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AI7KS to Stinkfinger

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12 hours ago, OffRoaderX said:

So far the vote is roughly 790 NAY to 30 YAY.

StinkFinger OUT, over <beep>

I say fuck it the more I'm pushed to conform by ass hats the more I'm like nope I'm good just to spite. Also cracks me up to see people freak out when you transmit on ham without a license, like these people don't speed.

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8 minutes ago, WRZX278 said:

I say fuck it the more I'm pushed to conform by ass hats the more I'm like nope I'm good just to spite. Also cracks me up to see people freak out when you transmit on ham without a license, like these people don't speed.

So you’ve had a GMRS license for about two weeks.  Why did you cave in and get it?

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3 hours ago, Sshannon said:

So you’ve had a GMRS license for about two weeks.  Why did you cave in and get it?

Didn't need to take a test, and knew a bit about radios from my time as a fister in the army. Am I interested in getting into ham? Yes but mainly just hf the idea of bouncing signals and taking to other around the world sounds fun and interesting, but I unfortunately have been blown up to many times, have some brain damage so learning by ready is so difficult, it's like words don't make since and change when I read, but I learn perfectly when I do hands on, docs say it has something to do with neurons making stronger connections that way. So because of that and it being "illegal" to transmit without a license I'm not allowed to enjoy a hobby? Also not trying to sound like a dick or or hateful, my thoughts just get jumbled so I just tend to put them down how I think it. I may have only had my gmrs license for a few weeks but I've been using military radios for 10 years as a fister you have to know a lot about them, how to adjust them program them work out issues for your keys, time and frequency hop, how to send data, was all fun as can be for me.

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10 minutes ago, WRZX278 said:

Didn't need to take a test, and knew a bit about radios from my time as a fister in the army. Am I interested in getting into ham? Yes but mainly just hf the idea of bouncing signals and taking to other around the world sounds fun and interesting, but I unfortunately have been blown up to many times, have some brain damage so learning by ready is so difficult, it's like words don't make since and change when I read, but I learn perfectly when I do hands on, docs say it has something to do with neurons making stronger connections that way. So because of that and it being "illegal" to transmit without a license I'm not allowed to enjoy a hobby? Also not trying to sound like a dick or or hateful, my thoughts just get jumbled so I just tend to put them down how I think it. I may have only had my gmrs license for a few weeks but I've been using military radios for 10 years as a fister you have to know a lot about them, how to adjust them program them work out issues for your keys, time and frequency hop, how to send data, was all fun as can be for me.

A lot of people have issues learning and even with written tests. I have a good friend who went through engineering school with me who would have a hard time taking written tests. He’s a very good engineer. People are willing to help even if you don’t drop the f bomb. 
If you do decide to get your ham license the test can be given to you orally, if that works better for you. If I can help you understand anything I would be happy to help. 

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55 minutes ago, Sshannon said:

A lot of people have issues learning and even with written tests. I have a good friend who went through engineering school with me who would have a hard time taking written tests. He’s a very good engineer. People are willing to help even if you don’t drop the f bomb. 
If you do decide to get your ham license the test can be given to you orally, if that works better for you. If I can help you understand anything I would be happy to help. 

Sorry if you don't like the f bomb I don't mean anything by that old habits are hard to break, but yeah after getting out I became a certified structural and pipe Welding was super easy to learn because it's like 99% hands on, also not once when reading about the test did I see anything about it being given orally, was trying to find out if it was timed and if I could do it online instead of in person stuff like that, being around strangers in person while also taking a test really messes me up, but yeah I did find out I can do it online never did find out if it's timed or not. Thanks for the offer of help though, when I said I'd do something in spite of someone you're not one of those people your are nice and helpful, not preachy and condescending.

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4 minutes ago, WRZX278 said:

Sorry if you don't like the f bomb I don't mean anything by that old habits are hard to break, but yeah after getting out I became a certified structural and pipe Welding was super easy to learn because it's like 99% hands on, also not once when reading about the test did I see anything about it being given orally, was trying to find out if it was timed and if I could do it online instead of in person stuff like that, being around strangers in person while also taking a test really messes me up, but yeah I did find out I can do it online never did find out if it's timed or not. Thanks for the offer of help though, when I said I'd do something in spite of someone you're not one of those people your are nice and helpful, not preachy and condescending.

Ham test is not timed. You can take as long as your bladder can handle. 
I’m glad I made the cut. 😄

Before I got married I worked in the oilfield. (Filing pipe for the welders at first.)

Cussing became second nature. I still way over-do it sometimes. But I’ve been married now for over 44 years and I have worked as a professional most of that time so I have had to learn when to cuss and when not.  Sometimes it’s just a struggle. 🤬  Anyway I’m not offended by it; I mentioned it only because it’s a quick way to alienate people who might otherwise have something helpful to offer. 

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1 hour ago, WRZX278 said:

Didn't need to take a test, and knew a bit about radios from my time as a fister in the army. Am I interested in getting into ham? Yes but mainly just hf the idea of bouncing signals and taking to other around the world sounds fun and interesting, but I unfortunately have been blown up to many times, have some brain damage so learning by ready is so difficult, it's like words don't make since and change when I read, but I learn perfectly when I do hands on, docs say it has something to do with neurons making stronger connections that way. So because of that and it being "illegal" to transmit without a license I'm not allowed to enjoy a hobby? Also not trying to sound like a dick or or hateful, my thoughts just get jumbled so I just tend to put them down how I think it. I may have only had my gmrs license for a few weeks but I've been using military radios for 10 years as a fister you have to know a lot about them, how to adjust them program them work out issues for your keys, time and frequency hop, how to send data, was all fun as can be for me.

TBIs?   One of my good friends is a retired 13F and his recommendation is don't play with bombs between his injuries and burn pit exposure. 

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1 hour ago, WRZX278 said:

Sorry if you don't like the f bomb

Cuss all you want. I've made and broken my new years resolution to stop cussing more times than I can *#$%ing count. This year included. But... there are many of us here who are both amateur radio and GMRS license holders who are more than willing to help where we can, with no animosity toward either radio service... unless... you throw us under the bus and lump us in to some "all hams are asshats" category. You will find both GMRS and amateur radio asshats here. But not all of us. 

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1 hour ago, WRQC527 said:

unless... you throw us under the bus and lump us in to some "all hams are asshats" category

Nobody does that.. There are hams.. and there are asshats that also happen to be hams.  Anyone that is unable to understand the difference is an asshat.

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On 1/1/2024 at 7:06 PM, OffRoaderX said:

So far the vote is roughly 790 NAY to 30 YAY.

StinkFinger OUT, over <beep>

Add another to the NAY column. If for anything, to keep "some people" posting in the comments in your videos. The responses to the pinned comments are always hilarious. 

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21 hours ago, WRZP437 said:

TBIs?   One of my good friends is a retired 13F and his recommendation is don't play with bombs between his injuries and burn pit exposure. 

Yeah tbi said I got blown up to many times haha good advice though, those burn pits are no joke, would wake up and look like the base was covered in fog, nope just all the chemicals and crap in the burn pit, went to dump some stuff in the pit once and got shot at come to find out some jack ass threw away some ammo 🤣

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20 hours ago, WRQC527 said:

Cuss all you want. I've made and broken my new years resolution to stop cussing more times than I can *#$%ing count. This year included. But... there are many of us here who are both amateur radio and GMRS license holders who are more than willing to help where we can, with no animosity toward either radio service... unless... you throw us under the bus and lump us in to some "all hams are asshats" category. You will find both GMRS and amateur radio asshats here. But not all of us. 

No I know not all radio users are the same, what I mean is say like I want to listen in on hame so I get a small little set up and reception sound like crap so I key up and ask for a radio check, you'll get those guys who act like I just committed murder because I don't have a license, that's what I was meaning by those guys will act like then but then break the law by speeding a little, it's a victimless crime, I'm just doing a quick test and then I'm done nothing more nothing less. Now I do live in an area where there are large spots of no cell service, and your TV and internet comes from satellite so radios help lots of people have and use them because of that.

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10 minutes ago, WRZX278 said:

No I know not all radio users are the same, what I mean is say like I want to listen in on hame so I get a small little set up and reception sound like crap so I key up and ask for a radio check, you'll get those guys who act like I just committed murder because I don't have a license, that's what I was meaning by those guys will act like then but then break the law by speeding a little, it's a victimless crime, I'm just doing a quick test and then I'm done nothing more nothing less. Now I do live in an area where there are large spots of no cell service, and your TV and internet comes from satellite so radios help lots of people have and use them because of that.

Technically, hams shouldn't respond to folks transmitting without identifying with a valid call sign if they know a person is unlicensed. The reason being that they would be violating FCC regulations the same as the person transmitting. That said, the FCC probably isn't going to do anything about it unless they get complaints. But there are self-proclaimed amateur radio enforcers who will berate and otherwise confront folks transmitting without a license. Personally, my life has no room for such things, and it's easier to ignore them. 

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8 minutes ago, WRZX278 said:

No I know not all radio users are the same, what I mean is say like I want to listen in on hame so I get a small little set up and reception sound like crap so I key up and ask for a radio check, you'll get those guys who act like I just committed murder because I don't have a license, that's what I was meaning by those guys will act like then but then break the law by speeding a little, it's a victimless crime, I'm just doing a quick test and then I'm done nothing more nothing less. Now I do live in an area where there are large spots of no cell service, and your TV and internet comes from satellite so radios help lots of people have and use them because of that.

How those stations sound to you is largely unrelated to a radio check and transmitting without a license into an ongoing conversation will ruffle feathers, that’s for sure. It sticks out like a turd in a punch bowl.

But you’re on the right track by listening.  Listen and learn all you can about receiving while you’re studying.  In many ways learning how to get the most out of a receiver is the most important part of ham radio.  Any idiot can add a linear amplifier to the full 1500 watts and make themselves heard, but being able to pick out signals from noise, especially on SSB, is an art form, one I certainly haven’t mastered, but I’ve gotten much better in the past year. There are some great YouTube videos that explain how to adjust noise reduction, RF gain, etc.

What bands are you trying to listen to? What do you have for a radio, antenna, etc.


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22 hours ago, WRZX278 said:

No I know not all radio users are the same, what I mean is say like I want to listen in on hame so I get a small little set up and reception sound like crap so I key up and ask for a radio check, you'll get those guys who act like I just committed murder because I don't have a license, that's what I was meaning by those guys will act like then but then break the law by speeding a little, it's a victimless crime...

WADR: the families of those 4 Pepperdine College student pedestrians who died by way of a speeder who lost control traveling down the Pacific Coast Hiway in Malibu last October, do not think that speeding is a victimless crime!

LA Times article

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