Some did, some did not. Some had backup power that lasted long enough for mains to come back online, some never lost mains. Some lost antennas, some did not. I had one ham repeater and one GMRS repeater I could still use. Also had some ham friends just close enough for simplex.
I fight this same battle and it can be quiet frustrating. Especially since we just recently went through a hurricane and two-way radios were all that worked.
It's a good idea to use your radio regularly to stay in practice. In an emergency stress will be high and the last thing you want is to be fumbling with the radio or worse, a dead battery.
With that "kit" he will not need another adapter for a mobile. All he will have to do is remove the SMA adapter being used for the HT. The cable already has a PL-259 which is why it comes with the SMA adapter for HT in the first place.
@WRUE951 sorry to hear it is so bad in some areas. So far my experience has been very positive on both GMRS and ham. I wish everyone could have as good an experience and just have good clean effective communications.
@WRUE951 that must be regional. I operate in the Houston area and the only unlicensed chatter I've heard is on simplex with a very weak signal which tells me they are on FRS radios.
That's sad. I'd rather support the citizens. I assume the government entities can take care of themselves. I'd rather not serve the government anyway, they are supposed to serve us.
I know it can sometimes be rough hear and there but I don't think GMRS will ever be like CB. I think the fact that you have to get a license and your info is public keeps the biggest jerks away. It's easier to be a jerk anonymously on CB which makes people bolder on that service.
@WRVM506 that is very interesting. Maybe you should leave the big antenna as is for looks and add a small, inconspicuous GMRS antenna that actually connects to the radio. A "ghost" antenna might fit the bill.
That ^^^^ If they aren't encrypted, they will be useless. I doubt there is a rule against listening to an open radio signal. "Joe! He said he's running xyz..."