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Wouxun KG-935G Plus / Question about deleting a repeater I put in



I'm new to this and confused.  How do I delete a repeater I put in?  The top banner states CH-027 for Repeater-19 I put in.  Frequency 462.6500.   Isn't it supposed to be CH-19 on the simplex channels?  If what I put in is correct, how do I connect with someone also on the same repeater?  I thought I had this figured out.  🙄  Thank you for your help.


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2 minutes ago, WSEZ219 said:

I'm new to this and confused.  How do I delete a repeater I put in?  The top banner states CH-027 for Repeater-19 I put in.  Frequency 462.6500.   Isn't it supposed to be CH-19 on the simplex channels?  If what I put in is correct, how do I connect with someone also on the same repeater?  I thought I had this figured out.  🙄  Thank you for your help.


I can not stress enough, use a computer program.  Especially with these woxoun radios. They have issues.  It’s 100xs easier than face programming.   

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I just looked into what you referenced; however, I am not there yet.  I'm new to this and getting there.  Is it safe to assume you don't know how to delete it either from the radio? 


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29 minutes ago, WSEZ219 said:

I'm new to this and confused.  How do I delete a repeater I put in?  The top banner states CH-027 for Repeater-19 I put in.  Frequency 462.6500.   Isn't it supposed to be CH-19 on the simplex channels?  If what I put in is correct, how do I connect with someone also on the same repeater?  I thought I had this figured out.  🙄  Thank you for your help.


Repeater 19 is channel 27 and 462.650. It will already have a built in offset of +5 on Tx but you will need to add the tones for the repeater you are using. Go to menus 9 and 10 to enter your tones. 

I have no issues with programming in this radio. You have a great GMRS radio. 

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21 minutes ago, WSEZ219 said:

I'm new to this and confused.  How do I delete a repeater I put in?  The top banner states CH-027 for Repeater-19 I put in.  Frequency 462.6500.   Isn't it supposed to be CH-19 on the simplex channels?  If what I put in is correct, how do I connect with someone also on the same repeater?  I thought I had this figured out.  🙄  Thank you for your help.


There are 30 numbered channels on that radio (plus a bunch you can customize).  1 through 22 are simplex.  23 - 30 are reserved to transmit to repeaters.  Those eight receive on the same channels as 15-22.  Some manufacturers label those eight channels with the letters RPT-15 through RPT-22 to display the common receive channel.  So, the channel labeled RPT-19 is actually number 27 in your radio. You shouldn’t delete the channel (and I doubt you can delete any of the first 30, but I don’t know that for a fact.

You must have the correct transmit tone or code programmed into your radio to open up the repeater or it will not repeat your transmission. 

You’re doing the right thing in learning to program your radio from the front panel.  It is easier to program with a computer but it’s much better to be able to program without having a computer.

Don’t give up.  Look up the tone needed for the repeater (PL or CTCSS, same thing) or code (DPL, DCS or DTCSS, they’re the same thing).  

Don’t worry about programming a tone or code for the receiver, at least not yet.  Leaving it open will allow you to hear everything on frequency 19.  You can always add a receive ton to match what the repeater transmits later, but leaving it off for now might simplify things as you learn.

Don’t get down on yourself. Once you see how it works you’ll be fine.

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9 minutes ago, OverYonder said:

Thanks for your words of encouragement. So I have to make sure the transmit tone/code is correct. 

If I have friends connected to the same repeater, do we communicate on the simplex channel 19?  I might as well expose my total lack of knowledge.  

1 Transmit Tone.jpg

No, for simplex you use the same frequency. A typical repeater must transmit at exactly the same time as it receives, so it must receive on one frequency while it transmits on another. In the case of GMRS the difference is 5 megahertz. So you transmit to the repeater on a 467 MHz frequency and the repeater receives them and immediately transmits on a 462 MHz frequency for your friends to hear. 

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This is what I did.   I found this on the forum. 

Go to repeater channel 19 (displayed as RPT-19)

Press "Menu"

Press the up arrow 10 times (display will show TX-CTCSS)

Press "Menu" again

Use the up arrow to select 141.3

Press "Menu" again to confirm and go back

Press the "Exit" key and you are done.


I went to check it out yesterday and I heard someone talking.   Am I on the right track?   I haven't gone to the menu options 9 or 10 yet as mentioned, as I'm getting brain fried.  🙂  I'll watch that video too.   You people are awesome and I appreciate your help.   Thanks. 


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45 minutes ago, OverYonder said:

This is what I did.   I found this on the forum. 

Go to repeater channel 19 (displayed as RPT-19)

Press "Menu"

Press the up arrow 10 times (display will show TX-CTCSS)

Press "Menu" again

Use the up arrow to select 141.3

Press "Menu" again to confirm and go back

Press the "Exit" key and you are done.


I went to check it out yesterday and I heard someone talking.   Am I on the right track?   I haven't gone to the menu options 9 or 10 yet as mentioned, as I'm getting brain fried.  🙂  I'll watch that video too.   You people are awesome and I appreciate your help.   Thanks. 


Pretty much, only thing I would say is since the menu starts on “one” you really only press it nine times to get to menu 10. Also it depends on what the repeaters tones are, but yes you got it right, you did in fact go to the menu I mentioned. As @SteveShannon mentioned previously you don’t need to put the RX (receive) tone in. Without it you will hear everything on the frequency with it you will only hear people on the repeater. It looks like you are set to go. Enjoy 👍

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1 hour ago, OverYonder said:

This is what I did.   I found this on the forum. 

Go to repeater channel 19 (displayed as RPT-19)

Press "Menu"

Press the up arrow 10 times (display will show TX-CTCSS)

Press "Menu" again

Use the up arrow to select 141.3

Press "Menu" again to confirm and go back

Press the "Exit" key and you are done.


I went to check it out yesterday and I heard someone talking.   Am I on the right track?   I haven't gone to the menu options 9 or 10 yet as mentioned, as I'm getting brain fried.  🙂  I'll watch that video too.   You people are awesome and I appreciate your help.   Thanks. 


Great job!

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Oh I'm back and ready to go at this again.  I know once it clicks, I'll think "Well, that was easy."  Until then...   Do I still have to go in and put in the TX frequency?  I went close enough to the repeater the other day.  I read somewhere to press on the Transmit/PTT key and I should hear something, a noise, static.  I didn't hear anything.  Is this one of the correct ways to know if you're connected to a repeater?  Again, thank you so much for your help and patience. 

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10 minutes ago, OverYonder said:

Oh I'm back and ready to go at this again.  I know once it clicks, I'll think "Well, that was easy."  Until then...   Do I still have to go in and put in the TX frequency?  I went close enough to the repeater the other day.  I read somewhere to press on the Transmit/PTT key and I should hear something, a noise, static.  I didn't hear anything.  Is this one of the correct ways to know if you're connected to a repeater?  Again, thank you so much for your help and patience. 

You don’t have to enter the TX transmit frequency if you’re using a GMRS radio and you have selected one of the repeater channels (which you have!) but you do have to make sure that you have entered the proper CTCSS tone or DCS code that the repeater requires or the repeater wil, just ignore any signal it receives from you.

No, kerchunking the repeater is not a very reliable way to confirm that you’re activating the repeater, especially if you’re relatively inexperienced. The best way is to push the PTT, say your call sign, and ask for a radio check. 

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23 minutes ago, SteveShannon said:

No, kerchunking the repeater is not a very reliable way to confirm that you’re activating the repeater, especially if you’re relatively inexperienced. The best way is to push the PTT, say your call sign, and ask for a radio check. 

I just did a presentation on repeater etiquette at our club's monthly meeting last night. And that was one of the key points. I pointed out that you should always give your call sign on a couple of the Power Point slides. We have a guy that is notorious for doing that. He made the comment that he does it between 10-11 at night thinking that no one else is around. I politely informed him that some of us are night owls and do hear it.

I would rather have someone using Roger Beeps or have a setting wrong that makes their radio squawk or make other noises at the end of every transmission than put up with a kerchunker. 

I bring up the squawk because we have a couple of guys using Baofeng and other  CCR hand held that quack and man does that hurt my ears.

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@SteveShannon  I didn't want to mess with it as I'm so close, so can you please verify I'm on the right track?

I go to RPT-19/Channel 27 as that's the repeater I want to put the CTCSS tone or DCS code in the repeater requires.  (That's the channel repeater 19 displays for me).


Go to TX-CTCSS.  It says "OFF"  (I also scrolled and went to TX-DCS.  It also says "OFF."  When I researched, a video stated that the C tones have a decimal point. )

So I go into the TX-CTCSS one and turn it "ON" and then use the arrow keys to find 141.3?  The input and output tone on this particular repeater is 141.3.  Once I find it, hit MENU to confirm.  Do a radio check to see if it works.  Not sure if that will work at the moment as I live in a little gully.  

Again, thank you for your help.


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1 hour ago, OverYonder said:

@SteveShannon  I didn't want to mess with it as I'm so close, so can you please verify I'm on the right track?

I go to RPT-19/Channel 27 as that's the repeater I want to put the CTCSS tone or DCS code in the repeater requires.  (That's the channel repeater 19 displays for me).


Go to TX-CTCSS.  It says "OFF"  (I also scrolled and went to TX-DCS.  It also says "OFF."  When I researched, a video stated that the C tones have a decimal point. )

So I go into the TX-CTCSS one and turn it "ON" and then use the arrow keys to find 141.3?  The input and output tone on this particular repeater is 141.3.  Once I find it, hit MENU to confirm.  Do a radio check to see if it works.  Not sure if that will work at the moment as I live in a little gully.  

Again, thank you for your help.


That sounds good!  Congratulations!

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4 hours ago, OverYonder said:

@SteveShannon  I didn't want to mess with it as I'm so close, so can you please verify I'm on the right track?

I go to RPT-19/Channel 27 as that's the repeater I want to put the CTCSS tone or DCS code in the repeater requires.  (That's the channel repeater 19 displays for me).


Go to TX-CTCSS.  It says "OFF"  (I also scrolled and went to TX-DCS.  It also says "OFF."  When I researched, a video stated that the C tones have a decimal point. )

So I go into the TX-CTCSS one and turn it "ON" and then use the arrow keys to find 141.3?  The input and output tone on this particular repeater is 141.3.  Once I find it, hit MENU to confirm.  Do a radio check to see if it works.  Not sure if that will work at the moment as I live in a little gully.  

Again, thank you for your help.


This sounds exactly correct. 😀

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@SteveShannon   I went to test to see if I got this.  I believe I was within a few + miles of the repeater when I first tested it.  It's hilly in this area.  I did a radio check, but I didn't get a response.  So I pushed the transmit key, no static.  Sigh.  However, the status light was all the way across.  I went further down the road and tested it.  I got noise (I wouldn't have called it static.); however, I was near the county jail.  Not sure if that had anything to do with the noise I got or not.  Again, the status light was all the way across when I pushed the transmit key (I did do a radio check, but no response).   Is there a chance I successfully connected with the repeater?   I took the picture at home where I'm getting the status light all the way across.  I do live within the stated range of the repeater.  Again, thank you! 

1 Signal.jpg

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15 minutes ago, OverYonder said:

@SteveShannon   I went to test to see if I got this.  I believe I was within a few + miles of the repeater when I first tested it.  It's hilly in this area.  I did a radio check, but I didn't get a response.  So I pushed the transmit key, no static.  Sigh.  However, the status light was all the way across.  I went further down the road and tested it.  I got noise (I wouldn't have called it static.); however, I was near the county jail.  Not sure if that had anything to do with the noise I got or not.  Again, the status light was all the way across when I pushed the transmit key (I did do a radio check, but no response).   Is there a chance I successfully connected with the repeater?   I took the picture at home where I'm getting the status light all the way across.  I do live within the stated range of the repeater.  Again, thank you! 

1 Signal.jpg

The red bar just means you are transmitting, it will have a blue bar if your radio is receiving. Meaning if you get a transmit or squelch tail back from the repeater it will be blue

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So when you heard a noise after transmitting did the bar turn blue? If so what you may have heard is a squelch tail from the repeater which means you probably hit it. Perhaps no one was there to respond or sometimes you can be close enough to reach it but not quite transmit through it. If you're only a few miles I would think you are good but hills can impede that.

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2 minutes ago, OverYonder said:

Do you have a suggestion as to what I need to fix, if anything? 

I don’t know if you need to fix anything. You’re transmitting  

 You mentioned hearing a sound after you transmitted but you wouldn’t call it static. It might have been a squelch tail. 
If you have a nearby friend who has a radio have them listen while you transmit. Announce yourself and ask for a repeater check.
As @WRUU653 said the red bar shows that you’re transmitting. Once you get someone to respond you’ll feel a little more confident. 

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