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WRUU653 last won the day on March 1

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About WRUU653

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    CA Central Coast

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  1. I got some catching up to do... Welcome @CaptainSarcastic, @FishinGary and @jjlava! Cheers
  2. This makes sense. Thanks for the tip. It surprises me I never considered this as my father used to commercial fish.
  3. So if I understand this you are using the MN360 (not type accepted for GMRS, part 95) to transmit to the repeater. Well I think in the end you will find you are wrong but you have been cordial in making your case for what has been kind of a hot topic here in the past. I look forward to seeing what the FCC has to say in response.
  4. The bridge that is accessing the repeater is what I was referring to. You had said it was FM I believe. Did I misunderstand that?
  5. Thanks. Seriously, you too. This was fun, looking at an old debate with a new twist. I do have a question though. The means to which you are communicating to the repeater, is it type accepted?
  6. Go back and read the entire post where I quoted the FCC that you said you agreed to. You are selectively choosing to only address what you want while missing the intent of GMRS. Respectfully, I for one disagree that having POC would be very cool on GMRS. I’m pretty sure the FCC clarified their position and intent. On this I happen to agree with them. I respect your position to disagree but I see no point in a lengthy back and forth. You are just trying to find a spot in the fence that you don’t see a no trespassing sign to get to the other side while knowing you don’t belong there.
  7. Oh but you are, It’s in your own thread title what you’re selling, and that’s not local communication. You were right about one thing and that was the horse is dead. This has been hashed out here before. It’s just the first time I know where the idea was coming from a sales pitch.
  8. I think the FCC said it best… In addition to violating Commission rules, linking repeaters is not in the public interest. Because GMRS spectrum is limited and used on a shared “commons” basis, the service only works well on a localized basis when users can hear each other and cooperate in the sharing of channels. Linking repeaters not only increases the potential for interference, but also uses up a limited spectrum resource over much larger areas than intended, limiting localized availability of the repeater channels. GMRS and the Family Radio Service (FRS), which share many of the GMRS channels, are intended for individuals such as family members and friends, scouting troops, emergency response groups, and hobbyists to communicate with each other over short distances, directly or through a repeater station. Linking repeaters, via the internet or other networks, undermines the purpose and usefulness of the GMRS and FRS.
  9. You're still connecting over the internet, and for the purpose of carrying voice. Yes, this ^^^ Others have tried the tactic of ignoring the FCC for profit and paid the fine. The "illegal marketing" by Rugged Radios back in 2020 comes to mind. They don't do that anymore. I expect there are others. The risk you may well find is yours.
  10. Well that’s an awesome coincidence great minds…
  11. could be time for a wellness check... either that or the haiku generator is on the fritz.
  12. I would try testing it out with another power source first but it does sound like the radio has a problem and it’s time to send it back.
  13. Why do you think he’s a HAM? He is not. Your anger is misplaced.
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