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Everything posted by Mikeam

  1. Also do not forget you can monitor HAM frequencies (but not transmit on them) with this transceiver which will give you a better idea of the world of ham radio, just an fyi!
  2. Wow mine shows the right power for all the repeater channels!
  3. A few things to consider when installing you transceiver. One the plug in for the programming cable is on the side of the radio not using the same port as the hand held microphone which needs to be considered especially for under seat installations. Two is which faceplate to use will depend on where you install the radio, default is the face plate looking slightly up. If you want a flat face plate, change it on your work bench not in your vehicle (it is a tight fit for the patch cord on the flat face plate). Three the supplied mounting bracket is the way all brackets should be made start the four screws and slide them into the precut groves (no dropped screws), I really like this feature especially in a jeep!!!!
  4. Does that include the repeater channels as some medical facilities are using them and I am sure they do not all have a license?????
  5. Sorry posted in wrong thread!
  6. Mine lets me save with Chirp all NOAA frequencies. I skipped about 4 channels an the entered them no problem! You can by channel decide which ones you include in your scan feature!
  7. Congratulations!!!! Still studying on line!
  8. On the cable PCO-03 $14.99 for the Wouxun 1000G comes with a CD disk with the drivers. As a comparison the Kenwood 8180 K is a solid transceiver and the two work fine. Where the 1000 K shines is 50 watts, dual band scanning (say your group uses GMRS on the trail but the leader and the talk gunner want to be able to talk on GMRS 22 to make sure every one is making the correct turns you can set the first side to GMRS 22 and the second side to GMRS 17 and monitor both at the same time). The programing with a cable is better than the key pad but the key pad does many things on the fly. Great radio so far and the squelch actually works!
  9. Let's see if the link works. http://mikesdigitalsolutions.com/blog/?page_id=1083 2011 JK New Wouxun KG 1000G and a 3db antenna
  10. Just do not coil it real tight as I did no issues at all!
  11. Wow that is strange compared to my experience. I am getting great results on both receive and transmit, simplex and repeater use. On my base setup I am hearing HT talk from a rest home that the staff uses to stay in touch. My two Kenwood's and my HT GMRS V1 do not pick up those transmissions. On the last simplex test I was able to transmit 0ver six miles through trees and buildings with clear audible on the receive end but his HT could not reach any of my units. Sounds like your transceiver is having issues. Good luck!
  12. You do not need the cable to view and practice with the software in fact it is a good idea to do so, it helped me understand how the system works. You can edit and change things add PL codes etc. and then just close the software and the changes are not kept!!! Good luck!
  13. You really need the cable for that function, as once you see it it sort of makes sense!! I tried to send an image of how the scan groups are set up but for some reason I can not get the jpg to load so if you have the software (free) downloaded and installed open it up and click on the tab SCAN GROUP where you will see the matrix. You can download software here https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-kg-1000g.html?amp;amp; Click on downloads and get the software! Hope that helps you
  14. Wait until you get yours the fan does come on but it is not real loud and in a JEEP I doubt you will ever hear it. Have mine so far on far a bench learning how I want to set it up as there are lots of options. The squelch actually works and weak annoying signals on scan can be drastically reduced. My Jeep is wired for a Kenwood with a bracket near the roof and all of the wires run through the plastic to the firewall so I am looking for a power cord converter from 2 prong round to T shaped spade connecters! So I can switch back and forth if I want/need to. I have to say it works as advertised so far. The free software actually works as good as Chirp and allows you to set buttons to your preference! Good luck!
  15. Down load Chirp for free and program you unit that way much easier and it will make more sense. Look at YouTube videos on how to program with Chirp really simple once you decide to just do it! Order the patch cord for your HT!!!
  16. Mine does make sure you are looking under Btech not Baofeng.
  17. I have the software and have even done the squelch all the way to open. What I am listening to is a local repeater and a old age center for dementia patients so it is not just random traffic but known traffic. If we use the Kenwood base to the Kenwood mobile the frequency for channel 22 at 30 watts so far works (receive on both the Kenwood and the HT) for at least 6 miles but then the HT works farther then the Kenwood does. My curiosity is why the GMRS V1 receives far better then the Kenwood 8180 both local traffic and repeaters. Not that it is a deal breaker. Thanks for your input
  18. Thanks I have one in the home and one in the Jeep both seem to need a very strong signal to break squelch. The hand held receives great but lacks power for any distant repeaters. I may just change directions and get a new radio. I have been looking at the new Wouxun KG-1000G GMRS Base/Mobile Two Way Radio. Not many around here with the correct equipment as you stated to look for. I used to have a friend in the business but he moved out of the area. I like the Kenwood radio and will continue to use it at home but I want something for the jeep and the above seems to be the first with all of the needed frequency slots for PL codes! Hey it is only money, Mike
  19. So I have two Kenwood 8180 transceivers and I think there is an issue with them concerning reception while scanning or for that matter while on an active frequency, Example on the standard Repeater 18 frequency I hear nothing but on my hand held Btech GMRS I can clearly hear traffic. Now the antenna for the Kenwood is pre tuned and I have verified the SWR to be within standards. So as a test I set up the antenna for the Kenwood on a tripod and turned the transceiver on I then held the Btech next to that antenna, the hand held received traffic but the Kenwood did not. I set the squelch all the way down to open on the Kenwood and still no signal capture?? So is the Btech that sensitive or is the Kenwood that unsensitive??
  20. Also most GMRS radios will let you add the NOA weather frequencies so you can also check local weather conditions the same as you might have done with the CB.
  21. On your radio GMRS 08 is really the FRS channel (8 through 14 are FRS) yes your hand held will talk and listen to the FRS channels! GMRS is 7 or lower and 15 or higher. On the FRS most things your going to hear is kids playing with Walmart walkie talkies. So find your scan button push it and you should hear scanning now from the radio speaker, let that run until you hear someone talking. I find in my area I can scan all day and hear nothing. Second leave your radio in scan mode and drive around populated areas and you might pick up some transmissions!
  22. Yes Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!!
  23. For me like with my CB when traveling I set my mobile unit on scan as it then scans all frequencies. If we are in the woods with our Jeeps I still prefer the scan set up because if someone wants to talk to me and they key up I will hear them and be able to respond. This system on the CB has helped me avoid long freeway delays dur to accidents etc.!! I am sure the same will happen with my usage of GMRS with CB on trips.
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