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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. The local club near me still offers an in person class.
  2. First this is a CCR. Deal with it. Second this is a HAM Radio.
  3. My InReach works just fine without HF.....I get it worked but too many people rely on ham radio when it wont work.
  4. Jungle Site for me...comes as one kit
  5. The problem with that solution is you tie up multiple frequencies sometimes in a large area. the best way is called simulcast but its not cheap and requires the proper gear. I ran a simulcast system for some time and it works great. Many public safety systems are simulcast which is how officers have on hip portable coverage. There are very few out there who run simulcast on GMRS and HAM just because its not plug and play. For myself I run multiple repeaters. Most are all same frequency with different RX DPL tones. Same TX CTCSS. This is referred to as a poor mans voter but works well for my use case. I dont need to talk 100 miles and if I do I pick up my cell phone.
  6. Had one in my old camper for GMRS and would work all weekend on one battery. I carry one in the back of the jeep with my tools.
  7. This is why my repeaters are not listed or open to anyone other than my friends and family. No ham BS on my repeaters. Its sad that we are at this point but you can't put toothpaste back in the tube. Its ultimately up to the owner of the repeater to police what he allows. My gripe is having to listen to the crap while in scan. Normally I just pop it out of scan when they go on about the doctor and the cat that fell out of the tree.
  8. I know folks that use it in the LMR world and have great results. I have yet to use one just becasue my use case is different.
  9. No reason for a screwdrive to remotely go that high. A $5.00 quarter wave would work better.
  10. No it has to do with HAM radio being a "emergency prepardness" and "civil defence" tool in the old days. MAny areas adopted rules to exempt certain stuff. In todays world it really doesn't do what hams preach about but as with other rules they are there and dont normally change. Some areas have absolutely no restrictions on towers yet some are vvery strick on what and where a tower were to go.
  11. MDC implimented properly will not be heard by anyone. We run MDC for all our SAR stuff for ID along with MDC on the ocunty system. A few folks that have GMRS in there APX radios have MDC on repeaters and simplex. Unless your listening to it on csq you wont hear it with our implimentation. In public safety MDC/DID/UID is neccassary.
  12. Those work well for repeaters and car-car stuff. Not great for far away stuff. I run the Laird "pepper" shaker in my JT in the same spot under the soft top. Asreference the Midland will fit under the soft top with much room to spare. I jsut run laird as its a LMR grade antenna
  13. Who cares ? If you want it to ID let it ID. If not dont.
  14. As said no need for a switch. Puti n a diplexer. I run multiple in my truck.
  15. Are they actually on ? I tried both last week and could not access either. RB says they are offline also ? Lastly SERA has nothing to do with GMRS repeaters. They cannot coordinate GMRS. I used the 640 machine a bit when there.
  16. TRAM 1486 is mentioned alot. I use the Laird FG series myself. I prefer a LMR branded antenna as I know it will work.
  17. Want to talk on GMRS buy GMRS Radio. Want to talk on HAM buy a HAM radio. You bought a HAM radio.
  18. You dont without a VNA. If you have better TX audio thru it your probably fine. Being out of tune would casue issues on your radio before the duplexer. The proper way to verify tuning and damage with with a VNA
  19. Was just in Nashville last week and in Clarksville a couple nights and did not hear any chatter on any repeater frequency. Nashville 575 did pop in once but couldn't get back to it.
  20. Just drill a hole and dont worry about that mag mount.
  21. Not all repeaters have nets. If that why you got into GMRS you may be missing the boat. None of my repeaters handle net traffic and never will. That was more of a ham thing thats been dragged to GMRS.
  22. APX8500 APX8000 APX NEXT APX7000 APX7500 APX6000
  23. 575 is part of the LEARN system and not an open repeater. Lots of discussion on the interwebs about that repeater and group. Here is one from this forum
  24. Normally a Lightening Arrestor is placed inline within 16" of the antenna cable entering the building. Ground would go to a suitable ground.
  25. We get it you don't like Midland but thousands are fine with them. You recommend what you want and I'll recommend what I feel is an appropriate radio for the user. Additionally Midland will sell thousands and continue to fill a void in the service for true simple devices that work fine.
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