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mainehazmt last won the day on October 16 2019

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About mainehazmt

  • Birthday 05/13/1958

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  1. I’d be surprised if it went to 35$. The government taking a cut.......ya right....... they will milk that cow till the very last second they can. IMO. Yes I recently renewed at full price...
  2. I’m running a tyt th 8600 in my 4 wheeler. SxS. It is Waterproof but only 25 watts
  3. Any real truck stops also have them
  4. Oh I was part of the 90$ club too. Seems like every change goes into effect shortly after I renew. next time to renew Ill be 72... so this may be my last one Ill go rogue then...
  5. You could always run the coax thru the soffit.
  6. Well it is official they accepted my late payment (application was in on time). I get to keep my call sign and I can turn the repeater back on. 70$. Maybe I better hurry and take my AE exam before they raise that one up!
  7. Well it is official they accepted my late payment (application was in on time). I get to keep my call sign and I can turn the repeater back on. 70$. Maybe I better hurry and take my AE exam before they raise that one up!
  8. Well as of today it was 70$. I started the process the 15th of feb. but guess what when it got time to pay nothing happened. Apparently the FCC doesn’t like Microsoft edge. Well I tried on a different computer using google something... They took my $$. And license says pending. We will see.... guess I better shut off my repeater....
  9. You are not alone...says mine has expired
  10. As of today it is still 70$. Now to see if they accept it. I started my renewal on the 15th. But never could get to the pay for it page till today. Microsoft edge won’t work... expired the 17th. But they had the application on file for the 15th.... guess I will wait and see what they do
  11. The military had a saying about that....”Don’t ask, Don’t tell.
  12. Most of the acronyms back in the day (BITD). Were shortcuts for use with Morse code. Same as now in text messaging originally to cut down on data. It is kinda the same also as the 10 code use in emergency services. Now we are supposed to use plan language. I admit 30 years of emergency service 10 code hard to get away from. They will never get away from 10-4.....
  13. You beat me to it LOL. Now have to look and see if is a trademark...
  14. I got mine off eBay. Lots of documentation on line. Videos too. and for swr pretty easy. yes you can dive deep learn the smith chart if that’s your thing. You just have to input the freq range and pick swr function and It tells right away where the antenna is resonate at. Trust me If I can run the vna anyone can ! With it you can start building your own antennas. I use mine also to set up my tuner thru the amp. It makes those adjustments very easy and don’t have to key the radio once. Gotta have it nice for when ya kick in the amp! Tubes can be expensive.
  15. Second nanoVNA. 40 bucks. You have a hard time beating that price. And you can use it right at the base of the antenna make changes and view the changes as you make them.
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