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Everything posted by back4more70

  1. If you hold your radio up to a telephone while transmitting, your friend on the other end of the line will hear it
  2. I heard he is the only guy that Josh doesn't like
  3. Some are FCC-approved, and the majority come from China so don't get too hung up on country of origin. For GMRS, my preference is my Wouxun KG-935G Plus. Others will surely chime in with other suggestions.
  4. Such as?
  5. I'm gonna find a way to make a radio that sends a fart sound instead of a roger beep. As soon as I finish cyberattacking the ARRL, that is.
  6. This could be your best video yet
  7. You presume that there is a right group
  8. I started getting junk mail from ARRL...
  9. back4more70


  10. Me and my Yaesu FTM-6000 with the MARS mod
  11. I did this, and every radio I have shows phenomenal SWR readings
  12. This sounds like a lot of work for a $35 antenna
  13. I built my AR-15 with a screwdriver, pliers, and a socket wrench (because I didn't have a hammer).
  14. I volunteer with the local Sheriff's office, and they prohibit 10-codes for radio use, just plain speech. The county I used to live in (California) only used 10-codes, and I suspect it is because that county had over 10x the population and calls. Hmm...
  15. Also consider if you want just a mobile and an antenna, or those items plus a handheld. That could impact the budget!
  16. Every mobile radio can be used as a mobile or base unit. If used as a base, you just need a decent power supply. For the mobile mount of the DB20G, you may want to spend a few $ on an external speaker, depending on mounting location and road noise.
  17. It used to be mounted in my car, with the roof as the ground plane for the antenna. I replaced it with a Yaesu FTM-6000R and Tram 1181 antenna, so now it sits on my desk with a sheet of foil under the antenna for a weak ground plane. (It would work better if I placed the antenna outside, but I rent an apartment and have nowhere to put the antenna.)
  18. I have a Retevis RA25, which is the same radio. I have it paired with a Nagoya UT-72G and it works great for GMRS.
  19. My wife and I are Stink Bug and Fortune Cookie. I’m the stinky one.
  20. My GMRS personality argues with my Amateur Radio personality constantly. It's like the other voices can't get a word in.
  21. It's not difficult, you just need to get the basics down. You don't need a H.A.M. license unless you want to get one. I can say that, because I have both lol
  22. Clearly, the science is settled.
  23. When in doubt, look it up on YouTubes, SOMEONE will likely have a testing video somewhere.
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