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Everything posted by back4more70

  1. Time for a chart! lol
  2. I used that site for my technician and general prep. It was great. I quizzed myself 50+ times for the technician test starting a couple weeks prior to the test date, and did the same for general (could have been 60+). It really helped reinforce the material I already studied. Got 100% on my technician, not sure about my general but it was high as well.
  3. Welcome. Do your research before purchasing, it will save time and money in the long run.
  4. Do you know if they are rebroadcasting the NOAA alerts? I am curious.
  5. We are moving to Cheyenne WY in a couple of weeks. There is a 1,000 watt NOAA station there, pretty sure I'll tune it in easily! Especially with the crazy weather changes out there, it may become my new favorite frequency.
  6. I had a couple of UV-5Rs that I opened up to 1.25M, but I could not enter frequencies in the software. However, I could use the keypad to enter and save the frequencies.
  7. No problem, light hearted is how I read it. When I got the KG-935G+, I searched for hours for ways to open it up, and no dice. I ended up getting my amateur license (I wanted to anyways) and purchased a Wouxun KG-UV9D Mate, and opened that one up to include GMRS. Problem solved lol
  8. Be an adventurer and do it via keypad like all the cool kids do
  9. It's unlikely that anyone ever will. Great radio though.
  10. Chandler's a nice place. Welcome.
  11. I recall this from my general test last week
  12. Ah, so it does.
  13. I don't believe that an HOA can legally prohibit you from installing an antenna. Maybe start here: https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/installing-consumer-owned-antennas-and-satellite-dishes
  14. I recently downsized from 15 HTs to 7, and I am pretty proud of myself.
  15. It works for me also. I have never had a speedy experience with the FCC website, so today seems par for the course.
  16. Yep, when I am cycling my radios' batteries I turn them on and set them to the nearest NOAA signal. Same effect.
  17. Great, as if the Queen's ego wasn't big enough already...
  18. I can only speak for the Wouxun KG-935G Plus (since my KG-UV9D Mate is not GMRS only), but I seem to be able to use all 999 memory slots for RX/TX whatever I want, as long as they are within the FRS/GMRS frequency band. I imagine the KG-905G (less expensive option) will allow the same. If you want simpler/cheaper, I think Baofeng UV-9G will allow full use of all slots, but I am not 100% on that.
  19. I'm not sure how to answer, but maybe this would help. https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/MemoryEditorColumns
  20. I passed my ham general test last weekend, and I have been waiting for the upgrade to show up. Granted, I can /AG until then, but I feel bad for the dude who passed his technician test and can't do a thing yet.
  21. "dozens of friends"
  22. I don't know if the article is intentionally or unintentionally hilarious
  23. I'm sure I'll end up with something like this. I'm not too concerned about GMRS, mainly because where I am moving (Wyoming) there are barely any GMRS repeaters in the whole state (I think three, and only one is open?).
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