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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. It appears to be the Larsen KG450UD You can see details on Tesscos site - https://www.tessco.com/product/450-470mhz-glass-mount-antenna-w-14-ft-rg-58-u-264181
  2. First make the repeater work locally. Its not a 5 minute endevor. Once you have good reliable repeater filling your coverage area then worry about linking. No reason to link to be honest.
  3. Skip the home made edfong antenna and get a real LRM antenna. I prefer the Laird FG4600 series but many have had good luck with the TRAM 1486 https://shop.mygmrs.com/products/tram-1486-uhf-fiberglass-base-antenna
  4. Start over.
  5. I have a large UPS on my office. I also do have a Jackery if I was to need it. My house also has a GENERAC Standby Generator so I guess I'm overly ready. When away from home I have the Jackery but my vehicles can run as long as they have fuel in the tanks.
  6. Im not sure if any aftermarket controller supports it. Back in the day Trident was playing with it but went to Passport instead. Personally I found RAS to be great to eliminate the CCR world on my stuff but it does limit the subscriber I can use with the system. For a closed repeater its not a huge deal.
  7. So Kenwoods version of MDC.....
  8. You need to login to the ULS system and select your FRN then do a modification of your license. Follow the prompts.
  9. Agree. In my field of work I see many ham and other repeaters and crynge with what I see at sites. Sadly this is also why many get tossed from sites. A properly instaleld and engineered system for any service (HAM, GMRS, Public Safety, LMR) will run for years with little to no issues if installed and maintened properly. Even with linking there are really good setups and others that are just a hotspot laying on the repeater in a poor cell coverage area. I think back 20 years ago you saw good thought out installs. Now its just throw it in to say its there.
  10. Id go with the TRAM over the antenna you linked. https://shop.mygmrs.com/products/tram-1486-uhf-fiberglass-base-antenna Personally I use the Laird FG series for control station and base radios but many claim the TRAM to be a good basic antenna. I like the KISS method the Laird gives me.
  11. I would venture to say 3/4 of the GMRS repeaters and probably same for HAM repeaters do not have battery backup. I know of a few guys who run them on DC plants and have emergency backup but they are far and few between. The county I lived in NY had 0 Ham repeaters that had battery backup. Only one in 3 counties were in a EMCOM building with Generator backup. The main RACES/ARES repeater was in a shed with neither. I can also say only one of my repeaters are in a generator equipped shelter.
  12. If he has a 100' run he really needs LMR400 or equivalent. Hopefully RS gave him 50 ohm cable and not 75 ohm Cable TV cable. What connectors are on it ? If it has a F connector and adapters its definitely 75 ohm. If it has PL259 its most likely RG58 which is ok for CB or HF but not much good for UHF.
  13. Id get your antenna fixed first. At least get some sort of ground plane under the mag mount
  14. If you have not read this thread I would... Most linked repeaters talk to a hub somewhere. So it doesn't matter if you are 2 houses side by side or 2 countries. Both sites need internet to get to the hub. I'm not a fan of linked GMRS repeaters but the info is there.
  15. Maybe I missed it but I dont see where you tell us what radio each are using ? A poor radio will not receive as well as a good radio. Also as said poor SWR on a 40 watt radio wont work better than good on a low power.
  16. You need to build the cable. Get both pinouts and go from DB15 on radio to the DB25 on the URI
  17. It depends on the subscribers and the radios. a CCR radio wont do what you want. Motorola supports RAC (Repeater Access Control) but that's a form of MDC. There are not many options for analog options. I also use DCS for input and CTCSS on output. This helps eliminate many users but isn't a fail safe.
  18. It amazes me in some areas hams are all over GMRS, crying over usage but on the 70cm band its crickets. Maybe we should petition the FCC to give us the 70cm band for GMRS use ? The only UHF repeaters I hear around me are linked repeaters and 90% of the folks talking are not in the area I am in. The others are crickets.
  19. So if that's the case then anyone with any FCC license should get free use of GMRS ? And to be honest the HAM fee is about 20 years too late.
  20. Yup hams trying to inter-fear in yet another service. My hopes are the FCC laughs at this one.
  21. You miss understand public spectrum. Spectrum is the frequency and airwaves. Equipment I purchase, install, maintain is my personal equipment. If someone requires membership its up to them. Personally my repeaters are closed. I see no need to pay for power, tower fees and other associated fees for others to use it. GMRS is not ham radio. Sadly many feel if they buy a $35 license they are entitled to use any repeater they want.
  22. I'd run a 1/4 wave basic antenna on a air stream personally. My CTC ran one and it worked perfect.
  23. Mine is pending. Not sure how long until they approve. My interest was to get others to comment. But I guess unless a YouTuber says to go do it most folks wont. Not sure why the link did not work but here is the FCC link https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/search/docket-detail/RM-11970
  24. Only 4 people have commented. Apparently no one here cares about this change and how it will affect GMRS users. https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/search/search-filings/results?q=(proceedings.name:("RM-11970"))
  25. Motorola LEX 11 is an Android phone with PTT and Volume and Emergency Button. Carry one and its good for Zello or other PTT applications. Motorola also makes both the APX Next (P25) and the ION (DMR) that have android displays on them. To be honest it makes the unit worse to use. ION APX Next LEX 11
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