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Everything posted by BoxCar

  1. Welcome
  2. The activation code would be different for the two versions. You get a code for the version purchased.
  3. There a too few channels available on GMRS/FRS radios to attempt setting one aside for emergency calling. Setting CB channel 9 aside worked, after a fashion, but too many people just see it as another channel to use. The major problem with GMRS/FRS are the privacy codes. Not all radios come with no codes set and not all users no how to set or clear codes. This wasn't an issue with CB as that service didn't have CTCSS available.
  4. Base station antennas will have wind load information as it is critical in many installations. It may not be readily available on a retailer's site, but the manufacturer will list it in their brochures for the product. Yes, there is a difference between a mobile and base antenna. The radiation patterns will most likely vary with the base having a more defined pattern closer toward the horizon. The antenna length also comes into play as most mobiles are base loaded while base antennas tend to be center loaded.
  5. Are you certain you are on a repeater channel? Simplex channels are also on the repeater output frequencies so they look the same as repeater channels but don't have the transmitter offset.
  6. BS - just because it's what you would do, it would be overkill for this situation. Excess power doesn't do anything for this farmer except waste money. Why use more power than what is necessary? Power isn't always an acceptable answer and usually invites trouble as it pollutes the airwaves with unneeded RF. He wants to build a system to solve his problem, not build something that provides coverage for anyone in the area,
  7. Like my memory - slip sliding away
  8. Welcome to the zoo!
  9. There are 3/8x24 adapters to NMO available. I've seen them but don't remember where. You may find one doing a search.
  10. Send a message to Rich, the site owner.
  11. The radiation pattern is depicted as if you were viewing a vertical antenna from the side. The pattern is actually a circle so the primary lobe goes around, just as the secondary lobes. The primary lobe may take off at an angle or it may radiate on the horizontal plane. The secondary lobes do take off at angles to provide some radiation above and below the primary. The dB figures for the secondary lobes are the amount of difference between their power and that of the main lobe.
  12. The piece of data needed in your quest will be the radiation pattern of the two antennas you are looking at. The primary lobes will be similar but look at the secondary lobes as well. Does one antenna's lobes give better coverage close to the antenna in the areas you need?
  13. Firmware is different than the info in the data file, two different creatures. Firmware controls the radio functions while the DAT file contains how those functions operate. Restoring a DAT file is similar to reloading a program on you computer.
  14. +1
  15. B/ILT (Business, Industrial, Land Transport) licenses are available to any individual whether having a business or not. You need to qualify under Part 90.20 to be issued a license. Certain individuals are also able to obtain a public safety license under part 90.35 as well. The qualifications are much narrower however. (
  16. The rule-of-thumb on power line separation is twice the height of the antenna.
  17. OK
  18. Hmm, I don't have any problem from here.
  19. You'll need to check the FCC registration to see if it has Part 90 approval. l know the D878 is both Part 90 and 97.1
  20. Depends on the band. For all bands, a 6.25 kHz step will handle most uses..
  21. My comment on the post being uncalled for was over the way it was presented. I agree that SAR and EMA teams need good quality radios however, they do not need "public safety" grade radios in a volunteer organization. Public safety grade units are desirable however they are not required. Commercial grade or quality consumer grade radios are just as effective and have the advantage of being more available. Often, the only technical difference between the radios is the temperature range of the units. An IP67 grade radio is an IP67 grade regardless of who manufactures it as the comparison is to a standard not a brand.
  22. Uncalled for!!!
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