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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/22 in all areas

  1. Lscott

    GMRS Enforcement

    With the rule changes in 2017, effective in 2018, business use of the frequencies is legal so long as they use FRS compliant radios. No call signs are required. Anybody who monitors the simplex channels will likely hear all sorts businesses on the air using them. Just have to deal with it.
    1 point
  2. MichaelLAX


    Welcome and we are happy to teach you more about your family; but don't expect us to do it for free!! ?
    1 point
  3. Same here...pretty spot on between the sw102, sw33, and nanovna.
    1 point
  4. rdunajewski


    As the shop owner, I wanted to follow up on what happened on this scenario. We used Tessco for shipping the CommScope base station antennas rather than taking on inventory of these antennas. They are very large, and the freight is very expensive, so it doesn't make sense to ship them to us, have to store them, then ship them again to the customer. You may be familiar with this as being called "drop shipping" where the item gets shipped directly to the customer. In this customer's case, we received his order and sent the information to our sales rep at Tessco. Days went by, and we never heard confirmation that they received the order and couldn't reach the rep. I tried to find a regional manager to contact, but still couldn't get ahold of anyone. Now being a week later, I escalated to their generic sales and support team, and explained the issue. They replied with the retail cost of the item, and a shipping charge of about $700. If we placed the order, we would have lost about $400 due to the super-high shipping quote and the non-discounted cost of the antenna that we already had negotiated with a sales manager in the past. So unfortunately, we had to cancel the order and refund the customer. I sent a message to him apologizing and explaining the scenario above to show why we couldn't fulfill this order, because of course it looks unprofessional if you don't understand the details of what happened. Needless to say, I pulled all products that we ship from Tessco and informed them I was done with their company do to this colossal issue. Almost a month later, none of the people I reached out to ever contacted me except their main support rep. Never again.
    1 point
  5. My first GMRS radio... My current GMRS radio... G.
    1 point
  6. Even moisture in the air causes attenuation of UHF signals.
    1 point
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