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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/21 in all areas

  1. MacJack

    HAM Forum

    Thanks PACNWComms. I wrote the attached story of how my now 35 and 37 kids got into cell phone before having emails and browser and texts... great days for teens back then... nightmare for todays kids. Enjoy the read attacked. MacJack How we got into being a Ham.pdf
    1 point
  2. By the way, if you are planning on a super GMRS repeater, consider installing a JPS SNV-12 voter and two or three diversity antennas and receivers on site. You can pick up 5 to 7 dB effective gain on the receive side this way. Bear in mind, it is only practical for a single CTCSS tone unless you break out the tone path and use some transmission gates and logic to steer the tones to a community repeater panel. Your mileage may vary... Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. Perhaps his Wouxun KG-905G is his “elsewhere” radio?! ? Take a look at the $109 Radioddity DB20-G as an alternative "portable" radio (a/k/a Anytone AT-779UV and Retevis Ra-25) https://www.radioddity.com/products/radioddity-db20g
    1 point
  4. A guy in our ham club was a project engineer on the hp 8920A transceiver tester. He gave us a presentation on radio testing and one of the examples he used was a Chinese dual band HT. I think it was the Baofeng UV5. It met most of the specs very respectably but one or two of them were WAY off the published numbers..... like 5x worse. It still met the legal requirements but not the published specs. I believe it was sensitivity that it failed. He only tested one sample so who knows what 20 others would do. His ancient Kenwood radio passed every published spec with margin. Overall he considered the Baofeng to be a decent radio but certainly not passing their own published specs. So some of the Chinese radio thing may be hit-miss quality control. I do like my Wouxun 805G radios and they seem to perform well but I can't prove it. For recreational use they are fine. These videos are fun and show that the radios are rugged but there may be more to the story. Making a contact shows that it's functions but nothing more. I would be curious to see what my Wouxuns would do on the 8920 tester. Vince
    1 point
  5. Pretty install. SWR meter is OK, but the nanonva is the real tuning tool these days The anylizer will let you tune to whatever center frequency you think is best and estimate the fall off both ways from your center tuning point. Not saying the SWR meter has no use, it gives different info, so in some particular troubleshooting cases its better. A real gadget guy will have both.
    1 point
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