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  1. Here's a simple explanation. Longer antennas (properly designed of course) focus your signal so it's concentrated towards the earth's surface. We're not talking to airplanes or other planets so why waste signal up there. We want to focus our signal at ground level (or horizon) which is where our contacts are. The gain of the antenna tells you how much it concentrates your signal where we want it.... in this case the horizon. So gain (length) and height both help. You may also need to consider the loss in your coax. You may want to run heavier and lower loss coax for the longer run then adapt to something more flexible for the last 10' or so. I would try and keep coax loss down around 2dB or less if you can. Less than 1dB would be nice. Vince
    2 points
  2. Hello: Question for any Wouxon KG-1000G owners (or other models with scan group functionality) . The manual states you can assign channels to separate scan groups and then scan just one of the assigned groups (as opposed to all). While I am able to assign channels to different scan groups, I don't see in the manual or settings how to activate scanning of a specific channel group. P.S. I do not yet have the programming cable for the software (out of stock everywhere). Any help or guidance would be appreciated! Regards, Mike WRKT553
    1 point
  3. Vince, It is OK to use CHIRP for 805G... Just do not delete some of the channels. I'm the guy who fixed MozartMan bricked 805G with a backup of the factory setting... You see both MozartMan and I deleted the error channel on the list which the radio uses as a check setting... so to others do not delete channels errors on the list. In fact the owner of BTWR contacted me and asked me for the file I sent so to MozartMan which worked so they would have it to give out as many of his users have Mac and not PC which only CHIRP works on Mac and not the PC version of 805G software... In fact Micheal and I use CHIRP for our 805G as we can do so much more in setting up the radio... Config different scans and other setting. So easy to use and understand. Hope this helps you. Jack P.S. Any Mac users with CHIRP on a 805G, feel free to PM me and we will get you up and running... it may take a phone call and within 15 to 30 you will be happy.
    1 point
  4. tweiss3


    You are better off exporting to excel, adding what you want then import the excel file, instead of using the software to type out every channel.
    1 point
  5. As others have noted in their replies, the fan noise is less likely to be an issue when mobile in a vehicle. Especially with the ability to mount the radio away from the dash/front passenger area by using the detachable face and long extension cable. For my situation and others who plan to use it as a base, the fan noise will be noticeable when transmitting. That may still not bother some owners, but I wanted to share the behavior here in this forum given the radio appears to be popular. It’s a really nice radio with a ton of features and I’m very happy with the purchase (albeit don’t like the fan behavior). When speaking with support at BTWR, I requested they push my feedback up the chain and inquire about the possibility of a FW upgrade/fix. At a minimum, they should clarify the manual and other marketing material regarding the fan. In a nutshell, it is only “partially” configurable. It’s either on all the time or every time you PTT (even when the radio is cold) Thanks for the many replies. Much appreciated. Mike WKRT553
    1 point
  6. Keep us posted as you go along... You did read Micheal post above on firmware upgrade... Hope that helps. Jack
    1 point
  7. 4W vs 5W - negligible difference if any at all. Performance difference will come out of receiver and transmitter details, that I can't comment on because did not see schematics, tests, etc. Antenna is removable. Actually, they are interchangeable between 3170 and 3180. There are two types I own and I prefer longer antenna (KRA-27) on my 3170. And 3170 is not that much smaller than 3180. Maybe inch and a half shorter. If you already have a setup for 3180, cables and other accessories, it's not worth to move to 3170 in my opinion. Being it fat bulky in-your-face radio may be a positive. To one crowd you may look like a cop, to another like a vigilante militiaman. Exploit possibilities!
    1 point
  8. John10e

    Can't reset password

    I've DMed him directly too but it still says he hasn't read the message, though it shows he has been active daily. I've also sent an email to the email address attached to his HAM id. I'm sure he has his hands full I do understand he is probably over worked managing the forums and sight......but I do hope we get noticed at some point. I'd be happy to just get my account deleted and I can just resubmit for a new account. That might clear things up. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hello, I am looking for assistance. I can log into the forums only. Can you direct me to somebody to fix my login to the MyGMRS main, so I can get to repeater information and or repeater owner emails to request access. Every time I look for information on repeaters I'm directed to log in but I'm given an error that I need to reset my password. When I add my email for recovery, it accepts it. But no email arrives at my inbox, or junk mail. Please refer to forum post https://forums.mygmr...reset-password/ If the issue cannot be fixed can somebody delete my account and I can try to set up a new account? Thank you, John Tenney John10e WRAT941 N1JPT
    1 point
  9. mainehazmt

    Can't reset password

    You are not alone...says mine has expired
    1 point
  10. I'd like to be able to see the map with __all__ coverage circles __at the same time.__ Should make it much easier to tell where repeater coverage is required!
    1 point
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