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Posts posted by MarkInTampa

  1. I tend to think of how Wouxun compares to the others is how you want to use the radio. For a program and forget it's hard to beat a Motorola or other commercial radios but for the most part they don't do what a KG-1000g does nor were they designed to. Things like tone scan, program from the radio itself, listen to VHF, dual VFO/Scan or airband and such that a KG-1000 does do.

    I got a KG-1000g+ the week they came out and to me is was an attempt of Wouxun to clone or emulate a Yaesu/Icom style Ham radio for the GMRS market, not a commercial style radio and they did a fair job at it. It missed a few things that a Yaesu FTM series or Icom ID series have but may not be important to you. The Yaesu and Icom both have two button access to drop a channel from scan for 5 minutes and the Wouxun doesn't. A feature I like if there is a bunch of garbage on one frequency when scanning. The Wouxun scan speed also sucked - at least 75% slower than my Icom or Yaesu but did work fine. Again, not a issue if you are only scanning a few frequencies but it was definitely noticeable. The digital volume was also a bit annoying on the KG-1000, at the lowest volume setting of 1 when used as a base station the volume could be heard in the other room (annoying the wife) so had to use the speaker in the mic at night. In a mobile situation I doubt you would ever notice. My Icom and Yaesu doesn't have that issue.

    I sold off my KG-1000g+ after getting my ham license and it's now on its third owner. The second sold it off after getting something different as well. I lost maybe $25 after original purchase and the second owner sold it for the same he paid me for it. So at least it holds it's value. 

  2. 22 hours ago, WRVD377 said:

    Anyone had a city tell them to install a 30' or 40' tower requires commercial tower zoning for GMRS, but if you have a HAM License it has other rules?

    I talked to a couple of county code enforcement guys at lunch about putting up a 30-40ft tower for ham use and if I needed a permit a month or two ago. They told me that if it has a concrete foundation, technically it needs a permit. It didn't matter if it was ham or not. One of them also told me in 25 years he has never checked permitting or gigged anybody for a small tower so take that for what it's worth. I'd guess it depends on how anal your code enforcement is where you live.

  3. One of our local repeaters has two input frequencies do to occasional interference on the primary. A few weeks ago they put a high-low beep on end of transmission on one input and a low-high beep on the other so he could figure out what input was being used. It's still causing a bit of chaos, users blaming other users of have their roger beep turned or thinking their own roger beep is turned on. What's even funnier is if they do have a roger beep enabled, then you hear at least 3 tones at the end of each transmission. It's finally calmed down a bit - instead of of ten folks a a day asking what the tones are it's down to one or two.

  4. 8 minutes ago, WRXP381 said:

    It’s funny how people spend all kinds of time “screwing around” with the better software.   The “correct” software.  I download chirp takes 1 min, I open chirp, I plug in a radio and select it from a list and program my radios.   I won’t own a non chirp compatible radio.  Every one says it’s junk and it bricks radios and blah blah blah but in the many years I have used it for many many radios I have never once had not one issue.  No comm port issues no driver issues no nothing.  It take me 10min to update my 10 radios.    

    OP maybe you should try chirp? Can’t hurt can it?  You’re already upset and frustrated.   I know it has a kg1000 plus option. 

    If the drivers for the communication cable isn't working in Windows, it isn't going to work in Chirp. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, WSBY419 said:

    A blue screen pops up  for either version reading, "Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk."

    There is no option from there to open the program/app. If I go to the hard drive, it only allows to uninstall the virus program. I don't want to take such a risk as I may not be able to reinstall it as I forget passwords.

    Quite honestly, this is becoming far far far more of a hassle than it's worth to me. I'm not used to laying down nearly $1,000.00 only to be at the mercy of a Chinese piece of software.

    Right-click on the installer/setup program, select "properties", check "Unblock" next to the security warning "This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer", click "OK" then try installing again.

  6. You can download the software from Buy Two Way Radios website: https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-kg-1000g-plus.html click on the downloads tab at the bottom of the description and then the KG-1000G-Plus-Programming-Software file.

    Within the downloaded file you will have two files, one has (64) at the end of it, the other one does not. The one with (64) at the end of it is for 64bit Windows, the other is 32bit. You only need one and most likely the 64bit version.

    The Wouxun software is not digitally signed from the manufacturer. This will more than likely trigger a "Windows protected your PC" if running Windows Defender antivirus with a "Unknown publisher" message and a option buttons to "Run anyway" or "Don't run" and click on "Run anyway". That should start the install process with another warning message that the software is not signed. 

    If you are running under a restricted/limited account on Windows or using a 3rd party antivirus, chances are you won't be able to install the software because it's not signed. Try disabling your antivirus during install and right click on the install file and "run as administrator" to get it installed

    Good luck with the install - also remember the programming port is on the SIDE of the radio, not the front (same connectors). You would be surprised how many people I've talked to having trouble programming this radio that use the wrong port.

  7. 12 hours ago, AA452 said:


    I already am planning on doing this sort of thing (it will be absolutely insanely tedious) using my offline maps software OSMand. I know the update wouldn't be done in time for me, but I think this sort of thing would benefit many others in the future, not just for the scope of application such as the trip I am taking. I also have the ability to just scan on the repeater frequencies around me, and scan for the tone it is outputting as well, so it's still possible to tap into repeaters without a database, it just takes longer and I may find some repeaters people aren't too happy about a stranger hopping on their repeater.

    I'd suggest programming all 8 repeater channels for a tone of 141.3, the national travel tone and setup scan for all 8 channels. A good majority of public repeaters use this tone and is usually a good way to tell if a repeater is public or not. If you hear something that's not on 141.3 then scan for the tone if you want.

  8. 35 minutes ago, SignallyCurious2 said:

    Yes, I have a subscription. 

    It is populating customer radio ID data, which I’m confirming with delta com. So far nothing correlates to the RRDB listings, nothing even close. 

    That doesn't surprise me at all. The RRDB listings for talkgroups are user gathered and updated are are known to be incorrect or way outdated. There are a couple of guys in my area that run banks of SDS200 scanners logging gigabytes of data a week and keep RRDB somewhat up to date for my area.

  9. 8 minutes ago, SignallyCurious2 said:

    DSD Fastlane decoders are working - I got 3 voice calls clear as day. Now we listen in for the details. 


    Since it appears they are using Nexedge 48, take a look at Bare Snow and Landscaping around 1000ft from the water tower. Just keep in mind that they are a Deltacom customer (DEC code 680) and Deltacom is about the only major player for NXDN in the area.

    Bare Snow.JPG

  10. I still don't see how you are not receiving Deltacom's repeater of 462.531.25  on 462.531.880 (the center of your interference). I've got a DMR HT that allows me to to program 462.531.880 so I did. Tested as DMR simplex on 462.531.880 on low power with no antenna on the radio using SDR# with my RSP1B on a discone on both frequencies. It's so close a radio on ether frequency would work together. I'm not saying it's Deltacom but more likely something on 462.53125 since it's a standard offset. My Icom won't even let me program 462.531.880, it auto jumps to 462.531.25 but my MD-380 HT allows it for some reason.



  11. 7 minutes ago, SignallyCurious2 said:

    The gold star is the water tower, and the signal is strongest within 1/4 mile radius of the star. 

    If you have it narrowed down that close, you should be able to hear it with no antenna attached to the SDR if you are within 100-200ft of the transmitter. I run a program called Spektrum (cheesy spectrum analyzer for SDR's) to test my HT's or base for 2nd and 3rd harmonics at 5 watts with no antenna connected to the RSP1B at all to keep from overloading it. With no antenna connected about the only signal the SDR can receive is pretty much what is within 100ft it.

    If you have a radio (even analog) to bring along that can tune the the frequency at the same time just to monitor when it is transmitting or use it with no antenna and the SDR with one. A handheld frequency counter helps as well. We used to do fox hunts every weekend back in the mid 80's in the CB radio days, used to be quite good at winning it.

  12. 1 minute ago, SignallyCurious2 said:

    The delta com radio administrator and I talk on the phone 2-3 times a day, everyday. 

    we are beyond certain. He has keyed up each repeater on the frequencies while I watch on the waterfall. Isn’t them. 

    Do you actually see their transmission on the waterfall? You SHOULD and pretty much right where you are looking. Better yet, can you receive anything from them monitoring 462.53125? You are close enough you should hear it and how does it align with the interference? It should be almost on top of it.


  13. On 3/22/2024 at 2:44 PM, SignallyCurious2 said:


    I had the best luck at 462.53188 as a “center”


    You show the center as 462.53188, that a whole lot closer to the standard FCC spacing of 462.53125 than 462.5325. Close enough for margin of error on most radios. I know you talked to Deltacom who has a repeater less than 7 miles away on 462.53125, running trucked radios (probably Motorola's) and they said it wasn't them but what's the hurt in confirming it? They might have a lobe of the antenna pointing line of site that is bouncing off big metal object such as the water tower. You know what the traffic looks like, try parking under their tower confirm it is not them.

  14. 6 minutes ago, SignallyCurious2 said:

    Here is the antenna on servicar building, they have antennas on all of their busses too, couldn’t find much online for them but didn’t dig too deep, either. 


    From ServiCar's website:

    RADIO COMMUNICATIONS - All of our School Buses are equipped with two-way radio communications with our dispatch center. Our system works off of three separate repeater stations on our private 900 MHz frequency through-out the Metro-Detroit area, providing us with communications through-out and beyond the tri-county area. They are also equipped with direct talk around for trips outside of the coverage area where communications between buses is needed.

  15. 5 minutes ago, SignallyCurious2 said:

    SOCWA with the water tower called back, it is not them but they’re also interested and going to help out. 

    That’s how the transmissions are for me too, most of them data, very very few actual calls more than 1.2 sec. Latest call so far was 4:45pm.

    If I had to guess they are running MotoTrbo GPS tracking on the radios. The GPS system can be programmed to poll the radios every 10 minutes or every 1 kilometer of movement. They are short bursts, around 600ms to 1 second. If a car is moving it sends a lot more traffic than if it doesn't. 

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