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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. Nots sure where you got $1000. Use antenna farm for $399. I have gotten mine cheaper but thru a dealer. https://www.theantennafarm.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=4267&gclid=CjwKCAiAp4KCBhB6EiwAxRxbpD9N6hFYjrQzpPDAKPpEyYfviQQYtURTo5ZMJZN_M-OekiKp3VO36xoCvx8QAvD_BwE
  2. DB404 is a base radio antenna. Can be used in repeater or base configuration. I have one on my home base as well as 2 of the 4 repeaters I have online. Its a rock solid antenna and will suite a hobbiest for life.
  3. Have worked in all the VA and WV counties listed. For public safety world there is a bit of PITA but most stuff is defined. Licensing is a challenge. As for talking on the radios no one has ever stopped me and said hey you can't talk. There are certain areas there are signs closer to the facilities but public safety is exempt. I have used both ham and GMRS in those areas, however not a lot around the facility to talk on.
  4. You would need a repeater in your area. Additionally that repeater would need to be linked to the internet and the repeater owner would need to approve that "node" to be connected. While not really sure I was told someone had linked that net to Zello or something in the past. For me nets are a ham radio thing and I have no interest to link any of my repeaters to those.
  5. channel spacing is 12.5 and looks greyed out...does it allow you to change to 25 any other way ?
  6. So 99% of your public safety vehicles on the road use RG58 on an NMO mount Under 16' of cable I wouldn't worry about RG58 on UHF. If your running 50' then you should have concern. Being your using a mag mount it really doesn't matter. You will not notice a difference in RG58 vs LMR240 or RG8X.
  7. Yup thanks Typing on my phone this morning. 462.675 with 141.3. My main repeater has this enabled.
  8. Sorry but you can't expect great performance with $20 CCR's. This is a common misconception on GMRS. Antenna's are most critical than lower frequency bands. As said in other posts get a real antenna and feedline and not the Jpole and you'll notice improved coverage from the tree house. UHF is line of sight so a 4 watt UHF radio will talk fine if terrain is not an issue. I have run TLMR systems that are portable only with 4 watt UHF to a repeater site with very few issues. One agency had nothing but portables and talked 20+ miles to the repeater site. All depends on location and equipment.
  9. Put it in scan but doubt you'll hear anything you asked above. GMRS does not have a WX channel or traffic reports. As much as i hate to say it CB is more of what you describe. While I hate it I do run both in my RV for traveling. If your looking to find out why traffic is slow or stopped that's the only place you'll find info on a radio. The use of GMRS while traveling is to talk to a vehicle in front or behind you in your travel party. Unofficial GMRS emergency channel is 463.675 but YMMV. I have never heard emergency traffic on that channel and most likely if i did no one would be monitoring it anyway !
  10. Well first off the DMR2 is not a GMRS radio and should not be used on GMRS. Its a ham radio. Secondly how is your programming. It needs to be analog as we dont do digital on GMRS.42.x on receive and 47.x on transmit for a repeater. Get a real GMRS radio. Lastly your comment about "any action". What do you expect to get ? This is not ham radio. GMRS is not like CB either. Its a service for friends or family to utilize for internal communications for the most part.
  11. All about antenna system. Spend the money on the antenna and feed line and you should have no issues.
  12. There are hundreds of posts on this forum with pro and con on all of them. Do a search of what your looking for and you will find it.
  13. I would lean toward the Laird antenna. Sorry I don't mean to say the jpole is junk but lets face it they are built in some guys basement with no real test gear. If you want performance you pay a little more for good stuff. Using a Jpole on a repeater isn't going to help when you said you cant talk now. By the time you buy the duplexer, and another KG1000 you may be close to the cost of the Retevis. Spend a bit more on a good antenna and some decent feedline and you should have a good setup for local area. You may even upgrade the antenna and feedline and find the current radio is fine (other than needing to be at the radio.)
  14. We have used this in the past for SAR work. While it helped it caused major confusion and 90% of the time was useless. As said its clunky and the end user needs to know to not talk for x amount of time all the time. Its still in my box of tools for SAR but it would need to be a very specific incident where I tried to use it again. It really was no value.
  15. UV-5R is not type accepted on GMRS. That said its a low power unit and your antenna is not the best. There is more to a repeater than just buying a second mobile. For what your describing it may be useful to look at the Retevis portable repeater. With a decent antenna and short piece of cable it would help you do what you want without getting into building a repeater. https://shop.mygmrs.com/collections/featured-products/products/retevis-rt97-gmrs-repeater-5w?utm_source=mygmrs&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=rt97 Spend your money on antenna and line as thats really where the rubber hits the road. As said bubble pack radios wont work with the repeater but there are a few cheaper radios for kids that do GMRS.
  16. The radio is programmed with the repeater split as you said on 15-22. That means the radio will TX on 467.xxx which is 5mhz up from the non repeater of 462.xxx There is no "repeater" systems in the world only what private folks put on the air. I think Midland and other vendors need to share that info as many buy it and think it will work out of the box. It does not. If you get permission to use a repeater you can use it. If you buy your own repeater and set it up you can use it. To my knowledge Midland does not sell repeaters. Not in GMRS. They used to sell Part 90 repeaters.
  17. The problem with GMRS is you dont have lots of channels to choose from as you do in Ham radio. You have basically 8 repeater pairs. Drop in a UHF link and even with the best filtering it causes issues. We dont have VHF frequencies as a GMRS license to use so the best way to link is over IP.
  18. Does the DMRx2 do analog ? I dont see anywhere on the site that talks about it. I also dont see anyplace that shows its part 95 certified. It say amateur radio only. You can't do DMR on GMRS.
  19. You need to check programming on the base. Standard was 100 watts so it will need turned down. You should get a real bandpass reject and not a mobile duplexer for it.
  20. I wouldn't install a TRAM antenna on a good repeater such as a MTR. Order a DB404 or 408 for the repeater if you want good performance. What does it have for a duplexer ? https://www.theantennafarm.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=4267 https://www.theantennafarm.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=191_193_258_1098_1099&products_id=4268 I'd go with the DB408 personally but I do run a few DB404 on small GR style repeaters. Don't skimp on hardline either.
  21. what are you using for a power supply ? Maybe its shuting down on TX. The programming looks correct. Do you know what kind of repeater they are running. There is DPL inverted but not used a lot. The icom is pretty basic so im confused your having issues. can you program it for simplex and talk to a radi othat hears the repeater ?
  22. The other issue is many GMRS repeater owners don't or wont spend the money on true commercial gear. A $5000 repeater with duplexer and hardline up a tower can easily get to $10K in new hardware depending on what you use. A lot of the GMRS repeaters are done on the economical aka cheap design with LMR style cable, TRAM antenna and GR1225 or similar on a garage or house to cover a local area. These are fine for that purpose, but a true emergency repeater requires a lot. Going on the cheap if you were to drop a generator on site and know what your doing you can buy a new Generace for around $3K but then you need a tank or propane or natural gas source. That's a money fee on top of the equipment. Some locations have solar backups but that's only going to last so long for the hobbyist solar system. I use a small system mainly to keep batteries and repeater controllers up on a power flicker or short outage. Even at home where I have a standby generator my repeater location does not get backup power. Id rather have heat and water at that point. As was said earlier some may be at a commercial site and have some access to the backup systems but I wouldn't rely on any of it. As reference out of my 4 search and rescue repeater systems I maintain only 2 of them have standby emergency power. The others have a battery backup but nothing that will last 24 hours.
  23. Sorry steve I meant the programming of the 16 pin connector. I use the front programming cable. I know the 1225 let you change pin settings I just dnt remember if the LS version did.
  24. I can assure you most of the repeaters on the air in GMRS have no backup plans for power. There are some that are in coordinated shelters with power but I wouldn't depend on it. I know mine all have battery backup but its not going to last long.
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