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I have two issues that I hope someone one can help me out with. The first one is: I live in south eastern VA, it seems there are no repeaters in or around the area where I am at. I wanted to get back into radio coms but it seems either CB or HAM may be my only choices. I have a MXT400 that I wanted to set up as a base station but I am quickly finding out that since there are no repeaters in the area that I would be able to communicate with, that maybe GMRS is not for me. Does anyone have a possible solution on this? The second one is: is there a way other than talking on the radio to join in on the Sunday net calls? I appreciate any and all advice/information on these matters. 

Thank you in advance,


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Chatting with just anyone isn't what GMRS is for.  I too have the MXT 400 for a mobile and am only using it on trail rides with the Jeep.  I have befriended a person that owns two repeaters 30 mile from me and I can chat with him and help him when justing his gear.


Other than that I turn mine on when driving and set it to, SCAN.  


These were meant for family and business comms pretty much.  Overlanders and folks off road use them too but it seems, not like CB radios .


I forgot to add that you can get on this site and listen to the chatter on the linked towers but for the most part I find it boring...

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Depending on where you are iin VB there was one in Chesapeake. I didn't make it down with the MH last year but when Im at Holiday Travel part my repeater is on. As was stated if you got into GMRS to talk to people youd be better off with your ham ticket. GMRS isn't like CB or HAM radio. There are some folks who chat but mostly people use the service for its purpose. I know for the years Ive been down in VB the only chatter I normally hear is around the beach and up by the state park on FRS channels.

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There is a scheme where you connect an FRS radio to your computer through a small circuit card that they sell.

It connects through the internet to other users all over the US and maybe further.

It's sort of like an internet based repeater.

Maybe you would like that.


I saw it on youtube but can't remember the name of it.

I'm sure you'll find it if you search.


There are many more Ham repeaters than GMRS but many are pretty quiet.

So I'm not sure Ham is the answer either.



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First let me welcome you to the forum and group of helpful GMRS folks.  I must be living in the Utopia of GRMS with a repeater.  WNC is very family friendly, great for kids to learn and who want to go get their ham ticket.  And for the rest of us have a family friendly private owned repeater with a 30 mile plus range.  The owner of the repeater wants others to use it with permission and controls and watches the use.  We are planning a GRMS fest picnic in August to do a meet and greet and change the PL code as he has many authorize users folks who have let their license expire as well as his PL code has been written on the wall for unauthorize users share PL code with others people who do not have unit ID.  


So are you willing to do a private repeater and set up use and purpose of family friendly communication?  One of the things our local private repeater owners wants to have a kids night so they can chat and get involved in GMRS leading ot ham ticket.  


In short if you do not have what you desire for your area, make it happen.  Our local private repeater owner does not charge a fee to play but open to donations.  Which we did with funds and offered time to help work on the repeater site as needed.  Also some of the members on the repeater help each other in base station setup etc.


For our family we use the local repeater for family communication, Jeeping where we do not have cell coverage and talking to others and make friends.  


Make it happen for your area, let us know what you plan to do, equipment you pick etc...  There are many good support and helpful folks on this forum of which they have allowed me to grow in knowledge, be thankful for my local owner private repeater.  You could be that guy in south eastern VA.



I have two issues that I hope someone one can help me out with. The first one is: I live in south eastern VA, it seems there are no repeaters in or around the area where I am at. I wanted to get back into radio coms but it seems either CB or HAM may be my only choices. I have a MXT400 that I wanted to set up as a base station but I am quickly finding out that since there are no repeaters in the area that I would be able to communicate with, that maybe GMRS is not for me. Does anyone have a possible solution on this? The second one is: is there a way other than talking on the radio to join in on the Sunday net calls? I appreciate any and all advice/information on these matters. 

Thank you in advance,


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