereo speakers and TV sound bar.
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