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Posts posted by WRUE951

  1. 41 minutes ago, Sshannon said:

    Visqueen keeps the fines out!  

    I sure don’t blame you for being pissed. I’m glad things were no worse. 

    I had it easy..  one house two streets down has major issues..  One corner of their foundation is undermined..  And these are new 3 year old houses.  They did not have landscaping and the ones that didn't have lots of work to restore their property.  Lots of mud everywhere and undermined sidewalks everywhere..    Gonna take awhile for the city to clean this mess up..  

  2. 16 hours ago, OffRoaderX said:

    most of us So.Cal natives would not call that much of an earthquake, but the local news made it sound like the end-times because of the combination of the "Hurricane and Powerful Earthquake" .

    yup,  those were mild aftershocks compared to real earth quakes..   We were right in the epicenter (17 miles from my home) from the 2019 'Earth Quakes'..  Those were some shakers that defiantly wake ya up

  3. Well,, not much water breached in the house,,  Sandbags did a great job..  Had the contractor that built my house here this morning..  We find out the the Landscapers covered two french drains with plastic and then the decor rock when we had some landscaping done, reason for the huge lake in the back yard.  The rest of the city had some issues.  a few business flooded, Lots of intersections closed..  Now i'll be spending the day removing sandbags and clean up rock...    Defiantly cold have been worse.  

    Update:  Contractor came back wanted to check the French drain exit at the front of the house..  That one was also covered with plastic and rock...  LOL..   and no comments..  Other than i'm pretty pissed!  

  4. 2 hours ago, OffRoaderX said:

    Which desert?  I know that Joshua Tree/29 Palms area was getting heavy rain Fri/Sat, but not directly related to Hillary...

    I'm in the IE and so far all the predictions of death & destruction that were supposed to have begun 6 or 7 hours ago have amounted to nothing more than a little light drizzle (which stopped 2 hours ago) with 0 wind.  

    Mojave Desert.. We are in the foothills of the Sierras and getting hammered by runoff.. Sandbags at the rear of our house, back yard is a lake.  Water starting to breach into house.. Its has let up for now but 2/3 more hours of heavy rain expected around 4P.M.    What a mess

  5. 1 hour ago, marcspaz said:


    Wait... HP doesn't pull cable for infrastructure. And I used to work for HPE and now collaborate with HPE daily for massive IT infrastructure projects. Anyone who is carrying a radio is either carrying a Harris or Moto and running trunked networked encryption radios.


    Pretty sure that dud didn't work for HP Tech or HPE and didn't know what he was talking about.

    HP does pull cable my friend..  as well as trenching and placing the fiber conduits..  My own two eyes saw them in action and i can also tell you they do pretty crappy work.. The saw cut they did down my street and others near me looks like they were following the path of ants..  They also were using a white surly mix when the city required them to use a back dye in the slurry so it really stands out...  And yes they are using GMRS radios..  Rumor has it that these contrsctors are in the process of being removed..  

  6. 1 hour ago, WRQC527 said:

    I did for a while. To be honest with my answer, as you requested, which, by the way, I always am, I had a pair if Midland handhelds, GTX 1000s, I think. I found them to be junk. They went to Goodwill. I have since moved on to better radios.

    I like honest people. need more of them.. Anyway, my point, the landscapers/contractors i speak of defiantly are not using the bubble  packs..  In fact most of them are using mobile.  I even spoke with on guy on my street working for HP putting in Cable and i was fishing him on what they use for radio communications.    I already knew they were using GMRS..  He said their trucks were all set up with GMRS mobile radios and they generally have one truck with a repeater for each area they work..  He was pretty knowledgeable on the subject.  And don't get me wrong,  I dont care what they use..  Just that most of them jam up the repeater channels all day long and it pisses me off because sometimes they use the same repeater Ch i.m set up.. HP was cool enough to move their repeater ch after i spoke with them, but only to another that bothered somone else.. They finally got it to an unused Ch...   Now the Landscapers,  those guy are all over the place and unfortuntlay i dont speak Spanish.  

  7. 1 hour ago, wrci350 said:

    All of the GMRS frequencies (except for the repeater inputs) are shared with FRS, where business use is permitted.  

    Family Radio Service (FRS). A short-distance two-way voice communication service, with limited data applications, between low power hand-held radios, for facilitating individual, family, group, recreational and business activities.

    Actually, business use of GMRS is also allowed, but unless the business has a grandfathered license, every user needs their own individual license.

    The operator of a GMRS station may use that station for two-way plain language voice communications with other GMRS stations and with FRS units concerning personal or business activities.

    Landscapers and construction crews use FRS quite often and that's not "illegal" at all.

    no argument there,   but 99.9% of them are using radios over 2 watts (not the FRS bubble pack radio) and never use their call signs, more than likely because they dont have one. Per the rules for business use, radios over 2 watts, each radio operator using FRS/GMRS must be licensed and use their individual call sign.  Many of these guys, at least where i'm at, are using mobile radios and hitting a mobil repeater in the GMRS band.  And they will yack away using  every profane in the dictionary..  Don't get me wrong,, i support free speech but I think these guys should apply some respect for other users..    

  8. Just now, JamesBrox said:

    Got it. But forgive me of my lack of knowing. But how can someone set up a repeater with no PL tones then claim I can't use that channel?  

    technically speaking,,  they can't deny you use of the ch or frequency as long as you are following FCC rules.  If you are interfering with their use of their repeater, they can report you to the FCC, but the FCC is not going to respond.  And if they don't want you using their repeater they can tell you not to use it,  turn it off of or begin using PL Tones..  Just use the radios with respect to others and follow the rules...  

  9. 1 minute ago, ULTRA2 said:

    And when you try to tell them that they're using their radios illegally they come back at you with a snark comments. I actually told them I'm going to report them to the FCC and after I said that i never heard them on the channel again. So they actually know what they're doing is illegal

    problem really not solved, they moved ch's for someone else to put up with their illegal use of the radios..  Threating them with the FCC is worth a try, but at the end of the day,   the FCC ain't gonna do anything.   

  10. 9 minutes ago, JamesBrox said:

    I see. But if an owner of a repeater is sending out an ID on open simplex without PL mode....it's open game, right? He doesn't "own channel 20" just because he has the ability to send out an ID on that specific channel. Correct? 

    Repeater operators do not 'own' the frequency they are using.   And more than likely, in the scenario you present, the repeater is open to use..  The only way you are going to find out is 'use it'.. Just make sure to follow the rules, use your call sign etc..  If the owner comes back and tells you are are not welcome to use his/her repeater than you know your are not invited to use it..  But generally 'most' of the time if you find an open repeater, you can use it..  Just  follow the use rule and you should be good.. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, WRUU653 said:

    I agree with the first part of your post but I believe an open repeater means the owner is inviting others to use it. You will know if it’s open or not by it being listed that way. Also why does a squelch tail or roger beep mean it’s an open repeater?

    Here in the MYGMRS world - open repeater most likely means that, but there are a few people here where im at that don't register here and dont use PL tones that we here identity as open..  And they get P'eed off if you use their repeater..  Get that!..   Some of these guys are Landscapers and some other construction type workers and don't know that the hay there are doing with their radios.  

  12. my town is already setting up sand bag locations and they have all the flood problem intersections closed or barnacles set up to close if needed..  All the gas stations are extremely busy..   We are expected to get 4.5 inches of rain in less than two days which is a hell of a lot of rain in this desert community..  We are surrounded by mountains so run off is going to be a huge issue..  The folks in Soothern Cali are gong to really get hit hard..    I hope everyone hunkers down and ready for this one  

  13. 1 hour ago, WRXB215 said:

    A unique key would prevent inserting a row with the same node number.

    you could even write a query to search and remove duplicates on the database side so no effort would be needed. ..  Better yet, you could even write a query to disallow duplicate entries, which is probably the best way to prevent duplicates from happening..  It appears that a lot of folks are simply making a new listing for minor changes they are making on their existing listing..  The best way to stop this is write a query on the database side to not allow it..   

  14. 13 minutes ago, JamesBrox said:

    Hey guys, Say I'm hearing a morse code ID on a simplex channel (GMRS 20). That means it's (there's) an open repeater near by? And no RX/TX tones required if I reach on simplex, right? Thanks

    James WRXU693


    Nope, that means someone is identifying their repeater and most controllers can do this in no PL mode.   Your best bet is look up the repeater here and see if they are using PL's..  However there are a lot of folks that don't register here and thus you find no info on what they are doing..  Try hitting the repeater making sure your radio is set up for a repeater,,, (offsets, etc.) If you hear a squelch tail and or a roger beep, more than likely the repeater is open..  However this doesn't mean the owner is inviting you use it....  Worst scenario, they tell you to get off and that doesn't hurt.     Good Luck.    

  15. 20 minutes ago, WRUU653 said:

    @rdunajewski Another seven duplicates posted. This time from WRYH413.  

    This has become so common.  Others who have done this said it was by mistake. I wonder if there is a way to fix this problem? Add a pop up when posting a repeater that request verification of ownership? Enter password to verify you own this repeater? Changing the phrase “my repeaters” to “repeaters I own”?  I am not a coder so I have no knowledge of the best way to fix this but it seems like it is worth a look. 

    this could easily be fixed on the Database side as most that i know of have a duplicate search for duplicates/remove function (even excel has it)..   However, A little tiny bit of effort would be required by whomever is in control on the database side..  

  16. 17 hours ago, ThunderBear said:

    Open Google maps, find the two or more points you want to measure. right click on the first point and click measure distance, then move to the second point and right click again and click distance to here, and it will display the straight line and the distance in miles and kilometers. You can continue to left click and it will add additional points and add to the total length.

    Take that one step further and right click on your distance line and choose 'Elevation Profile'..... Good for line of sight searching..  BTW,, i believe this only works in the GoogleEarth desktop version.    

  17. 16 hours ago, WRXE944 said:

    I think I figured out the conundrum:

    @WRUE951is confusing the UV-9R Ham Radio with the GMRS-9R GMRS radio.

    So, the questions are not answered after all...

    Yup,, i haven't kept up with the Baofeng's for awhile,  didn't realize they actually came out with a real GMRS radio....  So they took a UV9r and blocked out the Ham.   Good idea..   Just curious,,, are they FCC accepted?   just asking cause i don't know..  

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