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    gortex2 reacted to rdunajewski in Linked network   
    At this time, we do not. We only support repeaters that are directly connected to a node or via a link radio.
    Simplex nodes will add a whole new level of confusion and complexity for the users, and each node would typically only benefit one user. It makes more sense for us to devote our time and effort toward repeaters which generally cover more people. 
  2. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from epadilla3294 in Un-official GMRS travel channel?   
    For years GMRS 462.675 was the emergency channel in many folks area's as channel 9 was in CB. Many REACT teams had repeaters for this channel. Prior to SAR in CNY React had a repeater and got given to SAR when React faded. It is still on the air to this day on 462.675. While it was used more for SAR stuff before local VHF systems flourished it was used randomly by hikers on the FLT. There is alot out there on GMRS 462.675 (CH20) being used for this. I knw many monitor this channel while traveling still (my Priority) with the travel tone. 
    As said in the end unless the FCC designates a frequency its going to be up to an individual or area to use what they want. Personally I think CH1 is the smartest channel as most never leave it.  On my last Jeep ride that's basically the channel they said to go to if you can't get an answer on the trail channel.  My guess is its simple and basic and most radios all match on CH1. If you use the travel PL on it you wont hear all the FRS users who just got a Christmas radio. 
    On a similar topic State of Wyoming designated Channel 3 and PL7 (307) as a search and rescue channel. People are giving 100 reasons why it wont work. So no matter what gets picked some will like it and some wont. 
    As for scratching the Line A idea I can't argue as it takes forever to get public safety and LMR licenses above Line A also, but its the rules. Saying to disregard the rules is not what GMRS users should be promoting. We should be promoting following the rules as well as getting a license. 
  3. Like
    gortex2 reacted to WyoJoe in New to gmrs   
    It may sound like a silly question, but do you know that the repeater is still active? It is not uncommon to see a listing for a repeater that is either not there, or is programmed differently than stated. Are you able to hear other users on the repeater?
  4. Like
    gortex2 reacted to JLeikhim in RT97/50 Watt Amp   
    You would be better off buying a Kenwood TKR850 repeater

    Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk

  5. Like
    gortex2 reacted to JB007Rules in Repeater Antenna   
    For that kind of money you can get an Andrews (Commscope now) DB-404-b and it would run circles around that Laird based on my experience.
    Folded dipoles are better for the most part than fiberglass units for tower/repeater use.
  6. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from WRMN374 in Seeking guidance for my first repeater   
    Going with the DB404 and a 50' piece of 1/2" LDF will give you much better results. LMR will give you about 1.5db of loss. LDF is about .75db of loss. If your using adapters there is some loss, not enough to really argue one way or another but LMR and adapter will be a bit more than predictd loss. 
    My thought is spend the funds the first time to do it right vs something that will not meet expectations, then spending more money after. Sometimes waiting a bit longer to accomplish the goal makes the experience better in the long run. 
  7. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from gman1971 in Seeking guidance for my first repeater   
    Going with the DB404 and a 50' piece of 1/2" LDF will give you much better results. LMR will give you about 1.5db of loss. LDF is about .75db of loss. If your using adapters there is some loss, not enough to really argue one way or another but LMR and adapter will be a bit more than predictd loss. 
    My thought is spend the funds the first time to do it right vs something that will not meet expectations, then spending more money after. Sometimes waiting a bit longer to accomplish the goal makes the experience better in the long run. 
  8. Like
    gortex2 reacted to WRKC935 in GMRS Repeaters for Emergency Communications Use   
    Now all that being said.  GMRS and Ham licenses are BOTH going to be 35 dollars and last 10 years at this point. 
    So the SAR / CERT groups that are pushing folks to get ham licenses could just as easily push their members to get a GMRS license that requires no testing.
    Ham radio is great for what it is.  It's a fun hobby.  The problem with ham radio and CERT / SAR operations is they typically want to rely on other peoples infrastructure.  ANd that can work if that infrastructure is installed and maintained at a high level.  Problem is that it's not always that way and it can become a single point of failure for communications.  And I am not saying that a GMRS repeater is somehow more technologically advanced than a ham repeater, but if you as a group have a GMRS repeater, YOU as a group are going to be the ones maintaining it. 
    And while this may 'hurt' ham radio if CERT / SAR folks go the route of GMRS, if that was their only motivation to get a ham license, then what were they bringing to ham radio to begin with?
  9. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from WRMN374 in Base Antenna List   
    I wanted to throw out of post of good commercial antenna's that work great for GMRS as well as other LMR applications. Every antenna listed I have used for home and on towers and have had little if any issues with. 
    Laird - Laird FG Series is a great antenna for home use and limited tower site use. Great for a home repeater when a tower is not available. Mostly omni. 
    FG4500 - Unity Gain Fiberglass Antenna N Female 100W 450-470mhz - Cost around $125
    FG4603 - 3db Gain Fiberglass Antenna N female 100W 460-470  - Cost around $140
    FG4605 - 7db Gain Fiberglass Antenna N Female 100W 460-470 - Cost around $200
    You can get more specifications from Laird here - FG Series Antennas
    I get most of my hobby antennas from The Antenna Farm
    The next step up is the dipole antenna and is normally the base antenna I'll install on a tower site. The DB aka CommScope Dipole is a rock solid performer and works well in long term use. I have used these in the ADK park on mountains caked in ice to towers in SE VA and other than physical damage never replaced one. 
    DB404 - 3.8db Gain Dipole Antenna - N Male 250W 450-470mhz - Cost around $500
    DB408 - 6.6db Gain Dipole Antenna - N Make 250W 450-470mhz - Cost around $1000
    You can get more specifications from CommScope here - CommScope
    I use various vendors for CommScope gear. Antenna Farm linked above does carry the DB404 as does MyGMRS. MyGMRS would be my first choice as it helps support the site and forum. His price is comparable to what I get it for from Tessco. 
    When looking at an antenna also remember the cable to the antenna to be almost as important as the antenna. Putting a DB408 on a tower isn't going to perform as expected when you run LMR400 to it. It should be LDF. In reality if its on a tower it should be LDF anyway. 
    Some real case uses of antenna''s above for me. My 38' Motorhome has a GMRS repeater. for years I ran the GR1225 and since have switch to the RT97. I run the FG4500 on my ladder and it works perfect for camgrounds/race track use. I have used the FG4605 for years on a repeater at my fathers house. He had a small mast system and it was a great match. I ran 1/2 LDF up the mast and to the antenna. The DB404 is my favorite. Thats what I have at home on a 1 1/4" Pipe on my roof. I run the DB408 at the tower with 7/8" LDF down to the combiner/duplexers. 
    Just wanted to get some info out there on better antennas and options. TRAM, Comet, Ed Fong are all that. They are hobby antenna's and may not meet expectations. Some even cost the same. 
  10. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from WRMN374 in Seeking guidance for my first repeater   
    So first thing I would try to do is get your antenna cable alot shorter than 100' between antenna and repeater. Unless its going up a tower the closest is the best. Even LMR will have almost 3dblossi n 100'. That just took your 25 watt repeater to 12.5 and that no duplexer. You will have loss there also. 
    The duplexer is a good unit. Get it tuned professionally and a home repeater should not have issues. Im not a fan of the antenna you picked but I prefer quality. the DB404 would be ideal but know folks dont like the look of it or the price. If you want a small fiberglass stick look at the Laird FG series in the other links on the page. You will find them a much better build than a put together antenna. 
    Manage expectations. I know you want 20 miles. If you can talk that simplex then your repeater may play nice. The GM300 is a good little radio. Built many repeaters in my shop days out of the same parts you mentioned and many are still in service today. The GM is not a continuous duty radio so make sure you have a fan on it also. 
  11. Like
    gortex2 reacted to WRKC935 in What repeater do YOU need, and can I DIY one.   
    For only TWICE what a used MTR2000 currently costs that is a FAR better machine.
    And I agree that the CCR's should be avoided for running back to back as a repeater.  Which is why I specified the CDM radios that are available on ebay for under $100 each.  Not sure you can even get new mobile CCR's for that money, and the CDM is a better radio than the CCR's. 
    My point was you COULD build a decent DIY repeater for less that $500 all in from antenna to power supply if you were willing to figure a few things out.  Learn to program a couple radios and could solder (if you wanted to interface to the system as a Node). 
  12. Like
    gortex2 reacted to wqpn591 in What repeater do YOU need, and can I DIY one.   
    I did the DIY with a pair of Wouxun KG1000G units. Was not happy with performance as the RF is pretty sloppy on those.
    The Bridgecom unit works way better.
    also upgraded a cheap antenna to this https://theantennafarm.com/shop-by-manufacturers/results,1-24?keyword=DB408-B&x=0&y=0&limitstart=0&option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=0
    also made world of difference.
  13. Like
    gortex2 reacted to JohnE in Repeater will not tx or rx in a standalone state   
    read this
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    gortex2 got a reaction from WRPY363 in How many people really use the VHF radio MURS service?   
    I use MURS alot. Both in NY and now in VA I rarely hear anyone on it. Granted I am in the country. Its an excellent option especially when FRS/GMRS may be active in a certain area.
  15. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from AdmiralCochrane in Noob Questions about antenna and ground plane   
    1.4" wave UHF whip is a better antenna and is cheap and short. 
  16. Like
    gortex2 reacted to WyoJoe in GMRS Simplex Network   
    This kind of reminds me of the grapevine in the movie Johnny Dangerously:
    In all seriousness, though, I think this type of communication would be better handled on ham radio, as you could get much longer "hops" than with GMRS.
  17. Like
    gortex2 reacted to marcspaz in Licensing   
    I searched the database and found tons of very expensive fines for stuff like Pirate Radio. I guess I'm gone scratch that one off the bucket list now. ?
  18. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from rnavarro in Jeeps & Radios   
    Sorry to sound negative but if your doing solo wheeling and out of cellular range there is no way you should rely on the GMRS repeaters unless you know and use them often. Buy a spot or an Inreach to be safe. GMRS is not for hailing emergencies for the most part. While I know of places than monitor certain channels I'd be careful thinking thats your safety net. 
  19. Like
    gortex2 reacted to H8SPVMT in Jeeps & Radios   
    Why do you think you have them programed correctly?
    Have you actually made contact with the repeaters and if so, what is your indication(s) that you have opened the repeater?
    Did you contact the repeater operator thru a conversation on the repeater, email or text messages?
    How do you know for certain the repeaters are online and operating?
    I'm not banging you here, I wheel a lot too by myself and even did the Trans American Trail by myself.    An Inreach or Spot with some helicopter/medivac insurance would be a good investment.
  20. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from SteveC7010 in Jeeps & Radios   
    Sorry to sound negative but if your doing solo wheeling and out of cellular range there is no way you should rely on the GMRS repeaters unless you know and use them often. Buy a spot or an Inreach to be safe. GMRS is not for hailing emergencies for the most part. While I know of places than monitor certain channels I'd be careful thinking thats your safety net. 
  21. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from H8SPVMT in Jeeps & Radios   
    Sorry to sound negative but if your doing solo wheeling and out of cellular range there is no way you should rely on the GMRS repeaters unless you know and use them often. Buy a spot or an Inreach to be safe. GMRS is not for hailing emergencies for the most part. While I know of places than monitor certain channels I'd be careful thinking thats your safety net. 
  22. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from wayoverthere in Jeeps & Radios   
    Sorry to sound negative but if your doing solo wheeling and out of cellular range there is no way you should rely on the GMRS repeaters unless you know and use them often. Buy a spot or an Inreach to be safe. GMRS is not for hailing emergencies for the most part. While I know of places than monitor certain channels I'd be careful thinking thats your safety net. 
  23. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from Mikeam in Jeeps & Radios   
    Sorry to sound negative but if your doing solo wheeling and out of cellular range there is no way you should rely on the GMRS repeaters unless you know and use them often. Buy a spot or an Inreach to be safe. GMRS is not for hailing emergencies for the most part. While I know of places than monitor certain channels I'd be careful thinking thats your safety net. 
  24. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from kirk5056 in Jeeps & Radios   
    Sorry to sound negative but if your doing solo wheeling and out of cellular range there is no way you should rely on the GMRS repeaters unless you know and use them often. Buy a spot or an Inreach to be safe. GMRS is not for hailing emergencies for the most part. While I know of places than monitor certain channels I'd be careful thinking thats your safety net. 
  25. Like
    gortex2 got a reaction from marcspaz in Jeeps & Radios   
    Sorry to sound negative but if your doing solo wheeling and out of cellular range there is no way you should rely on the GMRS repeaters unless you know and use them often. Buy a spot or an Inreach to be safe. GMRS is not for hailing emergencies for the most part. While I know of places than monitor certain channels I'd be careful thinking thats your safety net. 
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