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2 minutes ago, WhiskeyRomeo790 said:

And, while I doubt the following may be possible (for I am a real no0b), it would be a neat deal *if* one could via external programming software program their own "beep" and to transmit at a subtle volume so as not to aggrieve those bluetooth headset users alluded to earlier in this thread. 

I like the old-school, analog, true "beep", like one we might hear from the Mercury capsule days of the early 1960s... and just above barely audible at the end of one's tx...



My Alinco Ham radio has the ability to program in different tone sequences and no-tone sequences in a custom roger beep, but I don’t think the level is configurable.  I don’t know if my Garmin Rino GMRS Radio has a similar capability; I doubt it does.


 ^ ^ ^ Thank you, ss. 


User JeepCrawlers first reply in that thread is indeed edifying. 

Then, there's mbrun's comment! Hahaha...

"When I hear roger beeps, I immediately think of kids playing with toys and cheap radios, sort of like clipping playing cards onto one’s bicycle to rub on the spokes and make noise while you ridding. Fun for the person making the noise, annoying to everyone else."

I am further edumacated! Thank you. ?


CSRAGMRS has this statement pertaining to the use of their equipment: *We do not allow the use of any DTMF or end of transmission tones otherwise known as a Roger Beep(RB).

Seems redundant to use a, "Roger Beep" on a repeater in my opinion if you get used to listening to the repeater operation.

I forgot to say too, that you might search the Repeater Map here and open the information box to see if the owner states a restriction on actually using the repeater with a RB.  Just a suggestion as it seems to me that stipulation would have come with your approval to use the equipment.

Just a newbie trying to help....



  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh!!! The term "roger beep" is sooo Smokey and the Bandit...HAVOC for Equipment it does not. Annoying for some, that is understandable. In the repeaters and space I own and operate in, these short data packets at the end or before are useful. MDC-1200 and Fleetsync are the only options we use. Now, if only the FCC would get their head out of their ass maybe we can also utilize DMR. Ha just had to throw that in there.

@OffRoaderXis on point ?

  • 3 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Hairbear said:

If you want to run a roger beep run it. I’ve talked for many years and don’t really notice them. I do find them useful if talking groundwave or dx on other bands. 
People that are offended by them are controlling and should worry about their own transmissions not others. 


  • 1 year later...
On 1/19/2023 at 9:10 AM, SteveShannon said:

Beep. ?


On 1/19/2023 at 9:37 AM, Lscott said:




On 1/19/2023 at 5:30 PM, Wrvq441 said:

Roadrunner Beep. Beep Beep!

FRS radio is constantly beeping, and it won't stop.

MDC-1200 VS Beepppp and Beeeeeeep

On 1/18/2023 at 4:41 AM, gortex2 said:

Roger Beeps are for CB and some ham radio. I'd tell you the same. No need for it in GMRS. This was just discussed 6 months ago.

I understand that the "norm" on GMRS is "no Roger Beep" but this still brings up the "WHY".
You say there is "No need for it in GMRS"... but it is more accepted or use in "CB and some ham".. so why is it "needed: in the other services but not GMRS?
is that just because of more background static on transmissions in CB and long range radio to radio ham?

41 minutes ago, TrikeRadio said:

I understand that the "norm" on GMRS is "no Roger Beep" but this still brings up the "WHY".
You say there is "No need for it in GMRS"... but it is more accepted or use in "CB and some ham".. so why is it "needed: in the other services but not GMRS?
is that just because of more background static on transmissions in CB and long range radio to radio ham?

Use it if you want. It’s your radio and there are no rules prohibiting it. It makes no difference.  I don’t understand why anyone is bothered by it, but they should get over it.

Edited to add: some repeater owners don’t want Roger beeps on their repeaters.  Follow their wishes when using their repeater.

25 minutes ago, SteveShannon said:

Use it if you want. It’s your radio and there are no rules prohibiting it. It makes no difference.  I don’t understand why anyone is bothered by it, but they should get over it.

I don't use it, just because the repeaters I am on don't want us to... otherwise I could care less. 

But I am just curious what the reasons are for it being stated by @gortex2 that "It is not needed" in GMRS and "Roger Beeps are for CB and some ham radio." 


22 minutes ago, TrikeRadio said:

I don't use it, just because the repeaters I am on don't want us to... otherwise I could care less. 

But I am just curious what the reasons are for it being stated by @gortex2 that "It is not needed" in GMRS and "Roger Beeps are for CB and some ham radio." 


The answer is yes, the radios are yours, not someone else's. However, the repeater owner doesn't want you to use them. Not all FRS radios have Roger beeps; some do not. Therefore, I advise you not to use Roger beeps on the repeater. You can communicate with your family using Roger beeps, but please refrain from using them on the repeater.

 to those who are new to this MDC is NOT BEEP is an ID.


My reasoning is why is it needed ?  Public Safety Radios systems dont use roger beeps and have worked just fine for years. Ive never once seen the reason for it in any of my communications. My repeaters are used all the time and users know how to operate on them. I guess its just how you use a radio or have used one. Ive never had a FF or SAR unit walk up to me and say "hey I need it to beep so I know folks are done". You will also not hear it on most commercial LMR systems. Highway departments, water departments, tow trucks, parks and rec departments all know how to use a radio. 

As said its all up to the individual, but I dont allow it on my repeaters and dont plan to change that. 

6 minutes ago, gortex2 said:

My reasoning is why is it needed ?  Public Safety Radios systems dont use roger beeps and have worked just fine for years. Ive never once seen the reason for it in any of my communications. My repeaters are used all the time and users know how to operate on them. I guess its just how you use a radio or have used one. Ive never had a FF or SAR unit walk up to me and say "hey I need it to beep so I know folks are done". You will also not hear it on most commercial LMR systems. Highway departments, water departments, tow trucks, parks and rec departments all know how to use a radio. 

As said its all up to the individual, but I dont allow it on my repeaters and dont plan to change that. 

It’s not needed, but fortunately that’s not a criterion we get to impose on each other.

Nor do we get to tell you what rules you can have on your repeaters. 


On 1/19/2023 at 5:18 AM, Wrvq441 said:

I am in the process of getting my own repeater up and running due to the fact that there are none in my immediate area. (The repeater that I currently access is just barely in range.) And when I do set it up I’m going to use my Roger Beep.

I think if I were setting up a repeater, I'd incorporate a courtesy tone and ask people not to use the roger beep. What I really want to know is when the repeater is available for transmission and with the tone incorporated into the repeater, everyone knows regardless of whether the sender has a roger beep or not. But with your repeater, do whatever you like.

Just now, OffRoaderX said:

My repeater has a roger-beep and I require that anyone using the repeater also has their roger-beep enabled.

You do you, boo. The repeater I use most often doesn't have any sort of signal to let you know when it's available and it's not unusual to walk on each other. If everyone had the beep enabled, it would work just as well, but getting 50+ frequent users all on the same page about that seems unlikely. I don't own a repeater, so it's just hypothetical, a thought exercise, if you will.

3 hours ago, gortex2 said:

My reasoning is why is it needed ?  Public Safety Radios systems dont use roger beeps and have worked just fine for years. Ive never once seen the reason for it in any of my communications. My repeaters are used all the time and users know how to operate on them. I guess its just how you use a radio or have used one. Ive never had a FF or SAR unit walk up to me and say "hey I need it to beep so I know folks are done". You will also not hear it on most commercial LMR systems. Highway departments, water departments, tow trucks, parks and rec departments all know how to use a radio. 

As said its all up to the individual, but I dont allow it on my repeaters and dont plan to change that. 

Thanks for the reply. Yeah I am with you... I was just wondering, did the roger beep originate in the CB world or Ham world? And was it just a gimmick or was there some real reason for it when it came about. I remember back in the early 80s was the first time I heard them in CB transmissions. Only a few radios seemed to have them. (I don't know if that is when they came about or if it was before that, just when I first noticed them) .. .at the time it seemed like it was a "cool" thing that some people had on their radios, but I guess they jsut got on everyone's nerves eventually.

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