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Magnetic antenna mounts?



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Technically the base of the mount and the metal under the paint form a capacitor. The RF current, for the mirror imaged half of the dipole, flows through that capacitance. The capacitance you get is a function of, the area of the base, space separating the base of the mount and vehicle body metal and the dialectic constant of the material between the two. You would ideally like the that value, capacitance, to be as high as possible resulting in a low capacitive reactance. The lower the effective capacitance, higher reactance, the more it will affect the SWR. You can try shimming up the mount using anything that’s none conductive then check the SWR. Once you get enough space between the vehicle’s body and the antenna’s base the SWR will rapidly go to crap.

Some people have experienced poor SWR using cheap magnet mounts with a tiny base on a vehicle that has a thick coating of paint on the metal body.

Oh, the increased space between the magnet mount and the metal body will reduce the holding force too. Having the mount break loose at highway speeds usually doesn’t end well.

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11 hours ago, MichaelLAX said:

Thank you for that tip, but I don't want one bad apple, to spoil my enjoyment of the whole bunch!

There is a small gray x on the right hand side of each person’s signature. Just below the reaction button. It removes just that person’s signature from your view. I never noticed it before now. 

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I wanted to stay out of this, but it's bugging me too much. LOL


@Wrvq441 not attacking you... just my opinion... I interpret this as this whole thing 'originally' had nothing to do with politics (per se) and more about @Sab02r tried to make a political statement with his signature (which in and of it self was not so much the problem) and was obviously confusing Socialism with Communism. 

Socialism aims for gradual transition to a socialist society through democratic means, whereas Communism aims for a revolution to instantly establish a communist society.  Socialism is a form of democracy, verses Communism is usually born out of war, driven by extreme Socialists desire to leverage Socialism to lift themselves (or their group) into a tyrannical positional of power, of which the only way liberation is found is either by war or total collapse of the nation-state.

And THAT was the point. 


Not my forum, but I say have all the political conversation you want, if you can be civil.  Politics does play into this radio service, just like everything else in our lives. understanding people's opinions and where they stand on certain ideologies can help guide a conversation. Just be sure you have an accurate understanding of what you are talking about and don't get but-hurt when someone corrects you for it if you don't.  It's part of being an adult.  JMHO



5 hours ago, WRQC527 said:

Yep, and what's worse is that the original post was a simple question about the effect a rubber cover had on the performance of a magnetic base antenna, and that question was satisfactorily addressed early on.


And the answer is still "No."

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Question: What time is it?

"Some People": The heart of a mechanical clock is the escapement mechanism, which is responsible for maintaining accurate timekeeping by allowing the clock's gears to rotate at a steady rate. The escapement mechanism typically consists of a pair of gears called the escape wheel and the verge. The escape wheel is driven by the clock's main power source, which is typically a weight or a spring, while the verge is connected to the clock's hands.

As the escape wheel rotates, it drives the verge, which in turn moves the clock's hands. The escapement mechanism also includes a device called the pallet, which acts as a brake on the escape wheel, preventing it from rotating too quickly and keeping the clock's hands moving at a steady pace.

In addition to the escapement mechanism, a mechanical clock also contains other components such as the mainspring, which provides the power to drive the clock, the gear train, which transmits power from the mainspring to the escapement mechanism, and the pendulum, which helps to regulate the clock's timekeeping by swinging back and forth at a constant rate.

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1 hour ago, WRVS912 said:

This is not helping me 

You asked a question. It was answered succinctly by @marcspaz and exhaustively why by @Lscott.

You don’t need to worry about the extra thickness of the rubber.

What additional help would you like?

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54 minutes ago, MichaelLAX said:

Thank you for that tip, but I don't want one bad apple, to spoil my enjoyment of the whole bunch!

Yes, but when you begin arguing the accuracy of another member’s signature line instead of simply ignoring it, it spoils enjoyment for many more than just you. 
Or is it all about you?

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53 minutes ago, Sshannon said:

Yes, but when you begin arguing the accuracy of another member’s signature line instead of simply ignoring it, it spoils enjoyment for many more than just you. 
Or is it all about you?

In my professional experience, before I retired, I was required to "communicate" with others.  I certainly did not learn that skill while studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, but did so in my studies for an advanced degree in another subject.

I would never make a valid point ("instead of simply ignoring it") but yet immediately follow it up with a personal insult ("Or is it all about you?")

So I am not going to reply to the substantive portion of your comment ("arguing the accuracy of another member's signature line instead of simply ignoring it"), even though I feel yours is an incorrect response, because I do not respond to personal insults.


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18 hours ago, MichaelLAX said:

I don't know why you @Sab02rwould put a socio-economic-political point of view in your "signature" on a radio Forum, but since I have to read it EVERY time you post:

You are confusing Socialism with Communism! 


My apologies if my signature struck a nerve MichaelLAX. 

I am not unreasonable, and since I value input from others I removed the offending signature in an effort to not be such a "bad apple".

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5 minutes ago, Sab02r said:

My apologies if my signature struck a nerve MichaelLAX. 

I am not unreasonable, and since I value input from others I removed the offending signature in an effort to not be such a "bad apple".

You shouldn’t let “one bad apple” ruin your enjoyment and if you enjoyed your sig, leave it. 

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4 minutes ago, Sshannon said:

You shouldn’t let “one bad apple” ruin your enjoyment and if you enjoyed your sig, leave it. 

Thank you Marcus for your understanding and patience; especially in a thread that I chose to comment on your sig, since it seems we'd beaten this horse to death (width of rubber on magnetic antenna mounts).

But it seems Steve should consider becoming a Chef, because he loves to stir the pot! ?

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I have some friends with absolute opposite political views than mine. We at times wear shirts that represent our thoughts. We sometimes have civil conversations on why one represents such beliefs. Sometimes we sway, other times we agree to disagree.  But when its all done and over, we all recognize that fact that we still live in a country where we are still allowed to voice our opinions without punishment. The day we stop respecting this is the day that we lose our freedom. There will be only one way. Actually two ways; life of compliance, or death from punishment.

I’m not trying to stir the pot here, but, wow……. All this over a signature?

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1 minute ago, marcspaz said:


I wanted to stay out of this, but it's bugging me to much. LOL


@Wrvq441 not attacking you... just my opinion... I interpret this as this whole thing 'originally' had nothing to do with politics (per se) and more about @Sab02r tried to make a political statement with his signature (which in and of it self was not so much the problem) and was obviously confusing Socialism with Communism. 

Socialism aims for gradual transition to a socialist society through democratic means, whereas Communism aims for a revolution to instantly establish a communist society.  Socialism is a form of democracy, verses Communism is usually born out of war, driven by extreme Socialists desire to leverage Socialism to lift themselves (or their group) into a tyrannical positional of power, of which the only way liberation is found is either by war or total collapse of the nation-state.

And THAT was the point. 


Not my forum, but I say have all the political conversation you want, if you can be civil.  Politics does play into this radio service, just like everything else in our lives. understanding people's opinions and where they stand on certain ideologies can help guide a conversation. Just be sure you have an accurate understanding of what you are talking about and don't get but-hurt when someone corrects you for it if you don't.  It's part of being an adult.  JMHO

Except that what you and @MichaelLAX refer to as Communism, really isn’t.  What people commonly refer to as communism today is just militant socialism.  In true or ideal communism (which exists absolutely nowhere as a functioning government) everyone contributes equally and shares equally and there is no state.

But the point is that even if @Sab02r had an inaccurate signature, @MichaelLAX had no business taking him to task in a public post. If he was offended he could have written him a PM. Better yet he could have ignored the sig, or he could have turned off seeing that one sig (a function that I didn’t realize existed, but which is nice to have for this very reason). If we’re going to start criticizing each other’s signatures we’re in a race to the bottom. Better to just walk away.

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@Sshannon I find to be a good example of how to be on the forum, helpful as often as possible and almost always one to take the high road. @MichaelLAX I have also witnessed being helpful to others here including me. I don't always agree with his approach, I will say you know where he stands. The signature as I see it was intended to provoke, push buttons. Mission accomplished. So respectfully sure you could ignore it and by that theory you could ignore @MichaelLAX's response. I thought @Sab02r was being a big person in removing it. As for "I don't make a habit of kowtowing to the perpetually offended" That just proves what the intent was in the first place. And that is the problem as I see it.  Be good humans or don't, your choice. Why do I bother with my thoughts here? I enjoy the community and I like learning and helping others. That is what I enjoyed in my work before I retired. I like radios. The stuff in this thread... not so much. 

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3 minutes ago, WRUU653 said:

@Sshannon I find to be a good example of how to be on the forum, helpful as often as possible and almost always one to take the high road. @MichaelLAX I have also witnessed being helpful to others here including me. I don't always agree with his approach, I will say you know where he stands. The signature as I see it was intended to provoke, push buttons. Mission accomplished. So respectfully sure you could ignore it and by that theory you could ignore @MichaelLAX's response. I thought @Sab02r was being a big person in removing it. As for "I don't make a habit of kowtowing to the perpetually offended" That just proves what the intent was in the first place. And that is the problem as I see it.  Be good humans or don't, your choice. Why do I bother with my thoughts here? I enjoy the community and I like learning and helping others. That is what I enjoyed in my work before I retired. I like radios. The stuff in this thread... not so much. 

You’re absolutely right.  I should have ignored @MichaelLAX; it wasn’t my place to react. I have no excuse.

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