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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. @SteveShannon No i dont think that is the issue. Depending on configuration they could be reprogrammed for local use. Its up to the club and tech working on the stuff. For reference on a similar system deployed - 4 Quantars, 4 MLC8000 IP Gateways, 1 MLC8000 Comparator. IP linked via IPSEC tunnels on private microwave service. All 4 are setup for BASE only configuration. If I drop one link the other 3 still TX and RX. The 4th sits quiet. If the link is pulled from the comparator all sites RX but have no comparator to tell them to TX. As said previously I could set one site for local "fallback" but if that is the site severed now when a user keys up both that site and the simulcast sites will key up and casue distortion for end users. Unless you can 100% control the link from the comparator to the site it can casue alot of trouble. With different frequency use it can be mitigated but thats how it works in the MSI world. Our SAR folks had a similar setup in the past with 2 TX sites and 3 RX sites. That was on T1 and used 4W circuits to the comparator. Same thing could happen but the comparator and one RF site was in the same site so the other site could drop and the main site would stay on the air. I think the "link" word can be missrepresented a bit as the majority of the users think of the repeater having a link to another site via allstar/mygmrs/etc which normally runs on a Raspberry Pi or similar non critical device and not the traditional industry networked solutions. I'm sure this will get worked out and something will come back on the air. If the FCC determines and provides written information that this can't be done I would think it would be step one to end the linking systems in GMRS.
  2. It is my understanding this is a simulcast system. If he shut off the links then the system wont work. To work properly each transmitter site waits for the signal from the comparator to key up. There are some configurations that are used called "in cabinet repeat" however that is not alwasy done. I rarely see this done as a link issue (IP issue) can casue a site to TX while another site is on the air and casue distortion if on same frequency. Also while I'm not going to dispute an email vs mail, I can say if you work in the industry and know certain folks I could explain an email or text from someone saying "hey putz xyz". JMHO
  3. The system is linked by some rf but mostly internet, but not in the terms of linking as you would think. Most of the gear is all MSI gear made for IP links. It is still down at this point.
  4. The main idea of the ground is to help the surge to ground. I'd up your wire from 10 to at minimum 6 guage. Lightening arrestor should be as the coax enters the building.
  5. So first thing to do is make sure your PC, CPS and USB cable all are working as one. I only use factory MSI stuff so drivers are never an issue. Many have driver issues with aftermarket USB stuff. Open CPS - Read Radio then save thecodeplug somewhere and dont touch it. Then modify or make your changes and write to repeater. Then save as a new file name. For you changes Lastly I assume you have CPS 16 ? Or is it 2.0 ?
  6. Uh...Id be more concerned with the 5AMP max supply andn ot the 13.8 volts. 13.8 is well within spec for a radio.
  7. Are you using the internal controller of the quantar ? If so go into the service mode and align the audio with a service monitor.
  8. Drill a hole and put an NMO mounto n the roof.
  9. As said put one channel in repeater. Get it working. Thenm worry about others. In reality while a duplexer will pass some above and below a repeater is designed for one channel.
  10. OK. I see not issue with your picture. Waht are you missing that you think is wrong ? I guess I'm a bot confused. If you key up on a portable on 467.xxx your busy light should go on (If PL is correct.). When you have RPT button on TX light should light. These are really basic.
  11. Not all repeaters get listed here by the owner. I wish that wasnt the case but it happens. As with any repeater its up to the owner to give you permission. He paid for it. None of mine are open and never will.
  12. I use a serail cable on my FR4000. I never got any aftermarket USB ones to work. Also may be a W11 issue. I still use a W95 PC for my programming as thats what I was using when I got the repeater.
  13. Did you unplug the programming cable and restart repeater ? All it should say is CH 1 CH 2 etc..
  14. What alpha tags do you expect to hear or see ?
  15. CWID has always been a base/repeater thing. In a P25 system its the highest channel in the trunk system that normally gets the call sign. DMR gets it in the repeater as does P25 conventional. Ive never owned a P25 subscriber that gave you the ability to add a CWID to them. Part of the rules even with Public Safety requires identifications as with any other amateur or GMRS station so I doubt manufacturers see a need for it. When our SAR team uses conventional the policy states to use call sign per FCC rules. Normally that is given by the command post thats on the operational channel. In all reality subscriber to subscriber is not very enforced. By the rule our fire department radios that have a uhf conventional frequency would require us to use a call sign. Ive never jumped out of an engine or rescue, strapped on my SCBA and given a call sign on the chanenl. IC would probably go iff the deep end. It happens way more than all of us worry about it.
  16. In a grid down or SHTF scenario I'm guessing internet would also be down. If thats the case then there would be no link if there was linked repeaters in both areas. Personally in that situation HF on Ham Radio or cell phone are the best alternatives.
  17. I dont notice it as much on a PC. Its there but useable. I can see on a phone how it may not be the same.
  18. Years ago all Ham vendors asked for a copy of a license. Radio Shack had a policy that specifically stated paper license. I had to wait for weeks to even put my HTX202 on Lay-Away with Radio Shack until my license came in the mail. HRO used to be the same. I never had an issue with it. Remember up until the CCR movement radios were regulated way more than now. I remember my father buying GMRS mobiles from a radio shop (cause they were you bought them) and he had to bring in his licence before they would ordser the xstals for the radio.
  19. Every DMR and P25 system I have implimented CWID is done in analog. Thats one of the first things I set in my P25 stuff. It can send it "digital" over control channel also but it in analog 99% of the time.
  20. I agree adds can be a pain at some times but Rich pays to have this site on there webs by himself. I'm sure if you donate funds he can limit adds
  21. I'm heading there in August myself. Kinda same area but we are coming in from the east via Mt Rushmore/Crazy Horse then into YNP and down into the tetons after. Planning 2 weeks in the area. I'll have my inreach but may throw a ham channel in just to hear stuff.
  22. Apparently the loop idea is yet another ham based idea dragged into GMRS....
  23. Personally I'd focus on feedline and antenna. I dont trust dbi numbers as they are normally no where near what they list. But then again this is normal in many areas.Those that talk about 200 miles on a hand held are talking to repeaters 5000' in the air or full of doggy do. In another thread I talked about my RT97 that I installed in my motorohome. I used a FG4500 antenna on my ladder at about 12' in the air. I had 10' of LMR400 down to the repeater. From Charlotte Motor Speedway Turn 4 camping I could get about a mile south and maybe 1 1/2 north of the track to my hand helds in a vehicle. My JK Midland 15 watt radio with 1/4 wave on fender mount could go about 2 miles south but could get almost 3 miles north. Looking at the terrain in that area you would see why. UHF is line of site as you know. More power at the antenna the better, but its also a balance. Your HT needs to get back there. People think a 25 watt repeater will make there hand helds talk 20 miles and they may hear but that doesn't mean they can get back to the repeater. In the LMR world we will balance the repeater. If a customer only has 4 watt UHF radios in a warehouse we will lower the repeater power to 5 or 6 watts.
  24. If using long chunks of feedline they should be held in place with hoisting grips. That hold the cable to the mast or tower. https://www.talleycom.com/product/ACYHG-PL-12
  25. I dont recomend it cause thats not how this works. Have you ever seen a police car, fire truck or ambulance with cophased antennas ? GMRS falls right in the middle of the commericla LMR world. Antennas built for LMR are built to be used as that antenna only. This isn't HF or lowband. There is really no need to do what yolur talking about. Buy the proper antenna and install it.
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