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Everything posted by Hoppyjr

  1. You’re still good. That’s legit use. [emoji109][emoji41] Good looking Jeep!
  2. One radio and no 10-codes, you’re ok Marc. [emoji41] Wait….ex-cop car?
  3. When I picture civilians who use 10-codes, I also picture their belt-worn radios (multiple), shoulder worn mic, and basketweave leather belt. Likely they also drive a former police car and/or have an amber light bar. In a past life I met some of those people. [emoji849]
  4. One must keep in mind that government regulations are created by people who desire control, so the actual regulation doesn’t need to make sense in practical terms. You know, just like how the firearms laws do such a great job of reducing crime in Chicago, DC, and Oakland…..
  5. You absolutely can use your existing antenna without issue. I would still probably upgrade to something better, but there are many options. The MTXA26 is a great antenna by the reviews, but best if you have the height clearance. I’ve had great luck with the Midland “Ghost” antenna on the roof (MTXA25) and you could use on a NMO magnetic mount or direct into the roof via NMO mount. I live in the Cascade foothills and have been impressed with my latest antenna, the Larsen LP450NMO. It too can be used with NMO mag mount or direct into NMO mount in the roof, as I did. I prefer the Larsen as it’s shorter and has delivered better “real world” use performance. Here’s a photo of the Larsen on my son’s Jeep.
  6. Update: The 4Runner now has the Icom 2730a, with the Mars/Cap mod done by HRO. Great guys to deal with and I really like the radio. 4R still has the Pulse-Larsen LP450NMO puck style antenna mounted on the rear roof and it’s working great. I programmed all the PNW repeaters into the Icom using the RT Systems software. Super easy and user friendly. Most of the repeaters are open, the others kindly granted permission. [edit: this morning I hit a repeater 70+ miles away, in the trees & hills of Western Washington State. I’m beyond impressed with this setup!] I’ll add a good dual-band antenna once I do the research, then likely move forward with the HAM ticket so I’ll have the option to use if desired. The Jeep got the Midland MTX575 that formerly lived in the 4R. It also has the LP450NMO antenna, this time mounted in the removable cowl area on passenger side. It’s nicely low profile, but has a surprisingly good signal. It blends in well, eliminates the need for accessory mounts, and I think looks great. Here’s the exterior of the Jeep antenna.
  7. Start by doing lots of reading here on the forum, then listening to see how the folks do it around the area. Lots of nice people, mostly hanging out on channel 18. Tiger/Oly3 is an open repeater and it’s pretty active. Some info here: https://www.radioofhope.org/oly-comm-volunteers
  8. I just picked one up @ HRO while in Portland. Install this weekend. I’m done with Midland.
  9. Mine has been “ok” but I’m replacing it with something that would make a Ham sad. I recently picked up the Midland MTX 275 for my son’s jeep. The radio has problems, which Midland customer service thinks may require a software update. Their customer service is so bad. I may as well be dealing with China that radio is going back to Amazon and I’ll never buy another Midland product .
  10. I agree with those who think a NMO mount in the roof is the best plan, but I’d avoid the whip. On my 4Runner I did NMO in the roof with the Midland “Ghost” antenna. Low profile and works fantastic here in the PNW. I recently picked up the Pulse-Larsen LP450NMO, which also screws onto the same NMO mount, but has given equal or better performance to the Midland Ghost. The Larsen is shaped like a hockey puck, so it’s shorter than the Midland Ghost and larger diameter. The bottom has a nice foam weather seal. This would likely work well for you and keep low enough for your rooftop accessories when needed.
  11. The same people tend to like ridiculous gun laws that don’t actually reduce crime. Those people likely don’t own radios or guns, so they don’t care. They want government to make it all better. Safer. They also lack enough intelligence to understand they are willfully and incrementally giving up their freedom.
  12. Typical government overreach from people who desire complete control of the population. It would be nice if the citizens would wake up and stop electing actual tyrants. Actions > Words
  13. Agreed. I have a solid state SwitchPros system, so I take power for my GMRS radio and Wilson cell booster from that, for the same reason as Randy. Each has its own switch on the panel, with the system running off a dedicated circuit breaker. Cell booster is top left.
  14. You’re not gonna insult him and call him a shill for Baofeng? I was so looking forward to another drunken goat rope….
  15. There will probably always be “something better” but that stuff could work. What are you mounting it in? The radio seems to have great reviews.
  16. While I’ll file all of that under “useful and cool info” you didn’t need to explain yourself to the guy, he’s just being “that guy”, maybe because he needs attention. I’m looking forward to learning about the radio you just tested. I would love a KG1000g with dimmable display too. [emoji16]
  17. Wow, you just keep going. [emoji849]
  18. So anyone who offers a positive opinion of Midland products is getting paid off? I’ve got a couple Midland’s and they work great, so can you please call them and expedite my check? I think you need to take two steps back and read what you’ve said. Maybe this place isn’t a good fit for you….
  19. You’ll get lots of replies with ideas and advice, but do yourself a favor and spend some time watching YouTube videos and reviews. This will give you far more “pros & cons” and you’ll actually see the items. Our own Randy has a great channel, with great reviews, and he’s entertaining as a bonus. (Randy, I’ll be watching my Venmo [emoji6]) Affiliate link: https://youtube.com/@TheNotaRubicon?si=eguV0C9AX-2SL0Fa Start with the most recent vids, as that’s typically the latest stuff. Welcome & enjoy!
  20. Well that’s a bit cryptic…..
  21. You’re entitled to your opinion, as am I. I think guys who keep keying up over and over, holding the air for 10-15 seconds of nothing but giggles, farts, or music, and each time cycling through their Roger beeps are just being assclowns. Has nothing to do with “some people” or sad hams, it’s just the basic rule of life - “don’t be a dick”. If that’s lost on you it’s ok.
  22. If you do take the radio, be sure you wear it on your belt.
  23. It seems that is the same mindset of the clowns who keep kerchunking the local repeater and demonstrating their many different Roger beeps.
  24. ^ This. Enjoy the vacation, see the sights, leave the radios home.
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