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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. Once you register there are a few posts from folks that have this setup on solar. Do a search once joined.
  2. Most common issue with repeaters is too much power and desense. In the LMR world we installed alot of 15-20 watt repeaters that covered alot of the county. LOS is king. If your entire fleet is 3-4 watt portables there is absolutely no reason to install a 50 watt repeater. We spent lots of time balancing the systems we installed to be close to the subscriber. It eliminates false expectations and user interactions. A decent antenna will make all the difference. Sorry but an Ed Fong and a DB404 is night and day. a DB404 with a RT97 on a good site with proper RF line would be a great combination.
  3. I am guessing you missread the DTMF. I say this as the call you listed is for 948.00MHZ. Being your on a not so good radio it could be interfearance/intermod or some other off frequency channel. If your receiving on frequency I'd verify the call again. As for code 0. Thats Carrier Squelch. Most repeaters ID with no PL so they dont bother users who use PL. Not sure where in Texas you are but many repeaters on the 725 frequency. https://mygmrs.com/browse?name=&location=&state=TX&frequency=725&output_tone=&input_tone=&type=&ori=&travel=&sort=State&step=25
  4. As stated digital is not permitted on GMRS.
  5. Did you look at the map - https://mygmrs.com/map/#/
  6. For Part 90 gear I would recommend a good used MTR2000. They made high and low power and they are pretty solid. I also ran a Kenwood TKR850 for a bit which was solid for my limited use.
  7. MY guess is they are using simplex on the frequency for truck to truck or other comms. Doubt they have a license.
  8. As said way too much stuff for a control/dispatcher. First option as mentioned is a legacy console of some sort then local control or 4W to the radios. If your only looking for a "light" you could do on the MSI gear with the COR on the 16 pin. I have done this in the past on certain radios for other uses. You would need a relay, 16 pin accessory kit, power source and indicator but can be done. Personally I'd search for a console.
  9. Carry my APX all the time. Just drop in carry on bag and leave there until you get off. As said verify battery types are allowed on aircraft.
  10. I guess I'll say right tool for the job which really doesn't explain it I know. I run the Midland MTX275 in both my jeeps along with my APX mobiles. My APX does have GMRS in it for my repeaters and the standard repeater channels. It also has tons of public safety (what it is intended for). The reason I have the midlands in the Jeeps are simple. When I went to the last Jeep Jamboree the channels were posted for each trail. It was way easier to turn on the midland and go to Channel 6 on day 1 than to figure out what frequency (Oh and BTW my APX only has the standard repeater channels, none of the FRS/GMRS low power ones). While I can add other channels to the APX if I'm crawling around under the jeep hooking up a winch cable or tow strap I'd much rather loose my $50 Motorola Talk About than my APX portable. For me 99% of the time if I'm on a repeater I am on my APX in one of my Jeeps or work truck. If I'm on a jeep ride or at a campground the Talk About and Midland does the job just fine. I actually had the Midland MTX400 in my motorhome before the jeeps got radios. With the on board repeater its nice to grab a HT and ride around a campground or race track and not worry about loosing a radio. When I do SAR and work stuff I definitely have my APX close by....
  11. In the RSS under mode you should be able to select High or Low Power - Select low power and if its the 45 watt radio that should drop it to 25 if I remember correctly. Been a while since I used my R1225.
  12. Not exactly sure the location so can't look at the terrain. I can say the Rt97 would be an ideal solar/battery repeater. As long as you have the terrain to get it to a higher point it would work great. I run onei n my motorhome now and its a nice little simple setup for a small group of users. At the race tracks I can get majority of the grounds with no issues. I did use it at a state park and got about 15 miles from the MH on my mobile (Motorhome up on a hill). If commercial repeater is the route get a GR1225 and spin it down to 25 watts and its a good little package.
  13. Software will continue to work. You just wont be able to download any new updates or versions.
  14. Buy a Inreach or other SAT device. GMRS is not what you need.
  15. You'd be better off just running the cable thru the wall and sealing it up. You will have loss in the connectors and bulkhead connector.
  16. Nope. Painted hundreds over the years
  17. You may not hear a repeater tail. I actually have mine all off. YMMV.
  18. I run the MTX series in both my jeeps. I have yet to run into an issue with repeaters or simplex. With that said throw the antenna in the trash that comes with it and put a real NMO mount in the vehicle. If the repeaters are good repeaters at good locations you should not have much trouble.
  19. The XPR is built like an old school radio. Its basically got 2 mobile radios inside with special firmware. Alot of times they burn up the TX radio so guys swap them around. All the ones we had went thru an external PA to keep the radios from. I'd probably grab the R1225 before an XPR for GMRS. The only + the XPR will allow is DMR on Ham and Commercial channels.
  20. My guess is they picked 3 for the reason no one needs a license for bubble pack radios. If it was 50 watts now SAR users would need a license on top of the person in trouble.
  21. MY point was people jump on here and say i can't hear folks, can't get repeaters cant find friends. Thats not what GMRS was ever intended for. Yes some areas have groups but 95% of the GMRS systems are for a certain user group. Ever since this entire merge with FRS its gotten worse and worse. I dont know why people think they can go buy a radio and start calling for people to answer. If your looking to get into clubs or chat with new users great but most of the areas that wont happen. I have GMRS to talk to my users on MY repeater. I also use GMRS (more FRS) on Jeep rides to talk to the guy in front or behind me and thats it. I dont expect to just jump on the radio and call up folks.
  22. GMRS is not about finding contacts and chatting with others. Its more of a service for families and such. There is a major disconnect between users thinking GMRS is like ham radio.
  23. I doubt LF&G is using first net for radio traffic. Maybe cell phones but not for radios. Louisiana has a statewide radio system that the game wardens are on. I can't imagine every site in the state was down if they needed it. Maybe during a hurricane some sites are down but in that area sure they have hardened public safety stuff.
  24. There is absolutely no reason they can not charge a monthly fee to help maintain equipment or cover tower lease fees. I know Attica repeater coverage is exceptional. In the past I had a group of folks that used my repeater and not official but we all pitched in for the electric and tower space. Its not free everywhere. Our SAR team pays $35.00 a month for electric at a site we use for 2 UHF repeaters and APRS. Money has to come from some place. My repeaters ae closed for this reason. I pay to maintain and put them up. You want free get your ham radio ticket and go use them.
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