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Everything posted by back4more70

  1. Agree on this one. When I got my ham call sign, the first thing I did was change it to something more fun (W7SXY). Then when I sat for my general exam, the test guy looked at my call sign and said "uh, ... seriously?" I guess "some people" have no sense of humor lol
  2. I was making a joke that I don't need to send text messages if I have my radio, I will just speak into the radio Or I guess I could just channel my inner Picard and encode a binary message in Data's positronic brain to be found a few centuries later...
  3. So if I want to communicate with someone, I need my cell phone and radio tied together somehow? I was thinking at that point I would just use my radio and ignore my cell phone.
  4. GMRS repeater outputs share frequencies with simplex channels 15-22. Is that your predicament? https://www.buytwowayradios.com/blog/2022/11/list-of-gmrs-frequencies-and-channels.html
  5. I made a little wooden holder for my RA25 in my Trailblazer (ignore the Wyoming dust).
  6. I have both KG-935G+ and KG-UV9D Mate, and I prefer the Mate. However, most of my use is limited to listening, not speaking.
  7. Easy, tiger.
  8. I'm partial to my Wouxun KG-UV9D Mate, The One to Rule Them All
  9. I have carried HTs in my carry-on bag several times. I do remove the antenna so they fit in my backpack better, but I have never had an issue with security.
  10. I've seen those guys in front of the grocery stores, handing out flowers and soliciting donations. Odd hair styles though.
  11. Are you standing next to them? Curious how you would know this.
  12. Hoe old is your radio? I'm going to guess that for the cost of shipping both ways plus a repair, you may want to simply replace the ~$120 radio.
  13. When I first saw the title of this thread (What is the best to use for a group of neighbors?) I thought: a 12-gauge and chicken wire will keep them out!
  14. Actually, @OffRoaderX is a Time Lord. He does what he wants when he wants.
  15. I never compared them. However, I did use the UV-17 on a road trip, and it worked okay between two cars about a mile apart.
  16. Maybe this? https://bettersaferadio.com/wp-content/uploads/BetterSafeRadio-Wouxun-KG-UV9GX-GMRS-SHTF-Custom-Programming-Chart-v1a-906ch-051622.pdf
  17. If I could only have one HT, this would be the one!
  18. I have the UV-17R Pro GPS, which I think is an upgraded version of this one? It's just okay, I would recommend it for listening mostly. I ordered it for the airband and GPS features, which work fairly well. However, I found that if you want to listen to two channels at the same time, then the scan banks for each need to be the same. For example, I cannot listen to airband on A and GMRS on B. But I can do two different GMRS on A and B. The display is nice, unless you take it outside during the day, then it becomes difficult to read (like most radios). Also, the programming software is not very good, and not CHIRP compatible (yet). The good part was that after I got this, I ordered a Wouxun KG-UV-9D Mate a couple weeks later. Now THAT is a radio, and recommended if you plan on doing any communicating. Too bad it costs 5-6 times as much.
  19. Be careful with Marine VHF. I was browsing the FCC site and found this, perhaps I was looking in the wrong section: Using Hand-Held Marine VHF Radios on Land You must have a special license, called a marine utility station license, in addition to a ship station license, to operate a hand-held marine radio from land -- a ship station license IS NOT sufficient. You may apply for this license by filing electronically in ULS with the FCC. To be eligible for a marine utility station license, you must generally provide some sort of service to ships or have control over a bridge or waterway. Additionally, you must show a need to communicate using hand-held portable equipment from both a ship and from coast locations. Each unit must be capable of operation while being hand-carried by an individual. The station operates under the rules applicable to ship stations when the unit is aboard a ship, and under the rules applicable to private coast stations when the unit is on land.
  20. I moved from CA to WY, and changed my GMRS and HAM license addresses. It updates surprisingly fast, for the FCC anyway.
  21. Sure do. Two cans and some string. Privacy tones guaranteed!
  22. I make mine at home. Delish and cheap!
  23. Midland is the Starbucks of the radio world
  24. * affiliate link below *
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