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Everything posted by Hoppyjr

  1. I had the same radio, USB-C version, and wide band enabled. I could hear but couldn’t transmit, except on simplex and only within a couple blocks. Also had lots of static. I contacted Midland support and they advised of an update that required the radio be sent in to them. Since I was within Amazon return period I sent it back.
  2. ^^ it’s true the USB-A Midlands were less capable, but the later USB-C “two seventy five” also could be impacted by a factory firmware/software issue as mine was. * I spelled out the model because whenever I type numbers using Tapatalk it emoji bombs the post.
  3. Could it be you’re hearing conversations from a repeater, but unable to access it without inputting the correct tone? I had the same radio for a brief period, but sent it back as it performed poorly. Midland did advise that there was a software update they could install if you returned it.
  4. I don’t care about linked repeaters, but it’s almost like people refuse to use the search function and the same threads happen over and over. I wish people would do just a little homework before flogging the same dead horse. Also, the latest iPhone software seems to conflict with the Tapatalk app. Whenever I quote a post it gets emoji-bombed. Now get off my lawn! :-)
  5. Please make the linked repeater thing stop…. [emoji849][emoji1787][emoji854]
  6. Disregard
  7. Disregard. Still have the Tapatalk bug with the new Apple OS.
  8. Disregard. Odd app behavior
  9. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people. [emoji23]
  10. Well that didn’t work out as planned. Some strange Tapatalk app behavior added a bunch of stuff to my reply. Disregard.
  11. He wasn’t expressing interest in becoming a Ham, he was simply whining.
  12. Welcome to July! [emoji23]
  13. I love Internet doctors almost as much as Internet lawyers. I’ll add you to my growing list”ignore” list. Still, you seem needy.
  14. Not sure why you feel the need to be both sensitive and defensive at the same time, but if that’s the look you’re after you wear it well. Also, I’m not into scared cows, I prefer my cows calm and well done.
  15. Never mind, I see you’re still easily triggered.
  16. I think you’re being a bit too sensitive. Take step back, breathe, relax.
  17. GMRS is a good service and I see it as the evolution from the old CB days. Where Amateur Radio is filled with people who enjoy making contacts for the sake of meeting new people and making contacts, GMRS is often called a “bring your own friends” type of service, in that its often used within families, hunting / hiking groups, off road groups, etc. You’ll typically find fewer folks just looking to connect, but that does happen on occasion. Where I’m at there are regular net sessions, a Ham study session, and we even had a recent picnic to meet up. I’m still not as well known, but that’s fine by me as I have other stuff going on. You should investigate to see if you have local GMRS groups near you. You are entitled to whatever opinion you wish to have, but that doesn’t make it accurate. Many folks who use GMRS are also Ham operators. While we have fun with “Sad Hams” the truth is there are people here who simply enjoy radio and use Ham and GMRS. My dad used to say “it’s not what you said but how you said it”. Instead of complaining and insulting established members here, maybe consider taking a breath and getting a sense of how things flow. There seems to be a thing with new folks around here lately….
  18. In addition to reading, some Google searches will be helpful as you’ll find most answers to questions. Doing a forum search is also a good move, as many new guy questions have been asked and answered. Finally, I’ve found YouTube a decent resource too. Good luck & Welcome.
  19. Smiley Slim Duck also fits fine.
  20. Hoppyjr


    I’ll bet you were wearing a mask while you typed that. [emoji40][emoji6] I can’t believe how sensitive some people are.
  21. Hoppyjr


  22. Hoppyjr


    Because it doesn’t make sense. It looks like two separate thoughts, with the only commonality being the 1500’ mountain. Maybe it makes sense to you, but you failed to explain what you are asking in a way that the rest of us can understand. Frankly, it looked like a drunk person late night posting. If you can explain what you’re saying maybe we can help. (1) “So to fellows we will call them #1 and #2 are in a flat desert and 10 miles apart. Both can TX and RX each other. #1 removed his antenna, he thinks he is TX but #2 can't hear anything. #2 tries to TX #1, but #1 does not hear anything. Now we add a 1500 ft tall mountain between them and #1 and #2 can't hear each other. RIGHT” (2) “So I wear hearing aids. The last pair cost me $5,000. plus I had to pay a $500 maintenance fee. They claimed they were making adjustments to my hearing aid, But there was a 1500 ft tall mountain between us. So I stopped paying the Maintenance fee, and darn the hearing aids stopped working. What do you guys think.”
  23. It seems there are countless people who lack any self awareness. Post a question to random strangers on an Internet forum, then criticize their answers. Similar to the guy on the thread about “linked repeaters” who seems to think his arrogant replies are winning the day. Reminds me of…..
  24. Some people like them. Those people also look like this.
  25. Hoppyjr


    I think car monkey hairspray, but big toe likes rocky road. Hair gel makes fun times but trees are there. Your sister wash with hose but I still like pie. [emoji482]
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