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wayoverthere reacted to DominoDog in Echolink
Echolink is pretty neat if you have internet data access. I have an old Sonim XP8 that I have dedicated as a ham radio toy and it is my go to echolink device. Has a built in PTT and everything, works great. You can even get a handheld speaker/mic for them. Echolink will let you talk and hear all across the world, but it does have its limitations. The app is sorta sluggish and cumbersome. It does work, though. But the greatest inconvenience is the hang time it has and the repeater has to be completely silent before echolink users will get the "Transmit" button available. It's greyed-out any time there is activity and most RF users can jump right in but echolink users have to wait. Works good on repeaters that are not busy but on a busy repeater you might have a hard time getting in.
Unless they specifically remember to give extra time for echolink ppls
wayoverthere got a reaction from WRUU653 in Can’t remember username
This will be the key ^^^
If it requires being logged in to use the search, drop your callsign in the thread, OP, and one of us can look for you.
Can't remember your callsign either? FCC search to the rescue! https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/searchLicense.jsp
wayoverthere got a reaction from SteveShannon in Can’t remember username
This will be the key ^^^
If it requires being logged in to use the search, drop your callsign in the thread, OP, and one of us can look for you.
Can't remember your callsign either? FCC search to the rescue! https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/searchLicense.jsp
wayoverthere reacted to MarkInTampa in Can’t remember username
Go the the main MYGMRS.COM webpage and lookup your callsign. If the callsign has a MYGMRS username associated with it (and it should if you are a registered member) it will be displayed right below the license expiration date.
wayoverthere reacted to SvenMarbles in Confession time..
Sometimes I buy radios on the DL without running it by the spousal unit..
I do the purchase in PayPal “pay in 4” so the charges don’t stand out as large on the statement and I’m a ninja about grabbing that package off the porch on my way in and having the item in my pocket by the time the back door opens 😢.
Is there a help group for me?
wayoverthere reacted to WRYZ926 in Antenna recommendations?
I wish that I could run my 2x4SR on my Ford Escape. They are definitely good multi band antennas. Mine is mag mounted on the center of an expanded metal rack on my SxS and does very well.
You are correct that the SBB1 needs a good ground plane. Mine is in the center of the roof on my Escape. It does well in that spot.
wayoverthere got a reaction from WRYZ926 in Antenna recommendations?
I've had good results with the SBB1 as well, on a mag mount. it was short enough to clear the parking structure at work, mag mounted on the roof of my compact truck; it does work best with some ground plane though. with the new (full size) truck, im using a fender mount which just isn't enough for the SBB1, and it's no longer short enough on the roof,. that fender mount is carrying a Comet 2x4SR, which is the only thing i found in my box of spares that was happy there.
i've also had good results with the 1/4 wave Signal Stalk from Signal Stuff. I did not have good results with the 1/2 wave version, and some testing indicates a need for more tuning (which i haven't gotten around to yet)
wayoverthere reacted to WRYZ926 in Antenna recommendations?
Another good one that is 16" tall is the Comet SBB1 NMO. That is what I am running on my 2023 Ford Escape.
It's hard to beat the SBB1 or SBB2 when it comes to short dual band antennas.
wayoverthere got a reaction from WRUE951 in Non-Profit/ Club
Filling a niche almost no once else is in? may be good or bad depending if there's a market for mobiles or not.
At least it's based on a decent quality radio and looks to be properly certified and legal, unlike the forklift one:
wayoverthere reacted to WRUU653 in Non-Profit/ Club
It looks to me like both the KG-1000g and the KG-1000m look like the ham KG-UV980P. I don’t know if there are more versions out there or not. 🤷♂️
wayoverthere reacted to SteveShannon in Non-Profit/ Club
It’s $369 (sales tax is simply a function of the state you live in) and it appears to be a retuned and reduced power version of the kg-1000g, which is $389. They probably didn’t start all over from scratch, and parts is parts, so with the possible exception of a couple of smaller final output transistors it would be priced similarly. The deletion of the higher priced finals could account for the $20 lower price.
And @WRXB215 has a real point, they probably don’t anticipate selling a ton of 2 watt mobile radios so economies of scale play a small role. I’m less surprised by the cost than I am by the fact that they built the product at all. I wonder if they simply retooled a commercial radio.
wayoverthere got a reaction from WRUU653 in Non-Profit/ Club
Ahem 🙃
wayoverthere got a reaction from WRHS218 in Non-Profit/ Club
Ahem 🙃
wayoverthere got a reaction from WRXB215 in Non-Profit/ Club
Ahem 🙃
wayoverthere got a reaction from WRQC527 in Non-Profit/ Club
Ahem 🙃
wayoverthere got a reaction from Elbowmac in Used Radio Equipment
I've had good dealings with them also, and I'll add they're on eBay (in addition to their site) under the username "erac1"
wayoverthere reacted to tweiss3 in Used Radio Equipment
I've used ebay with caution, and https://used-radios.com/ is an actual radio shop, so what they sell works.
wayoverthere reacted to nokones in KENWOOD TK780H-1
I was able to find a complete brand new still in the box a Kenwood TK780H-1 for $150. I received the radio today.
wayoverthere reacted to SteveShannon in 5 MHz Split
Absolutely none of this is your fault. You asked sincere questions that belonged in the technical discussion forum. People answered. The way it’s supposed to work is that people vote up the best answer and vote down wrong answers. Then, when a person reads the question later they get the highest quality answer at the top instead of having to read through three or twelve pages hoping that one of the answers is correct.
The system actually works well and helps people find peer reviewed answers quickly when people use it as intended and has worked well for years, but sometimes we end up with a couple of knuckleheads who don’t like it and end up consistently at the bottom of the pile. Or sometimes people mark down posts based on who posted rather than the quality of the answer.
Personally, I like being able to sort by votes, but I wish the default was sort by date simply to avoid the whining by 709 or better yet allow each person to determine in their profile which way they wanted to see the sorting.
wayoverthere reacted to SteveShannon in Recommended GMRS radio for vehicle
Looks like a Yaesu ftm-200
wayoverthere got a reaction from RayDiddio in avert
Yep, need premium to post classified ads, though not to reply.
wayoverthere got a reaction from WRUU653 in avert
Yep, need premium to post classified ads, though not to reply.
wayoverthere got a reaction from SteveShannon in avert
Yep, need premium to post classified ads, though not to reply.
wayoverthere got a reaction from WSDM599 in I can trigger repeater, but no one hears me.
Are you testing with the two handhelds in basically the same location? If so, since the repeater is passing the transmitted audio in realtime it's entirely possible that the audio is getting through, but the nearby signal from the transmitting radio is causing the other radio to desense (or "go deaf"), so it doesn't "hear" the audio coming back.
Having done a little testing for/with desense, the behavior in practice is pretty much what you described ...receiving radio shows an incoming signal, but no audio.
Unless there's some pretty severe barrier (like a hill/mountain) to the signal (or a pretty bad blind spot near the repeater), getting into the repeater from a couple miles away should be doable.
wayoverthere reacted to marcspaz in I can trigger repeater, but no one hears me.
No worries my friend. We all had to learn somehow. I'm still learning new things. No need to apologize.
So, a carrier squelch is just the regular squelch that you adjust to stop the hash noise from coming over the speaker. It won't let any audio come through until a signal is received that is strong enough to break that squelch.
So, the repeater requires both a signal that is strong enough to break the carrier squelch, and it needs a tone to be embedded in the signal to open its receiver. You radio has the same ability. If you don't enable the tone squelch on your radio, it is simply relying on the signal strength to allow audio to come out of the speaker. This way you can hear every station.
To do that, set the radio to use Tone (TN) instead of Tone Squelch (TSQ). This will transmit the tone to unlock the repeater a d let you hear everything. If you use Tone Squelch (TSQ), then the radio only unlocks when the repeater (or another radio) transmits that same tone.
I hope that makes sense.