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  2. I leave my old/big Motorola XTS5000 in its Impress charger all the time, but the engineering, components and overall quality of that old Motorola is a tad-bit better than the Midland or any of my "cheap Chinese radios"
  3. Thanks. Those old Motorolas took quite a beating but seemed to hold up well. Didn't like water though.
  4. Unless the user-manual specifically says not to, I often do.. A few radios won't turn-on while charging, but most do.. HOWEVER - I would not leave them on for very long at a time and I would check them often to make sure they aren't overheating or burning the house down.
  5. So, while I wait for my DB20 to arrive, my wife reminded me that we had a pair of Walkie Talkies in our bag of earthquake stuff. I had completely forgotten about them and other than taking them out of the package I hadn't even looked at them. Turns out they are GMRS capable. Heck when I bought them I hadn't even heard of GMRS. So, I've been playing with them and learning their functions and menus (who write these things). I've learned a couple of things here but I have a question. Back in the dark past of the late 60's and 70's I was a USAF firefighter. We had a few radios in all of our rigs, and a few had units that allowed you to slip a portable into the base. I seem to recall these were Motorola radios. Big, heavy but they worked reasonably well. We never shut these off. They would charge in the base in the vehicle or in recharging bases kept in the office. Back to my question. Can I leave these Midland radios on while they are in the charger? The teeny tiny owner's manual doesn't address this, and that with using a magnifying glass to aid my 71 yo eyes.
  6. That poor repeater can’t catch a break!
  7. Today
  8. I thought that might happen so my sig only refers to the Medium End Radio Dork Experimeter (MERDE) level.
  9. Overlord Xenu bless The Queen of All That is GMRS and his loyal subjects! Long live the Queen!
  10. SILENCE! You have no permission to speak! This prestigious award has already gone straight to your head!
  11. The Queen of all that is GMRS has anointed you so. YES go forth Sir SteveShannon HERD
  12. I am humbled by this honor. I’m not sure I’m worthy so I will try a day at the middle level first. Thank you, Queen.
  13. I can only think of Monty Python references in response to this welcome, fair sir @SteveShannon to the realm. We will hoist your colors on our battlements. By what moniker shalt though be known on the air of our lord xenu?
  14. By the grace of mine own self-worth and sarcasm and by the bounteous authority vested in me, THE QUEEN OF ALL THAT IS GMRS, I doth hereby decree, with much pomp and stupidity, that one @SteveShannon, a stout fellow of questionable repute but unquestionable GMRS knowledge, be forthwith and forevermore dubbed a member of the Most Esteemed Order of the HERD (which, perchance, standeth for “Higher End Radio Dork,) Let it be known across the static-ee airwaves of the peasantry to the lofty frequencies of the saddest of H.A.M.s that Sir StevenShannon, clad in naught but his wits and an FCCs permission slip, hath stumbled bravely and fortuitously into the fray of tomfoolery and emerged victorious—or at least not entirely trampled. With this proclamation, he is granted the sacred right to put the title "HERD" after his name, to wield a UV-5R on GMRS channels, and to confuse all who inquire as to what a “HERD” truly be. So sayeth I, THE QUEEN OF ALL THAT IS GMRS on this fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord XENU two thousand and five-and-twenty. Let the roger-beeps blare, and may the Sad H.A.M.s tremble in his presence ! So it is written, so shall it be done. Arise good Sir @SteveShannon, member of the HERD!
  15. Mine's been going for a while. Received it Fri, Sep 6, 2024 and it was in operation shortly after that replacing my RT97S repeater. I didn't really have a problem with the duplexer but I had asked the service team quite a few questions when all of a sudden they said they were sending out a duplexer. I didn't think I needed one but after I replaced it the reception was much better than it had been even from the 1st transmission. That was Sept 20th. Before that they said you couldn't bring the voltage above 12.5v. After the new duplexer they said the limit was 13.8v It's been working well for me on 600 with a Retevis 7.2dBi antenna. I have plans to get it way above the 40' it's currently at along with replacing it with a Comet CA-712EFC.
  16. Only the Queen of GMRS can formally bestow such a noble title and you are certainly deserving of it! Not mentioned in my post the DMR intrusion may be more serious than just local effects on my GMRS experience. In Chicago the CPD communicates in the clear on 8 FM channels from 460.125 MHz to 460.525Mhz I scan them when I'm working in my office and I'm hearing the same "DMR" intrusion. Hopefully it just some clown in my immediate area and not worse. Again, thanks for your help!
  17. Yes - but the good news is, this one didn't die on my in the first 11 minutes!
  18. Can I add HERD (higher end radio dork) after my name now?
  19. With a built in duplexer and have all 8 channels available at your choosing.
  20. Please point us to where we can get one of these new 50Watt Motorola repeaters with a warranty, a built-in duplexer and pre-programmed with the all of the GMRS repeater pairs, for less than 1/3 the price We're waiting...
  21. I would imagine this is still a big giant pile of garbage. Espewheb you can get a good Motorola for less then 1/3 the price.
  22. So what's the word Randy? Come on, it's been almost 48 hours! Consumers want to know! And are the knobs still wobbly? Thanks.
  23. Yesterday
  24. As you predicted, a higher-end radio dork verified it is DMR. On GMRS, I find this DMR has all the charm of an impact wrench.
  25. Try different bauds until you can read from the radio.
  26. You nailed it! The occurances have been increasing in recent weeks. Annoying as an impact wrench at church. Thanks!
  27. Recording of DMR on analog with call sign..m4a To me those short sound files sound like DMR. Here is a longer sample, followed by a Morse code ID. I recorded it from our 70 cm DMR repeater.
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