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Everything posted by Mikeam

  1. The software download actually has disabled my running a scan on the PC MATIC software for now. The actual Chirp software has always worked fine for me it seems more like a phishing issue as Chirp indicated a update was in order but that did not happen for as soon as I hit the down load button things went sideways until I powered the laptop down. I have to leave town until next Thursday and then I will contact PC Matic and get their support on reinstalling their product and see where it takes me. hanks for all of the reply's. Mike
  2. Thanks I have Windows 10 and my old laptop wont run the 11 version. My software did not catch the error PC Matic as I started the download file but I suspect that Windows 10 update interfered with things as at the time I was running a scan of the system. Too long of a reply but Windows restarted the Laptop before the scan was finished. I have the laptop off of the network and the WIFI shut down so it is contained until I can fix things. I will look at the RT software for the future.
  3. It was not the software but from the site itself, started with the download from the site and was real quick.. Thanks I will use something else as I program radios for friends.
  4. So I was upgrading my Chirp software and from their site I had three malware issues and my Spam protection now will not work, my question is has anyone had any issues with the Chirp site??
  5. I use a strobe tripod with good results, have a radio in the garage and fine tune antennas that way before I put them on the Jeep and yes I check the SWR after the install. As stated above you should be fine!
  6. I guess I got lucky as my surcomm was right on with 2 Kenwood radios and the KG1000. Friend is a ham and we also tested the same radios with his equipment and had the same results.
  7. You may have to save the downloaded from the radio to update your file then it should be what you changed!
  8. Welcome!!
  9. Mikeam

    New to GRMS

    Welcome many good ideas and help here!!
  10. Welcome to this site, there is a lot of good information here and people willing to help. I am a novice my self and many have given me solid advice (not my preferred brand is better than the other brands) that has made the GMRS useful to me as a hobby. Enjoy!
  11. That will help travelers that are going to a new area and could use open or permission needed for the PL codes
  12. Wow that is good info thanks!
  13. I don't know about AM scanning but I have one Ham repeater that works on my KG 1000 of course it is listen in only but the repeater is on top a area that I run around in and I can pick up any info going on there. It works just fine You can find out with a programming cable when you get it! Others here may have tried it and I am sure they will chime in, good luck.
  14. I use the baking sheet and a 3 Browning 450MHz-470MHz UHF 3dBd Land Mobile NMO Antenna . I get good local coverage including two repeaters and one repeater I listen to that is 56 miles.
  15. Good advice
  16. You can add scan Yes or No in the software for any channel as you add them (repeaters for example). I am going to turn off channels 8 through 14 as they are listen only and mostly kids playing with hand held radios in my area. There is a thread on here about creating scan groups which is covered in the manual but so far I do not need that so I can not comment! Try the following in technical forum Wouxon KG-1000G Scan Groups - How to Activate. Good luck Mike
  17. I am going to have to study for my Ham I guess.
  18. When warming up my Jeep at home moving 12 inches can make hitting a distant repeater or not. I am at the very end of that repeaters coverage where I live!
  19. I have had great service and support from Buy Two Way Radios!!
  20. Nice your right about the room in any Jeep!
  21. Marc nice clean installations. going to save the link for a friend Thanks, Mike
  22. Sorry that is the entire radio not the faceplate.
  23. I have the same thing or similar here in WA state where I can always receive a repeater at 60 miles from me. My base radio only puts out 30 watts and I can hold the repeater open but there is no audible from me but the KG1000 will always RX TX from the same location. There is a small hill between my base and the repeater and a military base to work around. This same repeater also will be heard in Portland at times so I figure it is just the nature of the beast.
  24. That is what made me buy the KG1000G (just more versatile). This for me was more the repeaters on my cross state runs with multiple repeaters on one frequency but different codes.
  25. Now I like that idea!
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