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Everything posted by WRYS709

  1. The Radioddity DB20-G, also sold as the Anytone AT-779UV, is a great starter radio, I have one both in my Car and in my Shack, and holds up as a long term radio as well. It comes with its own free to download Code Plug Software on the Radioddity website. If this is your first time writing an analog code plug and you have a Windows computer, you may not need the additional $25 software from RT Systems, because the biggest investment of time is the first time you build your code plug. I have various tips in how to write that first DB20-G code plug for future growth, and as I am limited in time this morning, I will be happy to share them with you, if you respond that you went ahead with its purchase; as well as the pros and cons of purchasing the RT software for a beginning user of the DB20-G. Good luck!
  2. I solved the problem of PTT Fatigue on my Baofeng DM-5R DMR HT with an old MAHA PTT mic with K-1 connector that I had from my 1990's Kenwood days.
  3. Nice to know I picked the right model: it was an impulse buy, on Black Friday in 2023!
  4. Can you imagine the reaction if you go on a Ham Radio Forum and brag about getting your GMRS License!?!
  5. Which car? The cigarette lighter plug on a 20 watt radio is a great feature and should only be removed as a last resort. For example, in addition to plugging in to my cigarette lighter port in my car, I can plug into the port on my Jackery Explorer 300 for portable/emergency use. Some cars will turn off the electricity to the cigarette lighter port when the ignition is turned off, but many have an "auxiliary" port that is always powered. My EV's port is turned off, but it is easy to power it back on again, when parked. My advice is don't remove what is a great feature of this radio (cigarette lighter plug) and at the end of the day, if you want to connect directly to your battery, get something like this adapter from Powerwerx
  6. Purchased 3 of them: First the clone Anytone AT-779UV, then the DB20-G, then another DB20-G to replace one stolen, and... Then the DB25-D to get virtually the same mini-mobile with DMR on the 2 Meter and 440 MHz Ham bands.
  7. Radioddity has them open box for $139.99 Look here! If sale is still on…
  8. Is that your preference for sex as well?
  9. Do you overpay for your popcorn, too?
  10. Which model "Jeep" do you have?
  11. I gave up using an HT in my car years ago when I discovered and purchased the Anytone AT-779UV a/k/a Radioddity DB20-G. For about $180 - $199, the DB-25D is similar in form and function with the addition of DMR for Ham Radio 2 meters and 440 MHz. The VCG VR-N76 appears to be analog only, hence no DMR.
  12. I will have to research that model; give me a couple of others to compare to as well.
  13. So the author of "I don't think Midland radios are any good" agrees with me! I will take "YES" as an answer!
  14. WoW: @marcspaz: I told you, I agree with you 99% of the time and to be honest, you are probably the most "reliable" source of information on this Forum. I am not trying to convince you of anything! You were the one who jumped into my response to @wayoverthere and changed the conversation to 'reliability!" The problem is you took this comment of mine that was a reply to @wayoverthere's statement: "…they're still somewhat limited feature wise, especially for the price point....if they work for you as they are (and you're okay with the price), they aren't a bad choice." And you responded: With all due respect, I was not discussing reliability at that point; you raised that point! So I did the research to show that many users of Midland radios are over paying for confusion out of the box, by quoting those threads! Confusion is inherently unreliable!; especially if you are "paying extra for ease of use!" I have NO DOUBT that Midland radios are easy to FOR YOU to use out of the box, given your genius status! Newbies pay extra for these rather mundane radios and yet are still somewhat perplexed at how to get 100% operational usefulness from them, as shown by the threads I quoted. Don't get hung up on the concept of "reliability;" that was not MY point! If that is what they pay extra for, more power to them! @RIPPER238 asked me for an alternative that is less expensive, same or more features and reliable and I gave him his answer.
  15. MY opinion, based solely on what I read on this Forum, is that they are unremarkable radios and over-priced! I offer alternatives, based upon my experience. @RIPPER238 expessed his appreciation for my alternative suggestion. It is not enough for you to be able to express YOUR opinion? What is your and the Jeep Guy's problem? I agree with 99% of your posts on this Forum, but... Did you read the TITLE of this thread?!? Every time to reply to me, you renew "I don't think Midland radios are very good" in the "unread messages" thread!
  16. You’re welcome! There are even more benefits to this radio but I did not want to confuse the issue of its abilities vs Midland. Only on this radio is Radioddity a clone of Anytone.
  17. "Just this once I will let you ask me about something you could easily research yourself" (with apologies to Michael Cortleone in The Godfather!): I don't think Midland radios are very good Midland MTX500 Programming Midland MTX275 Issue Midland MXT275 Mic Issue Midland MXT275 Transmit Issue Midland MXT575 Programming Software? Midland MXT575 Channel Stability Issues etc etc etc...
  18. This request falls right into my personal experience: I purchased the Anytone AT-779UV ($99.95) and LGR Mag-Mount ($19.95) from Let's Get Ready Radios based here in Los Angeles, with fast free shipping in the USA: Out of the box easy use in GMRS, 18 watts, Repeater Channels, Microphone controls, cigarette lighter plug for easy installation and removal, NOAA channels pre-programmed. It is also known as the Radioddity DB20-G for more money from Amazon and others. These radios have been heavily supported here on myGMRS with only a few scattered criticisms. I purchased a 2nd one to use in my home! I have no affiliation with LGR other than that of a satisfied customer!
  19. Let me review the specifications of the MXT275 and be back to you…
  20. Exactly my point! Except that these "Midland" threads are about the "unreliability" of Midland radios for one reason or another! I will defend to YOUR last breath someone's right to buy Midlands that are overpriced, unremarkable and consistently criticized on myGMRS! I just won't recommend them when there are other alternatives just as easy to operate out of the box and not overpriced! I guess the deciding factor is that I do not earn any commission on my recommendations! "AmericanISH?!?" Don't quit your YT job!
  21. Radioddity sells their radios like hotcakes and has good customer support. i suspect it is your setup. Do you have access to another Windows computer?
  22. So you’re effectively saying: “if you desire to pay higher prices for limited features, these are the radios for you!” Maybe years ago… There are just too many cheaper, more efficient alternatives available to continue to follow this practice any more!
  23. Negative experiences with Midland Radios seems to be a popular tooic on this Forum; and they are so expensive, too! They seem popular with the “Jeep Crowd” here!
  24. I have the GM-30 but not the newer, different radio, the GM-30 Plus. Are you saying the Programming Software fror the GM-30 works on the new GM-30 PLUS?
  25. Radioddity generally has good support. Which version Windows are you using? How did you install the USB drivers for this cable? Do you know for sure that Device Manager is showing you the COM for this device as opposed to other devices you may have previously installed? Windows device installation is a “dark art!”
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