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Everything posted by back4more70

  1. I have a GMRS license and I decided I wanted my amateur radio license as well. So I studied for the Technician test for the last few weeks off and on, and I took the test this morning. (Side note: I live in California, but currently visiting Wyoming, so I took my test in Wyoming. The VE's were happy to have me.) I passed the Technician test 100%. Then the VE's asked if I wanted to try the General test, which I was completely unprepared for. Turns out I am pretty good at guessing, I almost passed (I scored 25 out of the required 27 to pass). My favorite part was when the VE was grading my general exam, he was shocked that I actually got as many correct as I did. "Unbelievable" was his exact word. Just thought I would share. I guess my point is that for the folks that complain about the testing, it really isn't that hard.
  2. There are plenty of folks running around with GMRS who already don't follow the simple rules (identify transmissions, no swearing, etc.). Can you imagine if these same folks decided to do the same on analog public service bands (telling cops and fire bogus information)? And no, I am not an amateur radio licensee.
  3. Your are reading the wrong pages
  4. I've never met an FRS radio that didn't come already "programmed" with tones.
  5. It's because you are transmitting in the microwave frequency range, and it rained. [T3A07]
  6. Are you required to obtain a ham license to scan frequencies in your state? I'm curious, I didn't know that was a law in MN.
  7. I have one of those also, but I got tired of the length when carrying around, so I switched to the Nagoya NA-701G. Seems to work pretty well so far.
  8. I can't comment on the repeater, but the UV-9G is a wonderful radio. I had great success with friends when we went fishing and spread out among various sites around the lake.
  9. Stay off channel 1. EVERYONE with a new FRS radio uses channel 1 lol
  10. Here's an example of a couple of my entries: Line 31 is for GMRS, and line 32 is for "FRS" (in quotes because it is programmed on my GMRS radio).
  11. My opinion is that the park would be better off renting out MURS radios. No license issues and decent terrain coverage. But there is that Midland sponsorship...
  12. I'm interested in the Wouxun ANO-012G antenna as a shorter replacement for my KG-935G+, and wondering if anyone has tried one. The few reviews online are positive.
  13. Welcome. GMRS does not have weather frequencies, but your radio can most likely receive the NOAA frequencies if you set them up. Some radios also have them already programmed in.
  14. Did you have to make any adjustments for antennas? I figured since both of mine are tuned for GMRS already I would be good to go.
  15. I am considering purchasing the Retevis RT91 to pair with my Wouxun KG-935G+ for home and/or vehicle use, I was wondering if anyone has done something similar and had problems? My current home antenna is a Nagoya UT-72G and my vehicle antenna is a Midland MXTA25 Ghost.
  16. I didn't have room for it, but I am getting good quality from the ghost MXTA25.
  17. My cable is pre-screw, but I just hold it in place with my hand. The download/upload process only takes like 30 seconds.
  18. I must be the only person that enjoys it.
  19. For my Baofeng UV-9G radios, I use an ABREE AR-780. For my Wouxun KG-935G+, I use a Commountain CM01-K2P. I'm very pleased with both choices.
  20. I don't own the BTECH model, but after comparing features, I ended up with the Wouxun and just love it.
  21. I have a Retevis RA25 in my car, with a Midland ghost antenna. It works well for me. That being said, I may swap out the RA25 for a higher-powered Wouxun.
  22. I use my UV-9Gs frequently. They just work and they sound good. Sure, my Wouxun KG-935G+ is a better radio, but it also cost a lot more. Make up your own mind I say.
  23. I also have the 771G, it works well. So far, I like the smaller 701G for carrying, and the 771G for in home use.
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