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Posts posted by WRUE951

  1. 1 hour ago, SteveShannon said:

    No, you do not need to load the Tapatalk app.

    Randy, one of the regulars here, reacted to your question about legality by posting a gif showing Michael Jackson eating popcorn with a caption that says, “I’m just here to read the comments.” Of course he didn’t realize you were blind when he posted it.

    Several of us, including me, reacted to his gif by clicking on the “laugh” reaction.  The question of whether repeaters may be linked through Zello or other internet links is a hotly contested question that has resulted in entrenched positions and some hurt feelings.  There are several other threads discussing whether linking is allowed by the regulations or not.  Unfortunately, your question is unlikely to receive an authoritative answer.  Many repeaters are linked and the FCC hasn’t taken official action against them, but the FCC does have a statement on their website saying that GMRS repeaters may not be connected to networks, even though some of us dispute that the regulations state that.

    So, I don’t have an answer for you, but I hope the background information will help you make your own decision.

    why you wasting your time..  remember, he is blind, he can't read.. You're puking hot air  🤣

  2. On 7/13/2024 at 8:31 PM, SteveShannon said:


    Forums are always full of people who just can’t believe that rules and laws mean nothing more or less than what is actually written in the rule or law, not what is written elsewhere. They always attempt to explain the intent, but the fact is that intent is worthless. The only thing that ever matters in a courtroom is the letter of the law. 
    But the reality is that the road to the courthouse can be very expensive and most of us know that we can’t afford to fight as long as it might take to get to the letter of the law. That’s where risk aversion comes from. 

    Meanwhile,  quite a few here are blowing nothing but angry hot air because 'big man' is putting the hammer down..  And some of us are laughing our a$$ off on the sidelines..   

  3. 1 hour ago, marcspaz said:



    Okay... I am going to try this 1 more time.

    Let me put it to you like this... In general, GMRS transmitters may be operated and controlled remotely. Also, in general, GMRS transmitters CAN BE connected to public networks or other networks for the purpose of operation by remote control.  Since its a rule violation for GMRS repeaters to transmit on the 467 channels, preventing legal RF linking with repeaters AND remote operation IS allowed... how exactly do you expect people to be able to remotely operate their radios???  Easy.  Over the network connection they are allowed to have.  Otherwise, the rules allowing remote operation and network connections are completely pointless.


    OH, wait a minute!  Now that I think about it, there are no prohibitions preventing linking of control stations or fixed stations on the 467 channels.  I can't find a prohibition of linking GMRS repeaters via amateur radio repeaters or through encrypted tunnels on LMR business channels either.  If your goal is to get rid of linked repeaters... you can forget about it.  Even if you were somehow able to convince me you are right about the networking issues, it's not going to stop people from using other legal means of linking repeaters.  While network connections are the easiest legal means, its not the only means. 

    Common Marc,,   Do you really confuse yourself with Messages which are both conveyed by a wireline control link and transmitted by a GMRS station and remote operation of of a repeater, in other words ability to turn it off and on remotely.    Are you really in that in that crowd????    You can play dumb all you want but i won't be part of that crowd.   Have fun with that.  

  4. 19 minutes ago, LeoG said:

    An employee of the FCC in an unofficial capacity

    Same thing as a cop friend of yours telling you they see your car speeding down Main st and you might want to take care of that.  


    But again, all hearsay.

    Oh,,  So a cop in his official capacity telling you to slow down Is a warning...   Yea i thought so...    Follow the Rules Lad..  And listen to officials.   LMAO

  5. 1 hour ago, WRUU653 said:

    Again you are stretching the facts. What we heard was someone who works at the FCC and had a relationship with the owner advised him to shut it down. That's not the same as the FCC saying shut it down and it's still second hand. You can "maybe this" and "maybe that" all day but the fact is we have no confirmation from the owner of anything. You are entitled to opinons on what may have happened, we all are but it doesn't make it so. Hell I'm not a fan of the idea of linking GMRS repeaters but that doesn't mean I'm streching the facts to support how I feel. 

    the FCC spoke to them two times..   According to the interview anyway..    I dont know how you can stretch what we all heard in that video.     blah blah blah......   Just sitting here on the sidelines,,  they go after one, they go after all.   Waiting to see what happens..   

  6. 11 minutes ago, Blaise said:

    Yes, as previously noted, you do seem to have extreme reading comprehension issues. Not to mention that there's no "form or tying" involved at all...

    I'm not sure how much clearer I can be than "Maybe take the attitude down three or four notches?  You don't persuade people by yelling at them, especially when all you have to contradict their well supported arguments is sarcasm and 'you're wrong!'...", but I'll do my best.  

    How about this:  Stop trying so hard to be a dick, and maybe people will take you more seriously.

    What, you want me to say in a tone.  "oh child, you did so well, you got all the answer right'  is that tone better.      

  7. 16 minutes ago, gortex2 said:

    You keep sayign this was a "rougue" linked system. It was a simulcast system in NY and NY only. Not sure why this system gets singled out but the others aren;t ? I just looked a the main page and see this area of linked repeaters are they not rougue ? 



    The "inside dope" as you call it is a well respected radio tech in the LMR/Public Safety world in his area. I dont know you folks think the real LMR world operates but its not even remotely like GMRS or HAM radio and the guys in the field know what they are doing. I dont understand how all these keyboard warriers are so smart yet there is a definate need for RF guys in that field.   

    going out on a limb is the risk taken and lesson learned (hopefully)..   You can use RF technology in many ways to defeat the purpose of intended use..  I'll never be 'that guy' to stretch out on a limb, especially after well served clairfication came into play..   And i would be very hesitant using anyone playing with the FCC rules to touch any of my LMR/Public Safety radio business.  I believe you left a word out in your last sentence, you should have said "yet there is a definite need for intelligent RF guys in that field"

  8. 7 minutes ago, Blaise said:

    I'm pretty sure we all get the picture, but it's a picture of someone who really needs to be an expert on stuff that other people have clearly demonstrated they have more expertise with.  Maybe take the attitude down three or four notches?  You don't persuade people by yelling at them, especially when all you have to contradict their well supported arguments is sarcasm and "you're wrong!"...

    Not sure where you are coming form or tying to say..  Kind of reminds me of watching an individual in a  'debate' a little while back.  

  9. 7 minutes ago, marcspaz said:

    I don't think that means what you think it means...


    Sure... and so does any single repeater that covers an area with 'other operators' in it.  There is a repeater in my area that covers a 90 mile diameter.  That's more square miles than the entire state of Rhode Island.  People need to learn how to use PL tones and work together to use resources.  Not tell a legal repeater owner to turn their repeater off.


    This is a monstrous stretch, at best.  I do work for the DoD at the Pentagon... applying your logic, my son had the Defense Department give him specific orders straight from the Pentagon to take out the trash and brush his teeth or there would be consequences.

    Yea marc,, but are their several of them????   There's one right next door to me that has reached 160 miles and i use it all the time.   His has a void where mine can hit 80 miles in that void.  Linking them together would create a very awsome coverage of area, but we never even talked about it because we know what the rules imply.  Take a look at the spread sheet i posted..  Some operators have massive amounts of repeaterss registered and you have no way of knowing if those multilble operators are forcing up..   Get the picture?  I'm sure that's the picture the FCC was seeing..   Did  you tell your son to listen to orders, i gave mine a 101 book on telling people of 'F' Off in a polite manor.     


  10. 11 hours ago, WRUU653 said:

    What we think we know happened is only hearsay as we have never directly heard from the repeater owner himself or the FCC on the subject.
    Exaggerating  what the facts are doesn’t make an opinion fact.  
    As long as there is no comment by the actual parties involved and I mean the FCC or the actual repeater owner, then this argument will go no where. I really can’t get all worked up over some private citizen shutting down his own repeaters if they are not saying anything on the subject. Nothing to see here.
    It’s like saying Alvin said Bob up the street won’t let his friends use his bathroom anymore because the city is going to fine him for using too much water. But you don’t know Alvin. You don’t know Bob. And Bob has never said anything to you. And the city hasn’t said anything to you. And who cares if Bob doesn’t want anyone in his bathroom. It sure isn’t conclusive that you or anyone else can’t share their bathroom. Even if it was on YouTube.


    A party to the owner/operator or maybe even a 'partner' spoke.  And we heard the 'inside dope'  that resulted in shutting down rogue linked repeater operation, i don't think there was any 'hearsay'...   He was pretty clear what transpired. A few facts we do know..   There was a rogue linked repeater system in operation and it linked across multiple states., the operation undoubtedly hindered normal operations of GMRS for other users, the FCC spoke to said owner/operator of rogue linked repeater operation advising they will not tolerate operation and gave specific orders to shut it down, owner/operator took action and ceased operating linked GMRS repeater operations.  Other then the 'inside dope' we  heard, your are somewhat right,  we don't know the complete detail of conversation owner/operator had with the FCC    For all we know, they could have discussed where they can buy tickets to the next Taylor Swift Concert.    🤣

  11. 1 hour ago, SteveShannon said:

    What happened in New York appears to have been a cautious reaction to an unofficial warning. That did not establish any kind of legal precedent. 
    The FCC has a website that clearly says “any other network” in a way that appears to conflict with the written rules. What people fail to understand is that only the written rules have legal status and even the written rules can be challenged. If the FCC attempted to cite someone based on their “any other network” website interpretation they would have to show that their interpretation is supported by the written rules. That would be expensive for all parties but stranger things have happened.
    With the recent SCOTUS decision regarding Chevron Deference it may be even easier to defend against the FCC interpretation, but until someone is cited and fights the citation we won’t have anything other than our opinions to argue about. 

    An organization I serve joined another similar organization to sue ATF in federal court over their classification of rocket propellant as an explosive (it isn’t). We fought for nine years. We prevailed and ATF had to reimburse us for our legal costs. Our two organizations had less than 15,000 members at the time. ATF was relying on their claimed expertise but we were able to demonstrate that they were technically incorrect.

    you better get busy and sue the FCC...  sounds like you got it under your sleeve.  Don't roll em' up or you'll loose your tactics.. Stay tough, show em' 'you da man'   🤣  

  12. 1 hour ago, marcspaz said:


    I can't find a single action in the FCC database of a person being officially questioned, accused or charged with the act of solely having linked repeaters or solely using remote control over a network.  I'm waiting for any proof of an official opinion from the FCC... any time in the last 10 years.  Can you provide anything except for Randy's video and conjecture on the internet?  Like, anything officially released from the FCC or US Congress?


    Well Marc, then i challenge you to open a linked repeater system, better yet do it across multiple states and wait for a response from the FCC.   We all saw Notarubicons video(s) (thank-you notarubicon) and i'm sure we all conjured the same conclusion.  The FCC took acton against the illegal use of linking repeaters and it appears the message was acknowledged by those operators and many of us here in the audience. .   If you want to argue the legal aspect of what they did and how they did it,, take it up with them or even hire and attorney and take it through the course..  Pondering this forum is not going to change the FCC's actions.   I still believe the FCC will follow up with some updated clarification in the GMRS rules and i don't think they will waste much time doing so.  I may be wrong but common sense tells me they should because they need to settle the confusion.  Or just maybe, they'll leave it left alone and will turn an eye on small scale use, which would prove my theory of allowing some small scale experimentation. 

  13. 32 minutes ago, marcspaz said:


    Because of a single anecdotal and unofficial conversation between 2 people?  Not sure how you get there.

    The FCC has spoken,,  that's how.   And they have done so many times just by mere fact that many on this forum have confirmed they spoke with someone at the FCC and received confirmation by them that Linking is prohibited. And the FCC has even addressed this at many public forums.    It's possible the FCC left some vagueness in the rules in regards to Linking to allow some very small scale of extermination hoping it would lead to advancement into HAM radio. But it's clear that repeater linking has gotten way out of hand and hurting the intended users for GMRS..  If you want to enjoy the world of repeater linking, one should get into the HAM world where it is managed by a large group of people with very good success.   Not a bunch of rookies that have no regard to the bandwidth and areas they hog.   I've been in situations where multiple linked repeaters have effected my use of GMRS and its irritating as hell.     

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