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  1. When I suffer the wining noise. These are the things I did to make it go away. Clean the battery post/ cables, clean and tighten ground wires, and clean the alternator stator/ replace the brushs. It seem to work on my late 80's through 90's vechicles. Just a thought Good luck WRJA397
  2. Interference is a problem when trying to build a diy repeater. You might be able to build a patch cord with a control curcit in the middle. However it is a hevey lift unless you have guru status. I built a repeater with two Midland data radios, burned up two radios, tried different types of radios, controller's, cheap duplexer, Celwave duplexer, many hours, lots of dollars ($1,000 plus). I tell myself it was fun? A Midland or Retevis repeater would be quicker, cheaper, and possibly more efficient. Just a thought from a hobbyists. Good luck on your journey. WRJA397
  3. Thanks for the post. Any suggestions on an nmo type that would easily tip back when hit. It's looking like this will be an adventure into the unknown. When I find a piece of clean 1/4" plexiglass to do a mockup with an old dual band setup. This will save an ugly scare if it fails. I will report back on the results when I get it done. The two of the antennas that met a tragic death were comet SBB5. The best dual band ever. P.E. (retired)? Thanks WRJA397
  4. Due to a lack of experience, I have a unique question. I have used glass mount antennas on my trucks in the past. Performance losses were marginal, antenna damage was eliminated. My Utv has a plexiglass rear window. Has anyone put a glass mount Gmrs antenna on plexiglass? How well did it work? I know it's a desperate question, but I suffer PTSD from several traumatic antenna losses. Thank you WRJA397
  5. All of the above statements should answer the question. I hope these examples are helpful. A local tech guru built a 3 watt portable repeater setup. We set it up at 8,000 feet against a mountain side, effective range 30 miles for 120 degrees. Relocated it to 6,000 feet lookout, effective range 50-60 miles. I have a 4 watt Gmrs setup at my house with the antenna 14 feet up, effective range 5 spotty miles. Moved it one mile south 100 feet higher, effective range 15 plus miles. But I do not hold guru status. Good luck with the hobby WRJA397
  6. I have had this same duplexer for several years. Its on a 440 5 watt portable reapter with no issues. It was good to be able to see inside the back, and wierd only one tip is burning. It does appear that it's listed rating exceeds it's actual capabilities. My only complaint would be the 3 db insertion loss. So I have switched to Celwave for GMRS and have a .8 to 1.3 db loss, and they tune up lot easier for this rookie. Effective range seems marginally better too (15%). This is just an off the wall idea for a repair. Create a simple silicone mold and use a casting epoxy then drill out the center on a drill press. Casting epoxy can withstand a lot of heat. This could be a huge success or just another lesson on life's journey. I hope the idea helps, good luck with hobby. WRJA397
  7. Nice save. They are a nice tool.
  8. I am not a expert, but use a bird meter and a MFJ 269 antenna analyzer. Placing more value on the antenna over power output. The surecom $60 power/ SWR meter for quick checks is looking like my next purchase. This comes from a antenna nut not a expert. Good luck and enjoy the hobby. P.s. The comet SBB5 is my favorite mobile ham antenna.
  9. Ace had one in stock. This will work perfect. Southeast Arizona wide open space Thanks again
  10. It's a utility vehicle that seats six people, can hual firewood etc, and can travel on jeep trails. There not a city type vehicle, and my grandkids love it. That test cap will mount my db-20g in low profile manner when it's delivered. Thanks again
  11. MichelLax where did you order the soux chief test plug. This would be perfect to mount a DB20-g in our UTV. Thank you for the information.
  12. I agree that government permissions would be next to impossible. Our ham club tried to get permission for a portable ( four square feet, 20 lb) repeater set up on a very remote peak. The requirements for application were insurmountable. RT97 repeater, power, and antenna setup would be the easiest route $500-$600. I don't own a RT97 to comment on. My DIY setup got complicated and expensive. There is a lot of good people and information here. Good luck
  13. I would like to thank the those who provide the technical information and humble advice in this thread. It's good to know I am not the only one to "short out things, and screw the pooch on occasions. I have that same ebay S.A./ tracking generator. I have had success with celwave .8 db loss ( dumb luck), total failure with a fumie 98% loss, shorted out two radios, and various small things a long the way. It's hobby, otherwise I would starve to death. I am glad to hear about the .6375 center tune. I built two 5 watt portables to avoid interference with establish systems. And you just cut 40% of the weight out of my portable system and that's cool. Thank you WRJA397
  14. Thank you and your welcome. In hindsight the rt97 would have been cheaper, with less frustration. I start out the build ($200) to test antenna designs. Starting on 3.5 watts and dropping to .7 watts for performance testing. To see if I could due better than that vertical dipole. Which still needs to be explored. Who knew I would be getting in this deep. It's a illness without a doubt. The next step is a ISC controller with Id broadcast and to many controls to think about. WRJA397
  15. This thread is interesting to me. I have been a sucker for the Q.R.P. craft ( low power 5 watts or less) for years. The most amazing prodject I was involved in was a 440 3.5 watts output repeater. Place on top of a very high hill. It reached 60 miles into the valley east with full quiting and could be tickled 60 miles west (rolling hills). The antenna was a diy vertical dipole design. I got another GMRS license to build a Qrp repeater for family activities. It has been a 6 year off & on journey at a estimated cost of $1500.00 plus. Buying the Retevis rt97 could be lot easier and cheaper. These are a few of things I have learned. It's frustrating and fun, these are very technical machines, Chinese duplexers are junk, R.F.I. was a challenge, brasing rod J pole antennas work better the expected, and I must like mental torture. LOL Here is a picture of what I have built. 3.5 watt reapter version 3.3 with Pl tone squelch, optional DTMF on/off control, diy J pole antenna, 18 ah lithium battery, 2.5 amp solar panel. From ten feet above my shop the range is a round 7 miles. We sit in a hole. From a small rise 70 feet higher and a 1/2 mile south the range increases to 20 ish miles. I hope everyone has fun with this hobby. WRJA397
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