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About SteveF

  • Birthday 05/07/1949

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  • Name
    Steve French
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Benton, Kentucky
  • Interests
    Ham radio, GMRS, pyrography, guns, coin collecting

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  1. Now that I see how you worded it, I think that's probably what he meant. I'm a ham, and that's why I couldn't quite figure it out. Besides having a ham license, I also have a GMRS license, and I know several hams that also have GMRS licenses. A lot of us use the UV-5R and have them programed for GMRS, FRS, MRS as well as ham repeaters. I do, and when I talk on ham, I'll use my ham call of KM4JZJ, and when on GMRS frequencies, I'll use WRPR990. If we don't use a repeater, we'll go simplex, or even FRS. Or maybe MRS. We don't care, we have several options to choose from.
  2. Why is it impossible to do with a ham radio and license. Hams use HT's and do that all the time.
  3. That's hard to define. What someone thinks is best for them, you might not think is best for you.
  4. I'm thinking about getting it, but I'll wait until Chirp has it. Thanks.
  5. Can the Tenway GM-55 GMRS be programed using Chirp?
  6. When I became a ham I joined ARRL. I just renewed it for two years last month.
  7. I have my roger beeps on, even on my UV5R's. When I'm talking on the local ham repeaters, I keep the roger beep on. No one has ever said anything to me about it. There's only one GMRS repeater in my area, and when I talk on it, I keep the beep on, no one has ever complained about it. It really doesn't matter to me if it's on or off. Now, if I could find a micro echo board to put in one of my GMRS radios, I'd be a happy camper. ?
  8. Chirp does not support it as if yet. Do you have a programming cable? Try going here to program. https://radioddity.s3.amazonaws.com/Radioddity_GM-N1_CPS_V1.01_20210824.zip
  9. Not that I know of. I may be wrong, but I don't know of any setting that will turn off 'B'. You can mute it, but it will still be there.
  10. Since I posted on here back in late March, the vice president of the ham club that I'm the president of got his GMRS license. He waited for the price to come down to get his GMRS license. So far as I know that's two of us in the ham club that are also GMRS'ers. I would like to see more hams in the club, and more hams in general get GMRS licenses. The vice president and I are both extra class hams. I also talk on the CB radio, but that's another story for another time. Also, I'm not the only CB'er in the club.
  11. I'm an extra class ham and the president of the Marshall County Amateur Radio Association in Marshall County, Kentucky. As far as I know I'm the only one in the club that also has a GMRS license. I would like to introduce GMRS to the club but I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I do know there's others in my area with GMRS licenses, and there's a GMRS repeater just a couple of miles from me. Any suggestions? Here's the QR code for the club's Facebook group.
  12. I got lucky and there is a repeater in my area that has a 40 mile radius. It's an open repeater and maybe around 3 to 4 miles from my location.
  13. One thing I like about it is that it's supported by Chirp. Steve - WRPR990
  14. It's an awesome radio, and I really like it. In fact, I like it so much that I'm not going to do the water test. There's no doubt, you will like it.
  15. They do that all the time at major scouting events such as a jamboree. They will usually have it listed in the QST magazine in the special events page. I have worked a few and received QSL cards from them.
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