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Posts posted by WRUE951

  1. 1 hour ago, GreggInFL said:

    Oh, I'm wide awake and completely get that it's potentially illegal.  I'm suggesting that perhaps it shouldn't be illegal.

    Oh, well it's not potentially illegal.  It is!....   Now guess what..  your opinion is like an a-hole.  everyone has one..   Have fun with that     😅

  2. 2 minutes ago, Lscott said:





    Part of the Mi8 linked system.

    We're past "Line A", so 2 of the 8 repeater pairs are not available. With 3 being used by high power wide area linked repeaters doesn't leave much left for the little guy.

    the question where we live is irrelevant.   These linking people don't have the mindset to follow the rules.    I guess they think, 'there is no traffic in my area so i can break the rules'  Then is turns into a huge chain reaction of which we are into today..  

  3. 13 minutes ago, JLeikhim said:

    Where are you located? Which channels are being linked around you? Curious, seeking facts..

    where  I live and what channels are being 'linked' around me is irrelevant..  If you want to know that information, i'm obviously a member here.  Where i live does not change the FCC rules.  

  4. 4 hours ago, GreggInFL said:

    As a poorly qualified noob I have the constant feeling that I'm missing something. According to the obviously qualified posts here, no GMRS users have complained about linking, technical complaints such as tying up frequencies are baseless and everyone who tries it likes it.  Yet there remains afoot a movement to terminate all this happiness.  What am I missing?

    This is more of an opportunity for the FCC than it is a problem.  The ability to communicate with others over long distances via linked repeaters is very appealing, with little if any apparent downside.  If there is a problem with the rules then perhaps the FCC needs to change the rules. 


    if you dont think complaints have not been lodged with the FCC in regards to the ongoing illegal repeater linking in the GMRS band,, you are very numb and asleep...  The 'afoot' movement you speak of is defiantly part of the complaint process currently in progress..   I proudly admit, i'm one of those individuals.   The FCC has already allocated space in the frequency spectrum for repeater linking.  I advise you folks to move your operations over to the side of the fence where the practice is legal and also managed by experts and has rules already established.  It's that simple and very easy to 'be happy'  

  5. 1 hour ago, JLeikhim said:


    To date, the FCC has never issued any notice of  violation to any GMRS licensee for linking. These letters are all accessible on the FCC website by general search or via the Enforcement Bureau. In my opinion, the majority of the detractors have some sour grapes and just want to condemn something others enjoy.  I doubt they live somewhere where all 8 channels are unavailable for whatever reason. Perhaps NYC/Long Island, but not the Carolina's or even Florida.

    Congestion in one area is enough..  there are a couple states where 20+ repeaters are setup for a linking network.  It doesn't matter when a person lives, the fact that it is happening and beggingng to go out of control is enough at this point to stop this bandwidth hogging insanity.  There are other people that want to enjoy GMRS and have no where to go..   

  6. 16 hours ago, JLeikhim said:

    Now I am sure that MyGMRS.com may have a contrary opinion to what I have stated above, especially with limiting operations within boundaries of each state, however the community needs to police itself and set some guidelines. If not, then the FCC will not take a second look and will ban linking outright.  The detractors are mainly from Part 97 users who are attacking GMRS linking practices vehemently. I am not saying they are right, but there are improvements that can and should be made if GMRS wants to chart its own course.

    Simply put,, there is not enough bandwidth for linking repeaters in the GMRS band while not effecting the intended users of GMRS..   The FCC has already allocated tons of bandwidth for this practice were it has rules and procedures to manage those networks..  Also the FCC requires a specialized license to use  those frequencies allocated  for repeater linking, which requires users to demonstrate more radio knowledge and hopefully responsibility..  I can guarantee the FCC is not going to change the GMRS rules to include world wide repeater linking in the GMRS band.  Why? because they already have an allocation of frequencies for this practice known as the amateur radio.   The practice of repeater linking requires a higher level of knowledge/expertise, not commonly found or expected, with an entry level license such as GMRS , . Repeater Linking requires a lot of coordination, procedures and managing skills which is well established in the Amateur Radio world and (not in the GMRS world).  If the FCC even thought of changing the GMRS rules to include repeater linking in the GMRS band, the first thing they would want to do is re-classify that frequency band segment to the Ammeter Radio Band where they already have rules and process set up for the purpose of repeater linking  They are not gong to re-write a set of rules to allow repeater linking in the GMRS band, knowing the practice will destroy the intended purpose of GMRS.  Myself and many many many of my friends whom enjoy GMRS for the intended purpose have alreay written to the FCC opposing any attempt to change the rules permitting repeater linking  in the GMRS band. I encourage anyone that does not want the GMRS band destroyed by repeater linking to do so as well.  For you people that enjoy the hobby and beniffits of repeater linking, you all need to obtain and or use the Amateur Radio benefits already set up..    

  7. obviously scanner traffic is not two way communications which the FCC implies too in the rules. Like most radio bands it is not illegal to rebroadcast received one way radio signals over the internet which is currently being done by tons of Smart Phone apps.  There are exceptions where you are would not be allowed to re-broadcast or even listen to to certain frequencies such as Cell Phone frequencies, Taxi Service Frequencies and a few others.  GMRS frequencies would be permissible  

  8. 15 hours ago, WRYZ926 said:

    WOW, I spent most of the day at my local VA hospital to come home to all of this. I'll keep my inter-service rivalry comments to myself (for now). And it looks like I can add another to my ignore list too. 


    @OffRoaderX, @marcspaz, @SteveShannon and others are very intelligent and do their research. I might not always agree with them but I do always take into account what they have to say.

    And you just let the cat out of the bag  🤣


  9. To the Linking idiots. With some guys having 20+ GMRS repeaters under their belt, can you imagine the hurt on their wallets.   And now these rogue linking operators will end up dealing with membership refund demands which is already starting..  I feel no remorse for these guys.   Who is the big winner coming out of this illegal activity..  EBay of course and i'm sure the HAMS will enjoy picking up some good deals on UHF repeater gear..   If you look on Ebay right now, it's already starting.   🤣

  10. On 8/17/2024 at 8:29 PM, CentralFloridaGMRS said:

    It was updated on the 14th with the word internet. Now I'm turning off my node and shutting down my Zello Connection for now.  

    Interesting enough, the GMRS rules didn't change.   But merely,  FCC made a decision to grab the Repeater Linking Operators by the balls and put out stern warning those activities are illegal and always have.  Perhaps those Linking idiots watched to many videos that 'some people' produced, sending a message they would never be busted because the FCC doesn't enforce their rules.  Hopefully more like you will 'get it'..    I can imagine EBay will be pretty busy in the coming months selling tons of UHF repeater equipment..  Thinking about the number of linking operators and the cost of repeaters and linking equipment, there is one hella chunk pf change invested in that activity.     here is a good read    https://natcommag.substack.com/p/gmrs-fcc-says-linked-repeater-networks-illegal

  11. 23 hours ago, WRXP381 said:

    Yup.  I’m pretty sick 🤢 of this topic. It’s been beat to death the past few months.  The rules didn’t really change.  It is just a clarification that most will ignore like always.  Will the fcc fallow up? Maybe? Probably not? Who knows?  If history of enforcement tells us anything then…? 

    Once they 'filter' out the non-complaints whom refuse to acknowledge the rules, You can BYSA the FCC will take some reinforcement actions against repeater linking..  It might be another year down the road, but yea, they will take action.  Don't be missed by 'some people' that make videos telling you the FCC will never hunt down rule violators.  The FCC already has a 'Hot' list of approx. 200 locations/operators of potential repeater sites whom potentially are linking repeaters. I know the HAM guys have activaley been assisting in identify these sites etc.  Believe it or not, there is a huge amount of activity behind the sciences dealing with the illegal operations of repeater linking in the GMRS Bands and some are even cross linking to VHF, which explains why many HAMs are furious.         

  12. 9 hours ago, marcspaz said:

    My unsolicited opinion, people who don't like linked repeaters now, are REALLY going to regret bitching about network linked repeaters in the near future, if the courts end up agreeing.


    I can't find a single entry in the Communication Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, that gives the FCC the authority or purpose to prohibit repeater linking.  There are zero FCC rules that prohibit repeater linking.  What there is, are some debates on if a repeater link that traverse a network AND provides some form of message relay both over the air and on the network, is allowed by the rules or not.  This is because the rules are not clear due to contradicting entries, when reviewing the rules and the definitions as a whole.  Updating a web page is not the same as updating rules or statutory code to be more clear.


    Now, the bad news for people who hate linked repeaters.  Again, there are zero laws or rules prohibiting linking.  Lets say this network issues goes all the way to the SCOTUS and the court sides with the Link haters and the FCC... you haters are going to be even worse off, because then, 100% of all repeater linking will be limited to using RF links.  This is gonna suck for GMRS users (except for the linked repeater owners) because if we follow the rules of the PRS, we can only use in-service frequencies for relaying information.


    Let me explain...  the rules say that repeaters can only transmit on the 462 main channels.  There are exactly zero rules about what the repeater input frequency should be, outside of being one of the GMRS frequencies.  That means while repeater outputs will stay the same, legal linking can and will start occurring with uplinks on every single GMRS frequency... not just the 467 mains... flooding the channels with linked audio.


    So, right or wrong, if you hate linked repeaters and are bitching about it here or to the FCC in hopes that if the networked repeaters go away, somehow your quiet RF utopia will somehow be restored, my forecast is that you are going to be very, very wrong.  It's probably going to get much worse due to spreading to all channels.

    You are so far out in left field Mark.  Not even worth a shrug.       And what is even more comical with your comment, the SCOTUS will never ever hear a case invoving anyone challenging GMRS rules.  Just the thought has me ROTFLMAO    

  13. 1 hour ago, WRQC527 said:

    Yep, but in order to make it stick, they need to clarify the actual rules, not just the operations page. Maybe that's next. But changing the operations page was a big step that shows they're at least listening.

    this does 'clarify' existing rules.   Pretty much spells out current rules so any 'dummy' can understand them.  But of course, still going to be 'some people' that insist on making up their own BS rules.   Now lets see how long it takes for the idiots linking repeaters to get the picture..      LMAO

  14. 10 hours ago, marcspaz said:


    I love me some good ole grinder action.  Not just that plain ham crap. A few days ago, I got myself a big Italian... so hot... I'm in love.  My wife says I need to stop for my own good, but brother let me tell you... salami, old-world capicola, pepperoni, mortadella, provolone, fresh out of the oven... I just can't help myself. The dude who made the sandwich was pretty friendly, too.

    You've been having around with Christie too much.. 

  15. 1 hour ago, WRUQ357 said:

    I've done the same on our travel trailer and truck. 3,500 to Mississippi and back to South East Arizona via Albuquerque, New Mexico and no one tried to contact us. I did hear another couple talking to each other coming back through Texas. 

    I usually RV travel in a group of 1 to 2 other RV's.  While traveling, we hang out on FRS 3 or 5 and quite often end up in conversation with other travelers.   Ch 3 seems to be very popular along 99, Hwy 395, 14 & 15 in Calif, Nev & Ariz.   Pretty much everything east from  Ariz to Kentuck/Tenn is very quite with exception to the Repeater Channels, which will drive you crazy, lots of cross talk.. 

  16. 21 minutes ago, OffRoaderX said:

    The public record of the FCC proves you are telling fairy tales.. again...

    Sounds like you are very disappointed they are taking no actions..  In fact, sometimes it sounds as if you are taunting them.   Maybe they'll surprise everyone Randy..   You never know.  🤣

  17. 4 minutes ago, nokones said:

    I have 36 years of experience. Let me think of some of the best stupid ones and I'll get back to you. I've been retired for almost 20 years so I'll have recollect on some prior to that.

    is your first name Joe???   good luck

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