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Everything posted by WRYZ926

  1. There is no third brake light mount for the Ford Escape.
  2. I have a 2023 Ford Escape and any looking for different options for antennas and also running cables into the passenger compartment. The one thing I will NOT do is drill any holes for a NMO mount. Thanks
  3. Well I found out that the UV-5R GMRS will indeed transmit on 2m VHF frequencies IF and only IF you save them to the radio and are in channel mode. The Baofeng GT-5R on the other hand will NOT transmit on any GMRS frequencies no matter if in VFO or channel mode.
  4. I talked to my VEC and he snail mailed the paperwork. That is okay since that gives me time to install my bulkhead to get my cables inside the shack and get my antennas up. One of the old timers taught me how to build a 10m dipole today. So I will have 2m/70cm, 10m and GMRS going once everything is setup and I get my call sign.
  5. I will try to call my VEC tomorrow.
  6. I'e been checking several times a day. I'm beginning to think my VEC snail mailed my paperwork.
  7. Thank you. I joined a local amateur radio club and those guys have been great. They have loaned me an Icom IC-208H mobile, a 10 meter radio and a power supply to use until I can get my own equipment. I will be working on installing a Comet GP-9 dual band and 10m wire antenna on one end of my house along with a Comet CA-712EFC on the other end of the house. There will be about 55 feet between each antenna mast so I should be good to go there. I did pick up a pair of Baofeng UV-5R GMRS radios and still have to decide what radio to use for a GMRS base station.
  8. Hello from Missouri. I just received my GMRS license yesterday and passed my amateur technician license last Saturday. I'm still waiting on my amateur call sign. I stepped off into the rabbit hole with both feet since I am getting into amateur radio and GMRS. But it is like any other hobby that I am in. Model trains aren't much better. I look forward to learning as much as my coffee soaked brain can take in.
  9. I just bought two UV-5R GMRS radios from the Baofeng Amazon store and they work on every channel. There isn’t any repeater close for me to try.
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