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Everything posted by RIPPER238

  1. I have looked far and wide and settled on a Wouxon 935G, which seems to have high selectivity, clean transmissions and just feels like the old Motorola's quality. I don't use chirp, i use there proprietary software which is fine for me since its also free. Really hard to find alternatives with this quality and features. But my quest is never ending. Though i do have to say there is a special place for my Tidradio H3, one heck of a cheap mediocre radio.
  2. Is the 935H display just as bright as the 935G? Or at least have that brighter display setting unlike the Q10H? Q10H display is pretty dim, 935G is great.
  3. OMG someone else in CT with a GMRS radio! lol I never connected with them but i am in Danbury area. I did try some of the others here in CT but they all seem to be defunct. So few if any around CT.
  4. Did your parents have any children that lived?
  5. Tested on my 935G and it does the same thing. I dont think its a bug, it's just how it is. There may be logic behind it but if you turn off The monitor function it goes back to working "normal". Probably more of a function that if you are monitoring and hit on the flashlight you won't be blinded.
  6. I have asked you several times. What would you suggest as a better alternative with similar capabilities? Yet you never answer. If you want to rip something down go for it, but you better be able to not only back it up but suggest an alternative. I have to assume you either have no idea of what your talking about or something else in you life is affecting your logic and reason.
  7. Just installed Comet CP-5NMO (finally got a warmer day) and did exactly what i needed it to do and the Comet SBB-1 NMO works perfect. Nice a sturdy and the antenna is actually quite impressive on AIR band besides what its designed for. Ill be using it with my H3 and my Q10H depending on needs.
  8. Thanks, ill make sure to do that. Ill get to use my rarely used Fluke meter.
  9. Yeah, will serve the purpose logically but its not like i buy these often so the poor tip is questionable. I can check the SWR with the antenna ill use before i mount it.
  10. Purchased this recently since it has a larger magnet to replace my old Midland mag mount. Seems to be good, but the connector is a little deformed. Thoughts?
  11. What radio would you suggest that's better quality and has similar features?
  12. I have a Q10H and 935G, for the 935 i got the Super-Elastic Signal Stick from signalstuff in 440 mono for GMRS. Super compact light weight thin and has no memory so super durable. I also got the longer 2m 70cm antenna which happens to be good at GMRS as well as AM which was surprising. I have a Nagoya NA-771G as well, not much better than stock. For my truck i got a Comet CA-2X4SR. Was thinking of the KG-1000H when my old GMRS Midland goes.
  13. I purchased a Comet CA-2X4SR & SBB-1NMO (Shorter option) for my handheld 2M 70CM/GMRS use on the roof of my truck even though they aren't specifically for GMRS. Installing a new mount, but have herd good things about both antennas as more versatile option for 2M 70CM/GMRS. I will note I also have a dedicated GMRS radio in my truck with a dedicated GMRS antenna for heavier use.
  14. Very helpful. Definitely looks like a better option to the Midland I have and smaller. Also really good to know Anytone is Radioddity on Amazon. LGR looks like a good place to buy from too. Ill take a closer look. Thank you!
  15. What model would you suggest? I have a MXT275 that i purchased because of the well known quality and controls on the mic, even with the less than stellar functionality. Been thinking of upgrading but the next bast thing seems to be a Wouxun. What are your recommendations?
  16. What radio would you suggest that is 1/2-1/4 the price and has similar features and capabilities? Any particular reviews you would suggest. With your experience i assume you have reviewed what you think is best, link?
  17. That's the thing. I'm 100% with you, i started with a TDH3 and loved it and wanted better and got a Q10H and 935G. Every time someone disparages this "cheap Chinese junk" I ask the same question. "What's a good GMRS radio you would suggest? What model?" and i never get a reply. I have a money tree for my hobbies, and yet when i ask a simple question i never get a reply for what's truly the best, US made full featured quality is never mentioned. These "high quality radio experts" really have nothing to say because these cheap Chinese junk radios are kicking everything's ass. If someone thinks an item is bad, give a better suggestion, a solution reasons why its bad and why something is better. That's the whole point of forums. But i also get throwing a shit grenade into a discussion. Why not throw it back. lol
  18. What's a good GMRS radio you would suggest? What model? And will it come close to the features, display? Wouxun seems to be close?
  19. Good to know. I have been on forums so long i remember when i manually had to type in the code with quotes, pictures ect... Now its gotten a little fancy and hides the formula so your tip is helpful. lol
  20. Please list the 759 reasons. I'm curious since they seem to be one, if not the only quality brand with a lot of useful features for GMRS in a hand held.
  21. Yeah, I used a different address since i knew this, but its not like someone will just know, they have to look it up. This is such a paranoid concern when there are things 1000x more likely to be an issue.
  22. Don't get it. Who's announcing over GMRS there address and that they are away and there alarm code to there house? Besides who is going to go though that kind of effort to figure out your call sign and additional info and immediately go to your home? If this has you paranoid, your in real trouble when we tell what the internet gathers, your car gathers and what the government has access to...
  23. I mainly have it for off road use. But i have no friends so i keep buying more radios in hopes someone will show up one day to use them with me.
  24. GMRS Emergency channel = Any channel that answers the call.
  25. I guess answers will depend on your definition of "emergency situations", GMRS is a good start, but a full basic understanding of all radio communication is key if you want to use it for emergency's. GMRS by its self is limited to others around you (line of sight), or some random luck fining others that are, maybe a local repeater to boost range. My 15 watt GMRS radio in my truck has been good for off road trips with others on the trail, but i use TDH3 or Q10H for real emergency monitoring. What makes the KG-1000G good is that you have listening (RX) access to more frequently used frequency's (need Ham license to communicate (TX). This way you can be more aware of what's going on, but you wont be able to communicate on those frequency's with a GMRS radio (KG-1000G).
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