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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. The issue with GMRS20 is what defines 20. My license doesn't show GMRS 20. So for many of us with true GMRS radios we only have 8 GMRS only channels. I get the idea but not all radios are programmed identical. I know they should be but not always....
  2. Officially I think there are few running DMR. Unofficially there are a ton running DMR on GMRS. I hear it all the time while traveling over the east coast. I think the majority are unlicensed and being no one does anything about it will continue. Not saying its right but it happens daily. I would like to get one in P25 on the air in the near future.
  3. Its a waiver on everyones license however many do not read it nor care and do their own thing anyway... "Effective 2/16/99 the GMRS rules have been amended and you may operate on any of the primary or interstitial channels shown in section 95.1763. Exception: Licensees who operate North of Line A and East of Line C may not operate on channels 462.650 MHZ,467.650 MHZ, 462.700 MHZ and 467.700 MHZ unless your previous license authorized such operations." So 462.650 and 462.700 are not to be used above Line A. That's about 100 mile stretch from the boarder.
  4. 1/4 wave UHF is ideal. Unless your working good repeater the puck antenna isn't that great. They are designed for transit and public safety on systems.
  5. They had radios for sale. No one on my ride had a radio. I was in scan all day and only heard one other user. Lots of chatter on CB still.
  6. Normally you can turn the lobes without cutting the tape. It should spin 90 degree's with no issue. Last resort use Scotch 33 and you would be OK. Just wrap extra wraps on it.
  7. if your trying to use the radio as a repeater its not going to work. If your trying to set it up to use a repeater then check programming.
  8. How do you know it has a 40 miles range. If your going by the website be leary of range. Its not normally accurate. I would drive closer to the repeater and test.
  9. most commercial repeaters do not do this. Its probably a ham repeater controller. Hams tend to think repeaters should announce everything under the sun.
  10. The antenna must be tuned. If your using the larsen go by the cut chart. Personally I'd just order the UHF 1/4 wave. If you do go by cut chart you should see it at about 6"
  11. There is no requirement for ID from the repeater. It is the user who is supposed to ID. Therefore no reason the RT97 should have it to get Part 95.
  12. For reference most of us that have P25 repeaters on the air dont have them connected to a ham reflector. Most are used as a P5 repeater, Frequency and NAC. No talk groups no nothing. Some have them linked to other P25 machines but thats it. It costs money to play. For me I already have P25 gear for work and public safety so throwing a Quantar on the air is easy.
  13. I run P25. It keeps the CCR radios off my repeater and for the most part is only used by folks who want a real radio system. I can't deal with static and dropped calls all the time.
  14. most use the Miscellaneous Topics
  15. used alot of those maxrad mirror mounts on dump trucks over the years. As long as its assembled as the picture its waterproof. The bottom of the mount is open and if you remove the 2 screws from under the bracket that mount comes off and its wide open. We used to have to repair some that got water damaged after years on the vehicles. Alot of DOT/DPW vehicles ran those in the NE on trunk systems.
  16. how do you know you are dropping ? Are you trying to listen to a radio with another radio or someone in another area. You could be causing decense if your trying with 2 radios in the same vehicle or room. If your in a fringe area this will happen more than if your on top of the repeater.
  17. There are many unlisted repeaters.
  18. I think its grey. But with that said I have limited my users with RAS and other features that my repeaters have. I have one that sits and waits until it hears the proper DTMF/RAS code then when I'm done I send a repeater disable. It wont stop a true radio guy from digging out the code and doing it them selves but 99% of the people who cause issues have a CCR and aren't smart enough to understand that stuff. I think the big issue is alot of us pay to put stuff on the air. If you abuse a privilege's you should be disciplined. Apparently we can't do that anymore so doing other things to make it harder is all we can do. In the end I'll just remove my repeater (and have in some locations). I also recommend not listing it all over the world if you don't want folks on it. jmho
  19. Exactly. If I hear it on my repeaters I give a warning, after that go use someone else repeater.
  20. I take portables all the time on the plane. Just drop it in your backpack and let it go thru the scanner and get it on the other side.
  21. To me there is no need for it. None of my radios have it. I also see no reason for it.
  22. GMRS is not ham radio. If you want to use APRS get your ham ticket and enjoy. I for one dont want to listen to data burst all over the GMRS band. We only have limited channels to use now. Adding more to those doesn't help.
  23. That should work well. I would have went with the $10 one but the one you ordered is a nice antenna. It will outperform any puck style antenna all day long. The puck style antenna is just a circuit board with a copper foil tape on it in a circle. There is no true antenna.
  24. Your license specifies the GMRS frequencies. Additionally each manufacture may use some variation of programming. For portables alot of the stuff is FRS in between GMRS. For mobiles its all GMRS.
  25. Your going to need to give us some more info on that question but if you mean Mhz they are all in the LMR range and not GMRS
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