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Everything posted by SteveShannon

  1. I did! ? I’m not sure how I double posted. I clicked submit once and it took forever but I know better than to click it again. So, I reported the message and asked for it to be deleted. Click on the ellipses and choose Report. Add a note explaining what’s needed.
  2. The half mile hop reference was not aimed so much at bubble pack handhelds as worst case urban conditions or even valley to adjacent valley in hilly terrain. As you correctly point out it’s possible to achieve much greater distances by planning.
  3. Yes, molded into the case. None of that tiny set screw business for Garmin. They have built in topo maps, reflective color screens, and you can also send short text messages. Neither text messages nor gps locations are allowed to be relayed by repeater, so I assume that when the repeater channels are selected digital data isn’t sent. Also, my radio was made in Taiwan, not China, and cost as much as a higher end Yaesu HT. They have a less expensive monochrome model.
  4. My Rocketry friends and I have used them for years. They work very well.
  5. This ^ They’re everywhere. Someday I’ll change mine to N connectors.
  6. The link he provided definitely says SO239 Connectors: SO-239 (UHF Female)
  7. Also I believe you can transfer all your licenses to a single FRN and then either ignore the other FRN or request they be deleted.
  8. Show us how you have it wired to the power supply, please. I don't know whether the meters on the front reflect the power delivered to the rear outputs only or the rear outputs plus the two outputs on the front (cigarette lighter + one more connection which is limited.)
  9. When you click on the tab it lists which items are on sale and the discount codes for each of them. I don't see ABR in the list anymore, but maybe I just missed it.
  10. Good choice. At that length the loss because of cable type is minimal, but it’s good to have quality cables anyway. I saw also that ABR cables were no longer on sale for 10% off.
  11. SO239 = SOcket PL259 = PLug your jumpers need to be terminated with PL259. At 18 inches I would still use an LMR400. At that length the difference in cost of the cable is small. Most of the cost for a short jumper is in the making. PL259 connectors connected to SO239 are not weather proof and if subjected to moisture will eventually begin degrading the ends of the cable badly. There are several kinds of self amalgamating tapes and compounds that can be placed into the fittings to prevent moisture damage. also gigaparts has a 10% off sale on their ABR jumpers. I just bought some LMR 400 jumpers from them. The discount code appears when you click on their special deals advertisement.
  12. Before spending much more time on it I would suggest that you start a trouble ticket with Retevis now. That way if you’re unable to get it working to your satisfaction you may be able to return it.
  13. They don’t sum. The output of the radio is considered separately from the output of the repeater. But if you can contact the repeater with your 50 watt radio turned down to 5 watts, you should.
  14. 71.9 Hz is tone 3 on the Wouxun (page 79): https://www.buytwowayradios.com/downloads/dl/file/id/1464/product/5434/wouxun_kg_935g_owners_manual.pdf
  15. @wayoverthere - great job. I couldn’t figure it out since I mostly spend time here on the forum. I went out to http://www.mygmrs.com and sure enough my profile pic there is my callsign. I didn’t realize that the profile pics are completely different between the www site and the forums.mygmrs.com. Thanks!
  16. Can you refer us to someone’s profile that looks like you want? All I have ever seen is a colored circle with the first initial of the user name in it for someone without a profile picture. Your login name appears above it, which is your call sign in your case. Now if you really want a picture of your call sign in that circle, you’ll probably have to create an image file and choose that for your profile picture.
  17. Bob, i think you’re selling yourself short. The technician class test is intentionally pretty easy and there are great free study aids on the internet. I used one at HamStudy.org. I ended up buying the app for my phone because I found the studying to be fun. If I can do it you can too. Our local ham club meets for breakfast on Saturdays and Larry, who is 93, is there every time. It covers a much greater distance than GMRS, even without repeaters, but 2 meter FM analog repeaters are much more common than GMRS. I’m sorry the Nagoya 771g didn’t help enough.
  18. @Lscotthas a great idea for tracking the source. Keep in mind that every spark plug is a spark gap, the earliest form of radio transmitter. There’s usually some RFI reduction in spark plug wires but if your plug wires are going bad or if you replaced them with cheap substitutes you may have an issue.
  19. As others alluded there are many possibilities ranging from wiring (ignition noise, alternator noise) on your truck to accessories (LED lights, AC inverter,) to aftermarket high energy lights. Plus some radios seem to be more sensitive to such noise. Running power and ground all the way to the battery could help immensely but might not. You’ll just have to try different things until you figure it out. Does the noise change pitch when the engine RPM changes? Then it’s probably either ignition or alternator. Does it worsen with rough roads? It might be a loose connection somewhere. There are ferrite filters that might help. I don’t know much about them but I suspect a Google query would result in inundation. ? Good luck tracking it down. Please let us know what you find.
  20. It’s amazing how drafting has evolved. Our drafters were asked to do everything from mechanical drawings to mapping, to pc board layouts because they were the first ones to adopt the necessary technologies. Looks like wayoverthere gave you a better answer than I did. Hope it helps.
  21. I worked on cyber security for a portion of the western power grid for years. The FCC had nothing to do with it.
  22. Just upload it as if it’s a new picture.
  23. A friend of mine, also a ham, was telling me just today about a simplex net in the two meter band in the Seattle area. So, it happens. There’s no reason it couldn’t be done with GMRS, but without tall towers and high antennas, it might be a lot of half mile hops where the message gets relayed Ike the old game of gossip.
  24. No, get your FRN and then you don’t need to use your SSN. https://apps.fcc.gov/coresWeb/publicHome.do
  25. Send a test message asking for someone to reply: ”This is WROM583 Checking repeater settings. Please reply.” If someone replies or if you hear an automated identification from the repeater you got it right.
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