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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. I would almost bet 99% of midlands mobiles get used simplex only mode. I know I have heard stories about the split tone issue but I've never encountered a repeater that I needed to use that had split tones. Todays marketing email from Midland was to Farmers. They have many markets. I asked the REP at Jeep Invasion about wideband and repeaters and he said they hear from very few about those issues. I am guessing he is indeed correct as many of the folks I talked to and asked about radios last week knew nothing more than we were on channel 4 or 16. On top of that most had no license....entirely another topic...Is what it is.
  2. Well I guess I'm not sure about other radios but Midland comes pre programmed with no PLDPL tones on any channel. It also comes with a decent users manual. As said Ive never looked at other options as Midland is the leader in GMRS from a user base standpoint. I just returned from a Jeep Expo last week. No one in the facility other than Midland. I've been to a few other events this year and Midland is the only players. Personally I don't see the other vendors doing stuff like that. It all goes back to the mighty dollar.
  3. I think your forgetting for decades GMRS radios were simple radios and most if not all were 8 channel with repeater and TA. Many did not eve allow programming. My Unidens have a dip switch for CTCSS and it can only use that CTCSS in all channels. Later on I got the programmable Uniden. I couldn't program it and had to take it to a 2 way shop to have PL set via computer. I can assure you it wasn't cheap to do GMRS then either. There was no $25.00 radios around, nor cheap mobiles. Over the years many serious GMRS users switched to Part 90 radios. Those still cost a lot of money, but with the narrowband changes it has put alot of that gear reasonable on the secondary markets. Lets fast forward 20 years to now. GMRS is the new craze, not because of new products or quality systems but because the rules got changed and now some folks that are promoting GMRS doesn't even know what GMRS was for in the past. In the 4x4 world they are pushing GMRS with mobiles as its better than CB. 99% of that is simplex. Midland doesn't care as many others about wide vs narrow. As long as it talks to there other offerings they are happy. While I agree GMRS market could use some good quality radios, your never going to see it as everyone wants cheap. The CCR mentality ruined it for manufacturers trying to stay in the market. As you said $400 is too rich for you. Many are in same boat, however many spend way more than that on gear and use it daily. I have said over and over if you want quality communications spend money. We tend to loose folks from the service because they think this is something that will do miracles, but they cheap out and find out it doesn't do what they want. For some its not an issue. I can attest some folks also dont know any better. I'll use my parents. I installed the midland radios in there Class C, and both vehicles. I have the Midland MTX275 in both my Jeeps. Why. Simple Easy to use radios. All my parents know is when going down the road behind me they talk on the channel. When at home they go to another channel to use my repeater. My jeeps have it because Jeep Jamboree has switched from CB to GMRS. We use simplex and that's it. No one knows the frequency or PL, they just say a channel number.
  4. Was at the Jeep Invasion show this weekend in TN and talked to the Midland Rep on site. they had the MTX575 on site. It is much bigger box than the 275. I would say its at least 3-4 times bigger. That's a disappointment. It does have a mini usb on the front next to the mic jack so it may have some programming flexibility but he didn't know. . The rep I talked to said late fall is target to sell them. Of course he knew nothing about W/N band. I tried to explain the repeater issue but he seemed to either not care or not understand. YMMV
  5. The issue is as said before the guys that run P25 want good comms and is a good way to keep a limited user set on the air for the reasons you stated. Many that are running CCR wont spend 500-600 on a P25 radio so we keep the users to good quality radio gear. For me I've been in public safety for years. Why have yet another radio in my truck when al my radios are P25 already. You will find alot of the good high end P25 sites are run by a guy who is in public safety or around it enough to see the benefits of the money invested. Nothing against DMR but with the CCR world adding DMR its puts more junk on the air that I dont want to deal with. As said i know some out there are linked and some guys like that. you will also find some linked to other P25 repeaters but no real network talk groups. Basically are linked to give better range on the system.
  6. The majority of the P25 repeaters dont offer parrot mode or talkgroups. there are some on the east coast using P25NX and do have a couple talkgroups, defined by NAC code but those are limited. Im sure there are some out ther using alot of stuff on P25 but I've not come across any in my travels. My P25 repeaters are local and no internet connections. My goal was quality radio comms and not talking across the US...
  7. Never said it shouldn't. Said why spend time when there is tons of aftermarket stuff for cheap. Again this is a service but appears people think its ham radio....build away..I'll order the proper stuff.
  8. I have not used the kenwood option boards but use the built in secure on all my motorola radios on services that allow it. I did use alot of those boards in the ICOM series when i was at the shop. We had an LTR system and used inversion on some channels. Being HAM and GMRS prohibit secure probably not worth your money...
  9. Also just because a repeater is there and on does not mean someone is sitting waiting to answer. Many of these repeaters are put in for the owners use to talk to there family or close friends. They are not a "chat" channel most of the time. I can say for sure you could call on one of mine all week and my wife would not answer it while I'm out of town for work. Even if I was home I doubt I'd reply either. Its a tool for my family.
  10. Most P25 folks use the CCS7 ID scheme and it is recommended not to use your standard DMR ID.
  11. cheap duplexer gets cheap results. Is the duplexer tuned to the frequency ? There are other posts on here that folks saw close to 3db of loss thru the cheap ones. Dual antenna requires separation and further if horizontal than vertical. Id suggest just getting a real duplexer and a better antenna.
  12. AS Ive said for multiple years you get what you pay for. This is just another example of cheap china stuff that everyone wants to use that does not work well
  13. talk around is the repeater output ie: 452.550 etc The 467 channels should only be used to talk to a repeater and not on simplex.
  14. A decent tuned flatpack will work. It needs tuned properly for the frequencies in use. Anything less than 3db of loss is a plus. IF your dealing with portables at an event dont focus on TX power. A 4 watt portable is not going to talk any further to the repeater. Also running lower power will help the decense and loss factors. IF the repeater can do 25ish watts on TX then after duplexer you should be 10-15. Everyone gets focused on TX power.
  15. What are you using for cables to and from duplexer ? multiple adapters and poor cable will also eat up alot of power.
  16. It all depends on equipment. First you say CCR well thats issue #1. Issue 2 has to do with the repeater and what it really is. A professionally installed repeater at a tower site with commercial grade equipment should have no issues with distance, however as was stated its also line of site. If its on a mountain your good to go, if its a garage based home repeater not so much. You need to determine what the repeater really is. I have a few that have no issue with 25-30 miles on a part 90 HT.
  17. https://shop.mygmrs.com/collections/repeaters-and-accessories/products/repeater-linking-bundle
  18. Any outside antenna can get hit by lightening...
  19. Being that has VHF ham stuff guessing its not a Part 95 mobile which is what he was referring to. If your using a true GMRS mobile it will not TX on any of the 467.xxx repeater splits other than in R mode.
  20. I heard it is coming, but so is xmas. I have yet to find a place my MTX did not work on a repeater or simplex while riding around. I guess there are places you need more than 15 watts but 99% of the time the other guys all have bubble pack radios or other handhelds.
  21. The MTX275 is what most of the jeep guys are putting in.
  22. most bubble pack radios were not designed to go thru repeaters hence no repeater channels. If you plan to use a repeater and folks are licensed just spend the money and get some gmrs radios.
  23. DB408 is my go to antenna for a tower site. I do run some DB404 but the 408 has a bit more gain. In NY winters they have lasted for years.
  24. gortex2


    It also shows more reflected power on highpower. at that point the meter reading is not as accurate. If this is in a dummy load then its bad. If its in the antenna I'd find a dummy load. A $100 meter will be around 10% as said above and looks accurate
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