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Everything posted by MichaelLAX

  1. How bad can 2 meters really be in Rapid City, South Dakota?!?
  2. Ah, 45 watts. Sorry to push you, but what more programming versatility becomes available?
  3. Yes, CCR means a Cheap Chinese Radio; some people exclude Wouxun from this definition.
  4. Many times when someone (usually a new member here) posts a question about accessing a local repeater, I like to look up their callsign to see where they live to research repeater information. If their screen name is not their callsign and they are not online, is there a way to do this?
  5. If it were me, I would order the one you really like (especially if it is on Black Friday sale) and in the meantime pickup a CCR to use/play with in the meantime and then donate the CCR to a family member or friend when your preferred radio arrives.
  6. Yes, but what does it give you that your DB20-G didn't?
  7. Thank you for this additional information; my plumber's plug should arrive towards the end of next week. And thank you for the heads up by PM: Instead of an "http" URL, the way to link a member is to type the "@" symbol and the first few letters of their screen name. A list will auto-generate and you can click on the correct name to insert into your message. @Newb How do you like your ICOM? What features does it have over your previous DB20-G?
  8. Be sure to link me ( @MichaelLAX) or quote me, so that I am notified of your post.
  9. Yes, based upon research I did with Ra-25 code plugs and CPS software that was provided to me, I could not get my Radioddity DG20-G or Anytone AT-779UV code plugs to open in the Retevis software.
  10. Just ordered one! Your Warrensburg 725 Repeater question got me back to this post! Thank you!
  11. The Lincoln-Warrensburg 725 Repeater here on myGMRS shows it in Warrensburg; having moved there on November 12th. That notice was apparently posted on that repeater site as included in the myGMRS Weekly Repeater Update email for November 6th:
  12. Having been a lifelong radio geek, when I leave a joke here, which is quite often, I always put a "?" after it, for those of us without any sense of humor! ? After all, he did not seem to limit the suggestion below the 50 watt limit; hence my comments! I still wouldn't put one of the 10 watt HTs next to my brain or my aging family jewels either (you never know when you might get pressed into action again! ?)
  13. For the record, the DB-25G is a completely different animal than the DB20-G and as far as I am aware, it cannot be opened to transmit on Ham Bands 2 meters and 70 cms like the DB-20G. Also, once opened, the DB-20G can program all 500 channels; even if you keep it transmitting only on GMRS.
  14. You want to transmit 50 watts adjacent to your brain?!?
  15. I have one in my car and another in my shack! i purchased a new one recently after it got stolen when I had it sitting in my garage. This gave me the opportunity to use it “as-is” right out of the box as a strictly GMRS radio so as to be able to better answer questions about it for those, such as your wife, who will be using it unopened as a strictly GMRS radio. Can’t beat that price!
  16. Radioddity has a 3 day sale on its DB20-G for $85 down from $109. It’s the Midland killer, easy to use out of the box, mini-mobile (fits in the palm of your hand), 18 watts, cigarette lighter plug and many many satisfied users here on this Forum. @KAF6045is the only user here that published power problems with his unit which was replaced Meets all of your requirements: ask questions if you have any.
  17. Radioddity BLACK FRIDAY SALE Valid only for 3 days. DB-20G's for only $84.99 and MORE!
  18. Diurnal and nocturnal emissions? ?
  19. OK, I've got it now: So then instead of the word "Technically" you should have said to @rroscher "Historically, the only Narrow-band frequencies allotted to GMRS are the 467MHz interstitials -- and those are 0.5W ERP; the original GMRS interstitials on 462MHz are Wideband and permitted up to 5W ERP." Because: Technically, it is legal to use NFM on all of the GMRS frequencies, including the Repeater Input Channels and as@gortex2has stated on this Forum several times: his personal repeaters are programmed just that way - NFM, for the personal use of his family with other NFM GMRS radios. ? <--? ? So that the question to @rroscher (in addition to @OffRoaderX's question about Channels vs. VFO) is: are you using the GM-30 programming software to makes these changes to HIGH power, or doing it just on the keypad? AND there was a firmware update to the GM-30 that may have addressed his problem; either: GM30_APP_20210306.bin GM30_APP_20210403.bin and/or GM30_APP_20210615.bin The most recent of which is available on the Radioddity Support Page for the GM-30.
  20. Are you saying that 95.1773 MANDATES WFM (except for the 462 interstitial channels)? I don't read it that way. I read it as it defines the maximum bandwidth allowed, which means that a narrower bandwidth is still allowed. I have never used Midlands, but historically weren't they mostly NFM until the most recent models and firmware allowed WFM? I am still confused about your last statement regarding 467 Repeater transmission channels, but we're getting way into the weeds now anyway! And we're way off the discussion about GM-30 High power settings...
  21. So, we're all waiting with bated breath: what mobile are you going to buy?!?
  22. I was confused by his use of the word "only" in this context.
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