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Everything posted by back4more70

  1. Then I want to use Whisky Seven Sexy for my HAM ID. It's only fair.
  2. my precious
  3. Which is why I carry One Radio to Rule Them All
  4. I bought RT software to go with my new Yaesu-FTM6000R and it is terrific stuff. If CHIRP doesn't work, I would take RT over the stock free offereings.
  5. Do you prefer handhelds or would you want to switch to mobile base-mounted radios with more power? Either case, it may be the sensitivity or selection that needs improvement. I'm curious what other folks may have done as well.
  6. I bought this and it is terrific. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BBDPWVTM?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
  7. I disagree. 10-100 means I have to go #1, and 10-200 means I have to go #2.
  8. Is there software for the Surecom SW-102, or is the USB jack just for charging it?
  9. I prefer "Free Range Radio"
  10. Perhaps it was the wrong receiving tone?
  11. Since I bought a new Yaesu FTM-6000R to succeed my Retevis RA25, I figured I would use my also new Surecom SW-102 to do some power comparisons. It was either that or do actual work, which I try to avoid. I tested both into a 50 watt dummy load, and thus ignored the SWR. I tested based on the upper and lower frequency limits of some common services and also on the midpoints (which for GMRS and MURS really don't exist). Also, FM Narrow and FM both radiated the same power, so I just used FM. Note: This is an academic exercise, and I know that if I had an antenna connected that I would be violating a few rules, so no need to point that out.
  12. So far it is more awesome than I am. The MARS mod definitely works. I will post a power test vs my RA25 shortly.
  13. Skip channels 8-14? Those are only a half watt anyway...
  14. I bought some inexpensive "FRS" radios once. They were great AFTER I programmed them. Prior to that, they didn't even come loaded with the correct FRS frequencies. AND they had CTCSS tones on them. Ugh.
  15. I don't have any GMRS traffic near me, so I just walk around with an HT and a dummy load and pretend
  16. I have no experience with APRS, so not a deal breaker for me. And the manual says it has a dual watch feature?
  17. Well I just bit the bullet and ordered the Yaesu FTM-6000R. It was on sale with an extended warranty deal, and I added the MARS mod service. Let's see how this goes!
  18. Much easier to carry the instruction manual instead.
  19. Fixed it for you: 亲爱的宝峰: 我看到不久前你们推出了新的GMRS HT(UV-5G Plus)。它看起来是一个相当不错的升级,但我认为您再次错过了将一个非常好的收音机变成一个非常好的收音机的机会。我的抱怨完全在于菜单系统。 1. 为什么我们无法在菜单系统中更改/输入频道名称? 2. 为什么菜单系统中不能设置某个频道是否可以扫描? 宝峰,我认为如果你解决了这两件事,你的收音机的价值/质量矩阵就会上升一个档次。 我真的很想买这台收音机来添加到我的收藏中,但我不想让自己感到沮丧。 感谢您的聆听。 WRPL700
  20. I see no reason to link GMRS repeaters. Let the ham team enjoy that. (Which makes me sound like I have dual personality disorder, since I have both licenses )
  21. If anyone asks, tell them you have an Icom, and their radio must be the problem lol
  22. I am the breadwinner by far in my home, and my wife is cool to not question my purchases. I do however tell her everything I buy, not sure why haha
  23. back4more70


    It's also possible no one is talking. I live in the capitol city of my state and I never hear GMRS traffic.
  24. Perhaps airband can only be entered in one side and not the other? For example, on my KG-UV9D Mate, I can only pick up 1.25m in Area A and not Area B.
  25. I am not familiar with that radio, but I own the KG-UV9D Mate, and I enabled GMRS via CHIRP. It seems like it would be pretty similar.
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