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Posts posted by WRUE951

  1. 6 minutes ago, WRYZ926 said:

    Yeah good luck filing online complaints with the FCC, they might look into it several months or years later. I filed complaints about the neighbor's ultrasonic pest deterrent devices that are not FCC approved several times and never heard anything back about my complaints. The devices cause interference with my radios and even worse is that they cause physical pain in my ears along with headaches.

    i had just the opposite, i actually had someone reach back to me to ask questions pretaining to some supporting documents..   They had 'some' interest to take time to do that.  A title up-lifting i must say. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, WRYZ926 said:

    The FCC does impose fines on rare occasions. There was at least on person with CB that got fined $25,000 last year. The person was causing interference by constantly transmitting signals.


    Rather than selectively policing the air waves, the FCC responds to complaints .  The best thing anyone here, not happy with the people taking advantage of and abusing GMRS, should simply file a complaint on-line.  The process is very simple and they even allow you to upload supporting documents pertaining to your complaint.  I encourage people to do this..   Rest assured, the FCC will not let mountains of complaints go untouched,  History proves this..  https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us

  3. 46 minutes ago, marcspaz said:


    There is no money in it.

    But there must be lots of money setting up and operating illeagle GMRS repeaters across  mutible states.  Why else would 'some' GMRS License holders claim ownership of 20-30 repeaters. Much less pulling nearly 100K of cash out of their pockets to talk with family and friends..  There is right and wrong in everything on this planet. Some people take pride in doing the 'right' thing and some take pride in doing the 'wrong' thing.    Depends on what side you want to be in 

  4. 2 hours ago, OffRoaderX said:

    Considering that the risk is about 99.99999999999999999999999999999999998% in everyone's favor of NOT "getting caught", you'd have to be an idiot to not take that risk.  and it is likely that very few "normal" people would even consider those odds a "risk" at all.. 

    Thats your opinion Randy.....  Not always a safe one..   Sounds like your are promoting rule breaking,,, Are you?  

  5. 5 hours ago, marcspaz said:

    I'm sorry bud... you're just wrong and people are messing with you because you won't let it go. 


    I certainly won't give anyone grief for following the rules, but its not illegal or against the rules to talk to people through a repeater from a radio in your house.   It's not a matter of people snubbing their nose at the rules, but the fact that what you are saying is not only wrong, but unenforceable for reasons presented elsewhere.  You starting another thread isn't going to make it any less wrong.

    certainly a growing number of idiots willing to take a risk so you can talk to someone from your living room in New York to a friend in Penn.  (hypothetically speaking of course, for you anyway).  Some guys have 25-30 repeaters registered under their lic. Of course, since you and your friend (hypothetically) are talking 100's of miles apart, you have no clue how that is happening..  It's pure FM  -  right???   😅

  6. 29 minutes ago, WRUU653 said:

    Folks! Step right up to yet another illegal linking thread take over. I was wondering how long before this thread also became a topic on linking.😂

    Is no thread safe? Perhaps FRS or MURS? Stay tuned. 🤣

    By far not a ‘new’ topic.  And bye the way,  believe it or not,  there are even idiots putting up FRS Repeaters.   TheCircus is just getting started.  

  7. 36 minutes ago, OffRoaderX said:

    Still waiting to find out what your source is for these "stacks of complaints" or what, exactly the FCCs actions of "waking up" to it are, and what that source is.  Because otherwise, you're just telling fairy tales whilst everyone laughs ...

    If you want a source,  pick the phone up and call one of your FCC contacts,  it’s that simple Randy.   Now I can’t promise they would spend their time with you,  but you can try.  

  8. Folks illegally linking repeaters are making a mess out of GMRS and yes the FCC is ‘waking up’ to it and indeed are getting stacks of complaints of this illegal practice.   Will the FCC actually do something??   “some people’ take for granite and think not.   But I’m having a feeling, based on conversations I’ve had that there may be a surprise in the near future,   I don’t know what that means but I do know that fire is warm.  How hot it gets is anyone’s guess 

  9. 6 hours ago, nokones said:

    Hey Einstein:

    Tell me what this rule mean if you say GMRS repeaters can not be Linked.

    § 95.1749 GMRS network connection.

    Operation of a GMRS station with a telephone connection is prohibited, as in § 95.349. GMRS repeater, base and fixed stations, however, may be connected to the public switched network or other networks for the sole purpose of operation by remote control pursuant to § 95.1745.

    The FCC and common sense will tell you sole purpose of remote access of operating functions of a station, I.e. turning up, turning down the station adjusting power etc.   just as it applies to HAM repeaters.   
    what part of the following rule do you not understand 

    95.1733 Prohibited GMRS uses.

    (8) Messages which are both conveyed by a wireline control link and transmitted by a GMRS station;

  10. On 7/22/2024 at 5:06 PM, WRUU653 said:

    What the actual f are you talking about? He's not talking about linking. The guy just wants to talk to people in the area. Learn some reading skills, get help, see a specialist, either back away or increase your meds. You have missed the plot here. Way to help a guy out man, nice job. 

    Sorry,, nothing i can do to help you follow and pay attention..   all you have to do is read whom/what i reply too..    

  11. On 7/30/2024 at 5:43 AM, nokones said:

    Can you please cite the appropriate rule that states linking GMRS repeaters is prohibited? I am unable to find any such FCC rule that prohibits the linking/networking of GMRS repeaters, base and fixed stations.

    I've posted it several times..  read the rules and pay attention..  BTW, i have contacted the FCC in regards to clarification to operating GMRS through linked repeaters... They say nope, not legal.  Be my guest to contact them..   

  12. 6 hours ago, WRUQ758 said:

    And you don't want linked GMRS repeaters why? During disasters linked systems are invaluable. All the lined systems I have heard are very well run except for the GMRS Linked Network which allows cursing and adult content (there are kids listening). On the other hand Midwest GMRS is EXCELLENT! Nets prepare users for disasters. Stand alone repeaters in rural areas sit unused, a good example is Iowa. You can listen for days to several repeaters in Des Moines and hear no one. It seems there is always someone who wants to ruin a good thing, be it a jammer or complainer. 

    GMRS Linked Repeaters are not legal.   HAM Linked Repeaters are..  Follow the rules. if you want to play with Linked repeaters, get into HAM..  These illegal linked repeaters are hogging up bandwidth...  

  13. 19 minutes ago, OffRoaderX said:
    • What is your source for your "beginning to get tons of them [complaints]" statement?
    • and... no, they will not act soon - based on the last 10 years of the FCC's enforcement actions, you are wrong.

    No, he won't. Nobody will, and statistically speaking, in the last 10 years, nobody has. 

    Stop making up and spreading fairy-tales and lies, it makes you look uniformed and ignorant - and now everyone is laughing at you.

    if the FCC is not concerned, why would they take their time to make an inquiry into a 'base' of information..   Pretty interesting if you ask me..  Laugh all you want Randy, but I'll take the last one.   I can understand there concerns, especially when they can see for themselves data supporting well over 100's of links..   Go get you a bag of popcorn from Sam's and STFU...  

  14. 51 minutes ago, WRQC527 said:

    I do like In N Out, we go there about once a week, but I must say, I tried The Habit last week that was a darn good burger that rivaled In N Out. It's also more expensive. So there is that.

    In N Out hands down....  You can damn near get 3 In N Out burgers for the price of a single Habit.  

  15. 2 minutes ago, WRQC527 said:

    ham said that? Geez. My crew of ham friends and I use ham radio (and GMRS) a lot of times (both repeaters and simplex) specifically because there's no cell service. In fact, that's one of the cornerstones of amateur radio. "When all else fails."

    Yup. Actually a HAM friend while living in Sacramento..  Which held water in the metro areas but getting out in the wild just not gonna work.   BTW,  his name is Greg and he still works for T-Mobile, was working for Verizon.  

  16. A few things you need to ask yourself..   Do you intend to use the mobile 100% GMRS, Do you want capability to switch to HAM bands, (which is nice in case of emergency) , Do you also use have a need to tune into MURS for off roading events or just to monitor.  Do you feel it important to be able to switch to weather forecast with a button flick.   Many times folks will start off with a certain radio only to find other needs/requirements weren't thought out..  And then you'll end up with a closet full of radios.  (like me 🙂 )     Personally, i like the Hytera, Motorola and Maxon options), some like Kenwood too, which i;ve never tried.   But my point,, think out what you really need..  

  17. I had a HAM guy once tell me "if you can hit a HAM/GMRS repeater, you will have cell service".    I can't tell you how many times that statement was proven wrong, especially in the desert areas near Randsburg, Bird Springs and many places near Bridgeport and Mammoth.  I do a lot of Boon-Docking and never rely on cell service. I  use GMRS and a portable repeater many times with success and able to switch over to HAM on occasion..   Even used Starlink for dependable internet connections and have used it to make a few VOIP calls out to the world..    Never depend on Cell for communications.   Having a two-way radio (HAM/GMRS) IMO is a must.    

  18. buying off Amazon and Ebay is an almost guarantee you will end up with counterfit merchandise.    last year i purchased two batteries for my HAM Hytera portables from a seller claiming they were Hytera factory products. When i got them i learned they were counterfeit..   When i requested to return them, seller denied and  i got in a huge message war with the seller claiming they were legit factory batteries..  With help from Atlantic radio i was able to prove to Ebay customer service they were indeed counterfeit, EBay ended up giving me credit for the batteries and even told me to keep them.   I ended up buying the batteries from Atlantic, paying about $45 more for the two batterie but it was worth it.   The two counterfeit batteries don't hold a charge for half the times the factories do.   I would stick buying from factory authorized dealers for your radio..  

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