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Everything posted by WRYS709

  1. And 60% more expensive than the DB20G it replaced, as well! So I hope it's "far better..."
  2. You sure it doesn't come with a cigarette lighter plug already crimped on its tinned and stripped wires?!? hahaha
  3. HTs are the "gateway drug" of the Compulsive Radio Owners fetish (a known BTSM subcategory)!
  4. Not one reported DB20-G/AT-779UV cigarette lighter plug melting to the date of this post...
  5. I’d bet dollars to donuts that most DB20-G users use their cigarette lighter plug for power. In my vehicle, I do, and why not?! It’s so easy to unplug and hide the equipment in a zone where I am concerned about someone breaking a window to steal it when it’s in plain sight. And for the one in my shack: the Powerwerx adapter makes it plug and play without losing the versatility of having the cigarette lighter plug, when needed.
  6. Powerwerx 12v to Anderson Powerpole adapter
  7. Somewhere on one of these threads, I posted my code plug that follows Part 95E rules, after opening up this radio.
  8. Is there a better one for $200? $300?
  9. Retry your experiment with Input Tones on these channels if you have time, and report bach.
  10. Having owned a Pofung UV-30, the clone of the Radioddity GM-30 since about Day one, here is my best advice: Buy two Baofeng UV-13s for about $22 each, They are the Ham Radio version of the Baofeng GM-15, which is also a clone of the GM-30. These are already open and can operate on GMRS. No firmware muss and fuss! USB-C charging and Tone Scanning, too! With my purchase of my UV-13, I retired my TYT TH-UV88, which is really long in the tooth!
  11. I have my Yaesu FT-857d, so I am well aware of the shack in the box, but none of the truly portable ones are manufactured anymore. So there is nothing I can recommend. But I have my Radioddity DB20-G and I purchased a Quansheng UV-K5(8) and flashed the IJV3 Firmware and now for $20 I have a 2 meter/440 DSB HT that is compatible with SSB. I made a 65 mile contact with my legacy AEA 5/8 telescoping antenna on 2 meters SSB.
  12. The Radioddity GM-30 CPS software is the "go-to" software for the Baofeng GM-15. You are having Windows USB Cable/driver issues which is a dark art on Windows! Did your programming cable come with your GM-15, or did you acquire it separately? All facts would be helpful to diagnose!
  13. Now if there was only a quad band radio that supports SSB as well as FM (and hence, even digital!)
  14. Which mobile do you use?
  15. I avoided this problem by getting the UV-13 pro which is the Ham radio version of that radio and since it’s already open it transmits on GMRS $20 from AliExpress from AliExpress I retired my TYT-88UV
  16. Yes! And with the 11 year solar sun cycle at its Maximum, enjoy DX when the band opens!
  17. You’re Welcome! These inexpensive units have consistently passed the test of time. I picked up the Radioddity DB25-D mini-mobile to add DMR versatility to it and now if they would only add SSB; we could have the full package for 2 meters and 440 MHz.
  18. Why don't you test out your theory and report back for us. Cruise over to Mexico, MO and go on Channels 9 and 10 and blast away and see if you make any friends on the Mex 600 Repeater!?!
  19. Another reason I recommend the Radioddity DB20-G a/k/a Anytone AT-779UV
  20. DR;TL (the previous comments) Here is the scoop: Channels 8-14 are the so-called interstitial channels situated halfway between the Inputs of the 8 Repeater Channels: Theoretically using higher power and Wide-Band FM on these channels MAY cause interference on the Adjoining Repeater Input channels, so the FCC limits them to HTs using 0.5 watts and Narrow Band. Since you are in the highly populated SoCal area, probably ALL 8 Repeater channels are populated by some one or more repeaters in your area. So, using a 4 Watt Kenwood on Wide Band is probably not that advisable and yes, you should lock out these channels (which you have done)!
  21. Wow, so that Randy guy (not the horny one) was prescient when he Royally declared Channel 19 to be the nationwide Calling Channel!
  22. Another nail in the Midland coffin!
  23. Another popular 20 watt is the Radioddity DG20-G a/k/a Anytone AT-779UV: mini-mobile, 500 channels, cigarette lighter plug, easily opens to full VHF/UHF Ham $85-$109
  24. It's a bug or perhaps a feature of the firmware. This radio is a clone of the Radioddity GM-30. Radioddity did a firmware update back in 2021 or 2022 that opened up DIY repeater channels on Channels 31-55 as I recall. The remaining channels are still Receive only. See NOTE below* I believe the Baofeng UV-15 Pro is the same, but I do not have one to test. I purchased the Baofeng UV-13Pro from AliExpress some time ago ($20) and it is the Ham Radio version of the 15, already open so as to allow transmission on GMRS and MURS on ALL channels. I also recently picked up its baby brother: the UV-12, which is the Ham Radio version of their FRS radio, again open on all channels: * Here is a link to the Radioddity firmware update page. Attempting to update the Baofeng GM-15 with Radioddity firmware may BRICK your radio; so do it at your own risk! https://www.radioddity.com/blogs/all/how-to-update-radioddity-gm-30-firmware
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