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Everything posted by back4more70

  1. I've had it. WSAA635 is on my ignore list lol
  2. I have the UV-17R Pro GPS. It's okay, but I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it. The only real useful feature is the GPS for me.
  3. Other than GMRS (462/467), what do you need the rest of this band for? I ask because I can't think of what else is in there, besides maybe business radios?
  4. I refuse to pay more than $12.99 for a Creedence Clearwater Revival album.
  5. Are you following the instructions for the RT87 but the repeater is an RT97?
  6. Not legally, the low power is way too high for MURS. I was just testing to see what it would do.
  7. I have the Retevis RA25, which is pretty much the DB-20G I believe. Great little radio. Here is my data into a dummy load.
  8. @OffRoaderX Randy, I think this message is for you
  9. Thank you all, I guess the magnetic part was irrelevant, since it would be sitting on a desk or the ground.
  10. I have a magnet-mount UT-72G antenna that requires a ground plane. It works well on top of my car roof (steel). I have used it with some success on a cookie sheet as well. I'm wondering, would a sheet of aluminum foil function as a ground plane? I'm not serious about doing this, but I wonder if it would be passable?
  11. Download from where?
  12. You know what happens.
  13. There is no 462.500 in GMRS use?
  14. I did some sleuthing, he is merely a latent Sad H.A.M., and in my ignore list already lol
  15. Well, it is a GMRS radio, so not sure if that is a negative or just an inconvenience.
  16. The first thing that comes to my mind is that you can always dial the power down on a 50-watt radio, but once you hit the max on the 20-watt there is nowhere left to go.
  17. good thing you are NOTarubicon lol
  18. Tires, whisky and ammunition.
  19. There probably won't be too many folks using MURS though
  20. I would think that if there is traffic on the channel, then even though you have filtering codes setup, you would still have some kind of interference such as garbled communications, spotty reception, etc. I am curious what the smarter-than-me folks on here have to say.
  21. I finally mounted the Yaesu FTM-6000R in my car (it's been 30 years since I did an installation!) and I tested the SWR when done. Holy cow, it is awesome. I have it paired with an NMO magnet mount Tram 1181. GMRS (for emergencies) has an SWR of about 1.48. But VHF and UHF were less than 1.1 each! I couldn't be happier.
  22. Not that it matters much, but the RT97S is 5 watts after the duplexer, if I read the specs correctly.
  23. Hey, just because I sit around the house doesn't mean I sit AROUND THE HOUSE
  24. Sir, I'll have you know that I passed two tests to get my General license
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