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WRUU653 last won the day on March 1

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About WRUU653

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    CA Central Coast

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  1. On one of our trips I ended up using one of my wifes Yeti lunch coolers... figured I better get somthing designated. I ended up with this Go Pro case from amazon ($18). I use usb-c cables to charge and I can get three radios and cables or two radios and a small battery bank ($20). I got one for the Surecom, dummy, cables and adapters as well. I used some velcro strips to keep stuff where I want it. Probably something better out there but it was cheap and it works.
  2. I thought this was his favorite… yours was better
  3. Very cool @WRZR574. The mobile radio bracket is brilliant and I really like the antenna holders. Simple and efficient. Bravo!
  4. I wouldn’t put too much stock into testing SWR on HT antennas. @SteveShannon explains it better than I could in this post. Just go with what works best for you in real world applications.
  5. Ha, yeah no worries. I don’t know why lawyers got to be so wordy, they could have just said if it’s only used by you and your immediate family and everyone uses the same call sign no repeater ID needed. That’s too simple though I guess.
  6. Nope. Not what it says You have to read the whole thing. Only communications operating under Individual license under which it operates = the owners call sign, meaning people of the same family And (not or) Those same people (family members) identify using the aforementioned call sign
  7. But but “if he had read the rules that he agreed to read when he got his license”
  8. If it goes to 467.xxx on PTT then it’s doing the offset correct. However before you said the channel was 462.700 not 462.550 so if it’s supposed to be 700 and not 550 it may well be in the wrong channel location or something didn’t get set right. 700 should be at channel 29 or 37. One thing I can say is I have made mistakes in a cut and paste before. Where when I went back for some reason or another some of my corresponding frequencies weren’t copied correctly. I never knew why but I was looking things over and found a couple that weren’t what they were supposed to be and I just had to change it back. I’m happy to help if I can and hope that in the end everything works for you.
  9. I have yet to hear them transmit but some people I know have hit the repeater while I was listening and that was cool. I rarely seem to be zeroed in on when it’s passing. As for the scan groups I look at it like tools in a tool box. I like to keep it organized so I know where to find the tool I need when I need it. If you decide to go for your ham license give HamStudy.org a look. The app will help you prepare for the test.
  10. This isn’t correct… 95.1745. § 95.1751 GMRS station identification. Each GMRS station must be identified by transmission of its FCC-assigned call sign at the end of transmissions and at periodic intervals during transmissions except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section. A unit number may be included after the call sign in the identification. (a) The GMRS station call sign must be transmitted: (1) Following a single transmission or a series of transmissions; and, (2) After 15 minutes and at least once every 15 minutes thereafter during a series of transmissions lasting more than 15 minutes. (b) The call sign must be transmitted using voice in the English language or international Morse code telegraphy using an audible tone. (c) Any GMRS repeater station is not required to transmit station identification if: (1) It retransmits only communications from GMRS stations operating under authority of the individual license under which it operates; and, (2) The GMRS stations whose communications are retransmitted are properly identified in accordance with this section. So if it’s only your immediate family that are using it and they identify under the same call sign then the repeater doesn’t have to ID. Anything else and the repeater is required to identify.
  11. This made me laugh. The child me completely understands that logic. Fun fact, here we use red button to stop machines but in Europe red means the machine is running so danger! and green for off therefore it's safe.
  12. I do use scan groups so I can scan specific things at specific times. This can be real handy if for instance (and yes this has happened) if there are fires near your home and you want to only scan fire agencies. I may choose one local repeater frequency on the bottom and let the top scan GMRS and local Ham repeaters and simplex but mostly I don't do a lot of scanning but it's nice to have the control. My scan groups are typically as follows. Group 1. GMRS. Only Group 2. GMRS and Ham Local channels/frequencies/repeaters. ^^^(This is what I mostly have the top section preset for). Group 3. GMRS, Ham local and non local including out of area repeaters and ham simplex as well as the ISS. Group 4. Local Sheriff, Medical, SAR, Coast Guard, Fire, Park Rangers, Local High School (we've had two lockdowns at the school and they are close so... ) ^^^This would be what my lower section would be preset for. Mostly so if I hear sirens close by I'm set to hear what's up, is there a fire or possibly police with an active shooter at the gas station (this also happened). Group 5. LEO and Medical only. Group 6. USCG - Coast Guard. Group 7. Fire this one is key and is all local fire from two counties as I'm near the line. Group 8. Air Band almost never listen to this but it's in there on the radios that do it. Group 9. Rail Road Local I have about five frequencies in this. Group 10. Rail Road ALL I have somewhere near 150 in there but I'm quite sure there is more to be had, I thought trains were cool as a kid and I guess I still do.
  13. Sounds like we’re getting somewhere. Double check that but if you are seeing 462.700 and not 467.700 when pressing the PTT then you are transmitting on simplex, not the repeater input. The repeater channels are 23-30, 30-38 and so on. If you have changed their locations on a GMRS radio like the 935 it’s possible that it might not transmit on the correct frequency but rather the simplex frequency. I haven’t tried moving them from their natural order. If what you are saying is correct and you are seeing 462.700, that’s what’s happening and is the problem. You will likely have to put things back in order. edit: A factory reset would certainly put things back with the repeater frequencies back where they were intended. I guess it all depends on how much you have programmed in the radio and what’s the most straightforward approach to putting things back in. I use Chirp and it allows the ability of cut and pasting which is great because like you I keep my radios mostly programmed the same so the same stuff is in the same locations and I can transfer from one radio to the next. Good luck I hope this is the fix you need.
  14. More on talk around. If ‘talk around’ is engaged you will see an ‘R’ on your screen to the right of the W+. This can be engaged or disabled by one of the side buttons or a quick tap of the scan button. When you press the PTT it should show you on the screen what frequency you are transmitting on if you select frequency mode for that channel. Press mode three times to get there from channel name. I hope some of this info helps you out.
  15. They look the same so a couple thoughts on what to check for… What location (channel number) are you programmed into? What’s your squelch setting? Could it be preventing the radio to open on receive? Are you using the factory GMRS tuned antenna? Any change if you swap antennas? If you transmit on simplex (channel 17) can you hear and be heard on another radio? Make sure they have some space (50’) between so they don’t desense each other. I’m not sure what’s happening but there’s some ideas of what to check. edit: one other thought, do you accidentally have talk around engaged? This would cause you to transmit on the receiving frequency and would prevent opening the repeater.
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