There is a TYT TH-9800D in my shack. There is also a junker in storage in my basement. I bought the junker first at a bargain price on eBay because the seller admitted one side of it didn't work. I liked the way the half radio worked well enough that I bought a new one with the eBay extended electronics warranty. If you watch on eBay, you see more than a few with problems selling as used junk. My new 9800 came with FCC compliant programming, but with paper instructions on how to unlock (it works ok on 11m too ?). The Anytone 578 can be unlocked as well, but you have to do a search engine scavenger hunt to find the process and codes. The 578 is actually a triband radio but on 1.25m it's limited to 6 watts which works for me because there are at least 3 1.25m repeaters in range of my location. It also does GPS and APRS, so it's a lot more than just a dual band DMR.