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Everything posted by Mikeam

  1. How warm does the heat sink get (too hot for carpet or plastics?) Thinking of where to mount in a already crowded Jeep, thanks
  2. I have looked at and most likely will get the TK 8180 also looking at my Chirp software see that it is now supported. Admittedly I can not comment on how well it works but just an FYI.
  3. Thanks for all of the input so far it is looking like a cheaper project with the Kenwood for what you get and the benefit of increased frequency storage.
  4. Thanks that is what I was looking for to review should be a good unit for my needs.
  5. My fault I should have asked if the listed radio was Part 95 approved. What I was hoping for was more than BTEC or Midland to chose from for a mobile. Wanting more frequency storage for traveling. Definitely not asking anyone to state they are breaking any rules again thanks for the feedback it is a learning curve here.
  6. Three questions, 1 where did you get the software to program with - 2 Is this unit legal for GMRS? Sounds like a solid unit - New or used? Thanks
  7. Thanks I see your point, for me it is just the BTECH and Midland GMRS units are limited in useable channels and not real forth coming in new product details most likely due to a limited market. I will live with the hand held for a while longer!
  8. Maybe a sticky under equipment with brands where to find specifications (size of unit amp draw channels) and where to buy them for us newbies?? I know I would like the information before I invest in a mobile unit
  9. Here in WA state there is a repeater 52.5 air miles from a parking lot in Lacey that I can hear traffic on and bump the repeater but I can not talk to them. The reason is the BTECH GMRS V1 hand held in my Jeep with the factory antenna and low power just is not strong enough which is what I expected. I am interested in a mobile unit as there are more repeaters going up in our area that I travel in. So to help you I make a log of the 8 frequencies and then list the repeaters in any area I am going to with the PL code for each one. I can always pull over and change the PL code then as needed. Of course I would prefer the ability to add the same frequency to different channels multiple times so all I have to do is change channels on the road. The GMRS map on this site is a big help in my learning curve.
  10. For me I was studying for the Ham license and I stumbled across the GMRS system. Sent in for the license and ordered a radio the BTECH GMRS-V1. I have a CB in our Jeep but with the hand held I can also talk to friends with their bubble pack radios with the GMRS hand held and in some areas local repeaters. Quit studying for the Ham license for a while and may not go there. With a CB and a GMRS I can talk to most Jeepers in a run and that was the main reason. What I have found is the hand held obviously receives a useable transmission farther than it can send, case in point I can hear clearly a repeater 52.4 miles away but I can not bring that repeater up to talk on it. Going to put in a mobile unit in with a good antenna and for now this will serve the purpose. A side note my ridding buddy has his Ham license and he carries a HT unit so we really are covered. Now a sort of negative note I this morning watched a well known Jeeper advocating using BAOFENG hand held Ham radios and programming them for GMRS and I see the GMRS getting the same crowd that ruined the CB which is still a good radio for most off road traveling (loggers in our area use them, a CB, to warn others of where they are on narrow forest service roads).
  11. Thanks for the heads up I will do more research on the antenna!
  12. What I was looking for is software for their GMRS mobile units and a cable to use with my lap top like Btech has. The link you gave works but there is no description as to what systems that works with. I have their CB and it has served me well but I think I will go with the Btech radio and then use Midland antenna cable and mounts.
  13. Does Midland have software and a programming cable like the Btech does with chirp?? Searched here and on the web but no results. Thanks
  14. You are correct there is no repeater in the area where I am at right now, also did an experiment with a second radio last night with the frequencies listed above if I transmit on FRS 1 and the second radio is listening on the repeater channel 18 there is no response on the repeater channel. Then I reversed both hand held radios with the same result so all is well with my equipment. I suspect one of the trail bike families in the area is using a ham hand held radio instead of a GMRS radio and they are programmed wrong!
  15. So FRS 462.5625 (channel1) when transmitted on ( by another person) is also coming in on Repeater 18 frequency 467.6250. Local child playing all day on channel 1 is coming in on repeater 18 with the aforementioned frequencies. According to my math the + 5 MHz does not make this happen or am I missing something?
  16. Wow that makes sense thanks for the response and the cure. I had read enough posts to be concerned.Planned a front hood mount by accident now it seems the way to go!!
  17. Thanks for the response did not want to go there if I had the shut off the Jeep to use a radio.
  18. In watching a few "install videos" for the Jeep JK 2011 some refer to an issue of using more than 15 watts output due to interference with the electrical system, mainly the dash lights and instrument panel! anyone have any first hand experience with this? Not the ham radios but the GMRS radios (mobile units). Thanks
  19. Yes for many the only thing they are going to do is buy a packaged mobile or hand held unit (myself included) so all of the electrical components will never be used kind of like algebra and in 60 plus years I have never had a use for algebra, not a rant just a personal opinion. Would like to see on line rather than setting up an appointment to take a physical test!
  20. Yes and only eight of the 30 (23 to 30) (this is hard coded into the units) are set up to talk to a repeater. Go to BTech.com and look at the specs for each radio and take that information literally! Not the same as a Ham handheld radio!!!
  21. Are you on Windows 10? If so have Chirp open and use the free app (snip and sketch) included with Windows and copy your chirp settings then maybe he can help you. Also the Btech GMRS 50X1 handles channels 7 through 14 differently from the GMRS V1 per the manufacture the hand held will receive and transmit on those channels where the 50X1 will not transmit. Hope this helps.
  22. Old newbie but having fun and learning. Hello from WA state. Usage is mostly with the jeep in the back country and on road trips.
  23. Thanks it makes sense now!!
  24. If the tone is for send but there is a second tone number for receive and I only put in tone for send then I would still hear traffic on the repeater is what I understand you to mean? Thanks in advance. Mike
  25. So my newbie question is about tones. Some repeater sites state only one tone say 141.3 tone in no tone out given another repeater will show tone 141.3 in and tone 141.3 out or another tone, So I look at Chirp for the Btech GMRS V1 and I am not sure where to put the second tone number? Attached is an example of one tone but not the second one?
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