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Posts posted by WRQI663

  1. I have the same problem - even talking with bf - they told me to send the radio back to the seller and get one from them for the OEM software

    I might as well be talking to my cat. Legacy version does not work (I'm trying to get software for a UV21 for amateur radio) The GM21 OEM

    software works good but does not recognize the UV21. 

    I'm sick and tired of having to upgrade my systems because MS excec's need new gold faucets in the boardroom bathroom.

  2. The simple minded "ham" (memorized exams, never understood the rules) might propose license classes

    The G in GMRS means General so why not have

    TMRS as "Tech" (low power only and no repeaters)

    GMRS (full power and repeater 'privleges')

    GMRS + (walk AND chew gum talking on yer Part 90 bow fung)

    EMRS (extra class, self imposed importance and can use anything they want on any frequency

    but YOU can't)*


    *Quoting Foghorn Leghorn, " That's a joke, son"

    Again, no ham radio lite on GMRS ----------PLEASE!

  3. After using this GM21 ht for a little while now, I like it - with win 7 I have to use legacy chirp - it will not program the GM21, but BF's software works good enough.

    It will receive from 200 to 259.9 too, and that inspired me to go for a uv21 'pro' v2 that will xmit there. In all my 57 years as an amateur op, I've never used 1.25 meters.

    They look identical - I doubt I will have a need for 999 memory slots.

    Anyone else have a GM21? What do you think of them??


  4. Have you tried duplexing? Use another radio to listen to the repeater when transmitting - then switch radios to see if you are having the same result.

    Do the same thing between radios on a simplex channel

    The mic in the 'static' radio may have a problem, anything from not working to 'eating the mic' - listen on the other radio and see how your audio sounds.

  5. I contacted my PA rep and he said he voted no on SB37......now it is up to the governor to sign or not. Is it for 'safety' or money?

    The worse thing that ever happened when I was talking to a mobile station was "oh, I missed my exit"

    Eating a burrito is more distracting, how about being in a car with 2 or 3 kids fooling around.

    Revenue generation IS NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT (is there not real crime to solve?)

    Let 'em legalize weed and tax the crap out of the dopers

  6. Amateur Radio and GMRS.......They are separate services, I'd like to see it stay that way......Why usurp another radio service and ruin it?????

    GMRS+ is a load of crap - It is the last sheet on a roll of TP, worthless. The whole idea is NO EXAMS to use GMRS.

    Just because "we" hams can do it, doesn't mean we should on GMRS - experimental use? Aren't our amateur bands underused as it is? Policing??? "Self Policing" simply means YOU are policing YOUR OWN operation, not anyone elses.

    Channel cops?, Lets get them kids using their radios illegally --- That'l teach 'em -- we can hold their parents liable.

    It's ridiculous

    Get real.

  7. I have the same ht.....when I got it, channel 15 would not transmit (no matter what I did in chirp)

    I was sent a firmware update that made everything work. I never tried to program alternate channel configs until I read this thread.

    I just tried programming an alternate ctcss input for (rptr 2). Radioditty uv5g on chirp and it worked just fine.......I still have the zip file of that firmware upgrade.

    Enter the channel frequency , set duplex to  "+" and offset to 5.0, uploaded to the ht and it works fine.

    Now I'm playing with the GM21 - I don't think I have a use for 999 memory channels though.


  8. Again, if you don't like the conversation you are listening to ---- this is not the spark gap world.......TURN THE DIAL to another channel (or frequency)

    Wait until you get those 'ailments'  -- Oh, don't wait.....they'll be coming to you weather you like it or not. Should I laugh or complain about you?

    Know what bothers me? I am also an amateur radio operator, but I really hate GMRS becoming "ham" radio lite......quit using it like it is.

    Go back to CB



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