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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. As reference just because a user has never posted on the forum does not mean he does not exist. I had my repeater listed on the site before using the forum.
  2. How about just email the other repeater club and see what membership cost. I guess i still don't get the deal. You just got your license a week ago yet want other users in the area to not be mad when you install a repeater on the same channels they use. IF there stuff is up and on the air then why would you try to put another on the air on the same channels
  3. OK. So my opinion would be a conversation with the other operators' in the area would be my first suggestion. It appears you don't/can't do this. Sadly there is no coordination on GMRS so its up to local folks to manage the interference. My guess if one repeater covers more area that will get used more and eventually the other will go away. With that said you will most definitely need to use different PL/DPL codes to limit this. Don't get the wrong impression but to me this sounds like a turf war of sorts or who has the best stuff. I don't really subscribe to that but each there own. As far as the pay to play aspect there has been numerous discussions out here on that. It all depends on what folks are really" charging". If its a donation towards repeater maintenance, electric bill or something of that nature I don't see issues. If its a LMR provider just putting up repeaters and charging airtime then that's different. I had friends that tossed money in a bucket when i had one of mine to help with stuff mentioned above. It never even remotely covered the cost of the gear but did help with electric bill a bit.
  4. As shown above been there already. Also various other sites have lists. My issue with a list is everytime one is created there are tons of posts on why XYZ radio should be or should not be on the list. ITs very rough with the CCR influx of some certified and some not (or fake labels) to put a true list up. Again there is time. I think the only way a list would work is if it was done by an admin and no one would be allowed to comment on the list.
  5. Im not really following here. Are you wanting to put up 2 repeaters on the same frequency as 2 already on the air repeaters in the same location ? If so that doesn't make sense. This entire post was started to help educate folks that 2 CCRs rubber banded together isn't a repeater. It costs money to put up good quality repeaters. If someone puts the money into a system its up to them to manage the system. I know no one "owns" a repeater pair but if i spend 20K to put a repeater on the air of course I'd have issues with someone else putting up another on the same channel.
  6. No. that is not type approved for GMRS nor does it have transmit capabilities in the GMRS band.
  7. Agree. Most would be more worried about charging there phone
  8. I wasn't trying to make GMRS users sound bad, is just a different service. Its definitely not ham like in my eyes. I've been a ham for years as well as a public safety person. I treat GMRS as a tool. Just my way. Some are different. A said above if your csq no one would ever hear you.
  9. I have a standby generator at my house that can run for a few weeks on the huge propane tank out back. On top of that my motor home has a 7500 watt on board generator with 100 gallon fuel tank. To add to that 2 small Honda 2K generators with 5 gallons of sealed non-e gas. In the end when all that fails I have enough battery for probably 3-4 days. (tested 48 hours straight once and still had 70% left). Been in SAR work most of my life and always have backup power and fuel. Just the way I do things. Also many many public safety centers now have unlimited backup power on pretty much everything. I don't see many not being able to get fuel during a blackout. Even our local little rural FD has generator on building and gas pumps...
  10. Who do you think should answer you ? Many GMRS operators run PL/DPL so they only hear who they want to hear. If there is a repeater they may have that but even that may have specific info that needs loaded in your radio. If your handehld talks to your base then your good. Most of us dont use GMRS to chat on like ham radio folks do. Its a tool alot of times to keep track of family or friends and thats about it. I'll be honest I dont think I have ever heard someone just call out on my radios and if they did i doubt id answer.
  11. For a solar setup the RT97 is ideal. If your only planning to use HT's to talk to it talking back at same power should work well. A 50 watt repeater does nothing more for a 4 watt radio trying to talk back. Buy a decent antenna (DB404 or other commercial UHF) and good cable and it will outperform your expectations. Go cheap on cable and antenna and you will loose interest quickly.
  12. They did in the past..Micom...Like gold to find now... MICOM MICOM-2ES
  13. The issue is insurance costs for tower work. I am guessing if you have to pay for insurance which pretty much any commercially owned tower will require you will charge more than $100
  14. Or just order an nmo mount with the cable. You will spend almost as much just for the mount
  15. You will see see power loss on any duplexer. How much depends on tuning and duplexer model
  16. GMRS is not digital. If you are trying to program a digital radio then you need a new radio
  17. As stated above, no true designation. Back in my REACT days there was a push for .675. It never got too far but many maintain it in there minds. One of my GMRS repeaters is on 675 in a county park for this reason but is rarely if ever used. I still monitor 675 while I drive mostly out of habit.
  18. If your going for 100' Id probably move to the LDF and not the FSJ.
  19. So i was digging for something and stumbled across Midlands site. I noticed they finally put together a page on licensing of GMRS. I have to give them credit as I had sent them messages in the past and never heard boo... Anyway for anyone that is helping others this link may be valuable. https://midlandusa.com/why-do-i-need-a-gmrs-license-how-do-i-get-it/
  20. Use AFO and not speaker out to the mic input. You want a flat audio aka discriminator.
  21. I have shared similar stories with others over time that want to get into the radio hobby. Getting in cheap may not always keep them involved with poor performance. Buying quality equipment that works normally keeps them around a bit more. Its not only the subscribers but also when it comes to repeaters. A MTR3000 with a duplexor and DB404 is going to out perform and Baofeng back to back with separate mag mounts on an ammo can....but some people dont get that. (BTW not saying folks need to invest 15K for a repeater but my point was you get what you pay for)
  22. Most repeaters are hard coded for speed. Only option is what the ID is going to be and on or off.
  23. Normally already installed stuff isn't useable. Besides cheap connectors its cheap cable. I have a motorhome. I ran my cables along frame then thru a hole in the floor right where i want it. May places sells sealable bushings, but some good silicone caulk would work fine also (used caulk on my 5th wheel prior). In my fith wheel I installed an outlet box on the rear bumper to hold a SO239 with a outdoor outlet cover. Just lift cover and screw on cable.
  24. Sorry. Days I forget not everyone knows all the ways some of us talk... Edit ...Should have read all the posts as i see another has already filled you in.....
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